Cashew nuts - benefits and harms for women

Cashew (or Indian nut) has a pleasant taste, is well absorbed and contains many trace elements and vitamins. Walnut is good for the body, but in some cases it can harm health. In this article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of cashews and the dangers for women.

Cashew nut chemical composition

Cashew nuts - benefits and harms for women

Cashew is a tropical evergreen tree native to South America, namely Brazil.

It consists of two parts:

  1. Peduncles, or "apples". It is pear-shaped, yellowish or orange in color. The fruit tastes sweet and sour, juicy and fleshy. The apple pulp is used in the production of juices, jams and sauces.
  2. The nut itself. It develops at the very edge of the "apple" and resembles boxing gloves in shape.

The composition of vitamins and microelements per 100 g of cashews:

  • B vitamins - 1.78 mg;
  • K - 0.034 mg;
  • C - 0.5 mg;
  • E - 0.9 mg;
  • potassium - 660 mg;
  • copper - 2.2 mg;
  • selenium - 19.9 mcg;
  • sodium - 12 mg;
  • phosphorus - 593 mg;
  • silicon - 60 mg;
  • magnesium - 292 mg;
  • calcium - 37 mg;
  • iron - 6.7 mg;
  • zinc - 5.8 mg.

100 g cashews contain twice the daily intake of silicon and copper.

Attention! The product has a high energy value. 100 g contains 553 kcal. This is approximately 40% of the daily value.

Cashews contain up to 44% fatty acids, which include:

  1. Omega 6 unsaturated fatty acids; Omega 3; Omega 9. 100 g of nuts contains about 8 g of acids.
  2. Saturated fatty acids are approximately 32 g.

The product contains 30 g of carbohydrates and 18 g of protein. The nuts also contain water (about 5.5 g) and ash (2.5 g).

How eating Indian nuts affects women's health

Cashew nuts - benefits and harms for women

The Indian nut is used in many areas, from traditional medicine to culinary recipes. Let's figure out what the benefits of cashew nuts are for women.

Cashew Nutrition Benefits

Indian nut affects the female body as follows:

  1. Stimulates the female reproductive system. When the product is eaten, the likelihood of pregnancy increases, and the risk of developing gynecological diseases decreases.
  2. Relieves joint inflammation. The product should be introduced into the diet of women suffering from arthrosis or arthritis.
  3. Normalizes capillary blood circulation and improves cell nutrition.
  4. Prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  5. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  6. Stimulates an increase in the amount of thyroid hormones, therefore, cashews are effective in hypothyroidism.
  7. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, which often occurs in postmenopausal women.
  8. Normalizes the menstrual cycle. Recommended for women who suffer from painful periods. Reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
  9. Increases libido. Cashews are a powerful aphrodisiac that enhances sex drive.
  10. Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. A large amount of vitamin E and calcium in the product makes nails strong and reduces hair breakage.
  11. Prevents tooth decay. The Indian walnut fights pathogenic bacteria that cause dental and gum disease.
  12. Walnut allows the body to recuperate after surgery or prolonged treatment and return to normal life.
  13. Helps to reduce weight. Calorie content the product is lower than in the same walnuts or almonds. Therefore, the Indian nut is often used in the diet. The product contains a large amount of protein, which is needed to increase muscle mass.A few nuts per day can be consumed by women who want to lose weight and are engaged in sports training.
  14. Prevents cancer. Selenium in the product reduces the risk of developing cervical and breast cancer.
  15. Reduces anxiety and nervousness, has an antidepressant effect.
  16. Cashew oil is used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. It reduces dryness of the skin, promotes its regeneration.

Indian nut is especially beneficial for pregnant and lactating women... Its daily use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding prevents vitamin deficiency and anemia. Also, the use of cashews reduces the likelihood of constipation and normalizes the digestion process in the expectant mother. The product also increases the nutritional value of breast milk and increases lactation.

Cashews contribute to the proper formation of the baby's digestive system. A breastfed baby will receive medicinal substances with breast milk, and with them - strong immunity.

Important! Pregnant women should not consume more than 20 g of Indian nuts per day.

Harm and contraindications

The use of cashews is contraindicated in women in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to some of the components that make up the product, for example, protein.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys and liver. Eating a nut can trigger the growth and formation of new kidney stones.
  3. Allergic reaction to Indian walnut. Symptoms are nausea, itching and vomiting that appear immediately after consuming the product.
  4. Obesity. Indian nut is high-calorie. Overweight and obese women are better off eliminating it from their diet.
  5. Increased production of thyroid hormones, or hyperthyroidism. The product increases the amount of hormones and exacerbates the disease.
  6. Diseases associated with the digestive system: gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis. Nuts are hard to digest food, so eating them can aggravate the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also unacceptable to eat unpeeled and unprocessed Indian nuts. The shell contains toxic substances that cause skin irritation and burns of mucous membranes.

Daily Value and How to Eat Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts - benefits and harms for women

Although cashews can bring tremendous benefits to the female body, this does not mean that they can be consumed in unlimited quantities. When abused, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes and swelling occur.

To avoid these side effects, the maximum amount of product per day should not exceed 30 g.

Important! Exceeding the daily allowance for cashews can lead to hypervitaminosis. An excess of trace elements will disrupt the digestive process and worsen health.

Cashews can be used not only as an independent dish. The walnut is found in various recipes. It goes well with fish, vegetables and meat. Nuts have a distinct milky taste, which is why they are used instead of milk in some recipes. Cashews are a great beer snack when fried in a skillet with salt and spices.

Indian nuts are used in recipes for salads and sauces, which gives them a special taste. Chopped nuts are added to yogurt or milk, sprinkled with baked goods. Nuts are often found in granola, homemade muesli. In Europe, cashews are served with honey or ice cream.


Cashew nuts - benefits and harms for women

We bring to your attention the reviews of women who have already tried this wonderful product.

Elena, 37 years old: “I learned about cashew nuts a long time ago, since then our family often buys them. The benefit of these nuts is that they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. I really like them to taste, it's a pity that they are too high in calories, you can't eat a lot at once. And the price, unfortunately, is high, so we take them in small quantities. "

Anastasia, 25 years old: “Cashew nuts are amazing! It is cleaned entirely by hand. Previously, I did not really like these nuts, but now I eat them with pleasure almost every day. I take it to work as a snack, cashews perfectly satisfy hunger, then I don't want to eat for a long time. When buying nuts, I recommend looking to ensure that their color is uniform and there is no damage. "

Read also:

Hazelnuts - benefits and harms for women.

The use of walnuts for weight loss: is it possible to eat and in what quantity.


Indian nuts are deservedly popular among the fair sex. After all, cashews contain all the substances and vitamins necessary for the female body. The main thing is to follow the rules for using the product and remember about the possible harm to health and contraindications. And then a few cashew nuts will replace your expensive multivitamin complex.

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