Where and how to store almonds at home, peeled and in shell

Almonds are a popular nut with a pleasant taste and light aroma. It contains many useful substances, valuable fats and is widely used in cooking. It is eaten without pretreatment, used as an additive to salads, main courses and desserts. Even flour is made from it, which perfectly replaces wheat.

Almonds are not cheap, so it's important to know how to store them at home, peeled and unpeeled, so they don't spoil prematurely.

Almond selection

Where and how to store almonds at home, peeled and in shell

For the shelf life of almonds to be as long as possible, it is important to make the right choice when buying nuts. Pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Shape and size. The nuts should have a regular teardrop shape that resembles sunflower seeds. It is important that all nuts are the same size. This suggests that they were collected at the same time.
  2. Appearance. The color should be uniform, without rusty, mold and other spots, holes that indicate insect infestation.
  3. Smell. A light specific almond aroma indicates the freshness of the product. A bitter, rancid smell is a sign of spoilage.
  4. Humidity. The almonds should be dry but not dry. It is important that the kernels are not damp. This is checked by biting the nut. If it is too hard, but not crispy, then it is overdried. If it is soft and stringy, then the product is damp.
  5. The shell. It should be firm, uniformly colored, free from spots, chips or other damage.

Inshell nuts have a longer shelf life. Therefore, such almonds are chosen for long-term storage.

Advice! Almond by weight is cheaper than a packaged product, and it is easier to check its quality.

Storage preparation

Where and how to store almonds at home, peeled and in shell

Almonds do not need any special preparation for storage. All you need to do is sort them out, removing all damaged and low-quality specimens, as well as foreign impurities.

Despite the fact that in-shell almonds are stored longer, some housewives prefer to clear some of the stocks in advance. Indeed, it is in this form that the product is easier to use for cooking.

The hard shell is opened with a nutcracker or a small hammer. It is important to operate the instrument carefully so as not to damage the core.

There are several ways to peel the brown film from almonds. One option is to pour boiling water over the nuts. After that, the film will easily separate from the core.

Raw almonds last longer than roasted almonds. Some housewives still dry it.

Advice! Almonds are dried in an electric dryer, microwave, in a pan, in the oven or in the fresh air in a natural way. The latter option allows you to save more nutrients.

Storing unpeeled nuts

Where and how to store almonds at home, peeled and in shell

In-shell almonds have the longest shelf life. A hard shell protects the core from negative environmental factors, bacteria and insects, and prevents it from oxidizing in air. It is recommended to purchase it for long-term storage in an apartment.

Before storing fresh inshell almonds, it's important to create optimal conditions for them. The room must be dry. It is advisable to keep the place cool. A pantry or cabinet under the windowsill works best. If there are no such rooms, the nuts are stored as far as possible from the stove.

Containers for inshell almonds must be breathable.Otherwise, the product will become damp. Housewives use cardboard and wooden boxes, fabric bags, paper bags. Polyethylene and sealed plastic or glass containers are not suitable.

The storage location for almonds should be protected from direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light destroys some of the compounds in the product, making it less useful.

Do not allow moisture to enter the container with nuts. This will cause mold and premature deterioration of the product.

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Storing peeled almonds

Where and how to store almonds at home, peeled and in shell

Peeled young almonds are recommended to be kept in a brown shell (film). Cleanse it immediately before use. It also protects the product from oxidation, extending its shelf life.

There are several ways to store peeled almond kernels. Each of them has its own nuances.

At room temperature

Young almonds have the least shelf life at room temperature. It quickly becomes saturated with moisture, acquires a rancid taste and loses its aroma.

To minimize environmental impact and extend the shelf life of the product, it is placed in the closet or on the bottom shelf of a kitchen unit.

The kernels are stored for the longest time in a vacuum package. Nuts are often sold already in this form. There are special forms, as well as vacuum dispensers for independent use at home.

If you bought a weight almond and there is no possibility to vacuum it at home, the nuts are put in a clean, dry jar, which is sealed. It is not recommended to put almonds in metal cans, which accelerate their oxidation.

In a refrigerator

Almonds are best kept in the refrigerator. There is a low temperature to extend the shelf life.

There are other food items in the refrigerator compartment. If stored improperly, their odors mix, which negatively affects the taste. To prevent this from happening, the almonds are placed in a vegetable drawer. It is pre-packed in a plastic bag or plastic tray. Unpeeled vegetables and fruits are placed nearby, but not garlic and onions.

Water often collects in vegetable drawers. It is important to protect the nuts from liquids. If moisture has penetrated under the package, the almond kernels will have to be eaten in 1-2 days. Otherwise, they will become unfit for human consumption.

Note! Almonds are not kept in the refrigerator if condensation runs down the walls and ends up in the vegetable drawers.

If for some reason storing nuts in the refrigerator is impossible, in winter they are placed on a glazed balcony. There they will lie no less.

In the freezer

The nuts are stored for the longest time in the freezer. However, they do not lose their beneficial properties. Their taste does not change significantly either.

Almond kernels are placed in a bag or plastic tray and placed in the freezer. It is advisable that nuts, meat and fish be on separate shelves.

Important! If the almonds have been thawed, they cannot be re-frozen.

Storing green almonds

Green almonds are rare on store shelves. If you managed to purchase this healthy and tasty product, it is important to ensure proper storage of it.

Usually young green almonds are kept in the refrigerator, preferably vacuum packed. If this is not possible, the almonds are placed in a hermetically sealed plastic container or plastic bag. Store the product in vegetable boxes.

Some housewives freeze green almonds. It is pre-packed in a plastic bag or vacuum.

Important! There should not be a drop of liquid on the green nut shell. Otherwise, the product will start to mold and rot.

Optimal storage conditions

Where and how to store almonds at home, peeled and in shell

Optimal storage conditions depend on whether the almonds were purchased in-shell or not. The list contains the main indicators:

  1. Humidity. Maximum moisture content for peeled and unpeeled nuts is 75%. If the indicators are higher, the nuts will become moldy and get a rancid smell.
  2. Temperature. For nuts in shell, the optimum values ​​are + 16… + 18 ° C. For peeled kernels, a temperature of + 4 ... + 10 ° C is suitable.
  3. Lighting. Store almonds in a dry, dark place. The sun's rays destroy some of the nutrients in the product.

Shelf life

How much almonds are stored depends on their type and storage method:

  • peeled kernels in the refrigerator - six months;
  • in the freezer, the product lies without change in taste and chemical composition for up to a year;
  • at room temperature, kernels without shells are stored for no more than 2 months;
  • Unpeeled almonds, if stored properly, will not deteriorate for 12 months.

Spoiled almonds have a rancid odor and an unpleasant taste. Over time, useful substances are destroyed in it. Eating spoiled food is dangerous to health.

Note! When buying almonds in packaging, they are guided by the expiration dates indicated by the manufacturer.

Tips for storing almonds at home

To make almonds last longer, take into account several nuances:

  1. After opening the vacuum packaging, the kernels are transferred to a clean, dry container - a glass jar or plastic food tray. The container must be sealed tightly.
  2. Almond petals as well as crushed kernels are stored less than whole nuts. Their shelf life is 2-4 weeks.
  3. Different nuts have different tastes and aromas. Moreover, they all contain a large amount of oil. When stored together, the flavors will mix, which is why the almonds are kept separate from other nuts.
  4. Do not allow peeled kernels to come into contact with other products, especially spices. Otherwise, they will be saturated with extraneous aromas.

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Almonds are a healthy and tasty nut that is widely used in cooking and is used in many recipes. Its cost is very high, which is why it is so important to store it correctly.

Peeled and untreated kernels will have different storage conditions and shelf life. In the first case, the product will not deteriorate at room temperature, and in the second it must be placed in the cold.

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