What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

The dark blue berries of edible honeysuckle are similar in appearance to blueberries. The gray waxy bloom is also misleading - just like on blueberries. However, there are differences between these plants: blueberries are closely related to blueberries and lingonberries, and honeysuckle belongs to the genus Honeysuckle.

Both shrubs grow wild mainly in cold climates. In areas with warm and temperate climates, blueberries and edible honeysuckle cultivated in private farms. What is the difference between them and how to distinguish fruits by their appearance, we will tell in the article.

Blueberries and honeysuckle - the same thing or not

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

Blueberries and honeysuckle are deciduous shrubs that grow primarily in the Northern Hemisphere.

Blueberry bush - the closest relative of blueberries and lingonberries. This is a type of shrub of the genus Vaccinium, the Heather family. Distribution area - regions with cold and temperate climates, tundra, forest zone, upper mountain belt, swamps, peat bogs. Blueberries grow in Iceland, Great Britain, Japan, Alaska.

Honeysuckle - an upright, climbing or creeping shrub from the genus Honeysuckle. In the scientific literature, there are more than 190 species growing in the Northern Hemisphere.

In Russia there are 14 types of wild honeysuckle... Wild berries are red, orange, black and deep purple. They are unsuitable for human consumption due to the presence of the toxic substance xylosteine, which causes poisoning.

They eat the berries of Honeysuckle, which grows in the Far East and Siberia, China and Korea.

Reference. In the North, blueberry berries are poured with fish oil and stored in birch bark boxes.

What is the Difference Between Honeysuckle and Blueberry

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

Blueberries and edible honeysuckle are sometimes confused due to their physical resemblance. However, the plants have significant differences.

The difference between the fruits is clearly shown in the comparative table.

Parameters Blueberry Honeysuckle
Bush height 1.5 m 2.5 m
Berries Rounded, blue with a bluish bloom, 2 cm in diameter. Oblong, dark blue with a waxy coating, 0.6-1.5 cm in diameter, 1.2-3.5 cm long.
Fruit weight 1 g 2 g
Taste Sweet and sour with a subtle bitterness. Sour, sweet and sour.
Pulp Light green The core is green, closer to the skin - dark blue
Flowering period May May
Flowers White-pink color White-yellow color
Fruiting End of June - beginning of July June
Leaves Oblong-oval, green Oblong-elliptical, pointed
Duration of fruiting 100 years 20-30 years old
Cold resistance Withstands frosts down to -30 ° С, short-term frosts during the flowering period up to -6 ° С.



Withstands frosts down to -50 ° С, short-term frosts during flowering up to -7 ° С.


Yield 7 kg from 1 bush 2 kg from 1 bush
Keeping quality 1 month 2 weeks
Features of culture Low level of drought tolerance, susceptibility to insect attacks, prefer acidic soil. Low level of berry preservation and productivity, drought resistance.

Among the best crops, the mid-early variety is distinguished - Blueberry Honeysuckle with large cylindrical fruits, light blue in color. The variety attracts attention with its tender, sweet and sour fruit pulp.

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

What's better and healthier

Which is better - blueberry or honeysuckle? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Both berries deserve attention, they have a lot of useful properties due to their chemical composition.

Compare the set of vitamins and minerals in the pivot table.

Nutrients Blueberry Honeysuckle
Vitamin A 70.4 mcg
beta carotene 0.42 mg
Vitamin B1 0.01 mg 3 mg
Vitamin B2 0.02 mg 3 mg
Vitamin C 20 mg 30 mg
Vitamin E 1,4 mg
Vitamin PP 0,4 mg
Vitamin K 80 mcg
Potassium 51 mg 70 mg
Calcium 16 mg 19 mg
Magnesium 7 mg 21 mg
Sodium 8 mg 35 mg
Phosphorus 8 mg 35 mg
Iron 0.8 mg 0.8 mg

Nutritional value of blueberries:

  • calorie content - 39 kcal;What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them
  • proteins - 1 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.6 g;
  • fiber - 2.5 g;
  • water - 88 g.

Nutritional value of honeysuckle:

  • calorie content - 41.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 0 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.5 g;
  • fiber - 1 g;
  • water - 86 g.

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

Useful properties of honeysuckle

In the fruit of edible honeysuckle contains tannins (astringent) substances that determine their astringent taste. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects.

Pectins help to normalize the intestinal microflora, get rid of bloating and diarrhea. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and promote the elimination of radionuclides.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, honeysuckle is used to treat colds, prevent vitamin deficiency, generally strengthen the body and maintain defenses.

Honeysuckle berries have an expectorant effect. Fresh juice heals trophic ulcers, lichens and burns.

Reference. The harsher the climatic conditions, the sweeter the fruits of the wild edible honeysuckle.

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

Useful properties of blueberries

Blueberry fruits have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, tonic effect on the body. The taste of berries is softer and sweeter, so both adults and children like them.

Blueberries lower blood sugar levels, so eating them regularly is especially beneficial for diabetics.

The fiber contained in berries regulates the digestive function, reduces bloating, and eliminates stomach cramps.

Calcium strengthens bone and dental tissue. Vitamin K normalizes blood circulation, which minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The carotenoids in blueberry fruit improve visual acuity.

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them


The difference between blueberries and honeysuckle lies in the appearance of the shrubs and their fruits. Blueberries are round in shape, blue in color with a bluish bloom and light green flesh. The fruits of edible honeysuckle are elongated, dark blue with a waxy bloom, green-purple pulp. The taste of blueberries is sweeter, with a pleasant sourness. Honeysuckle has a pronounced sweet-sour, slightly tart flavor.

The chemical composition of the berries is almost identical, with the difference that honeysuckle contains vitamin A and beta-carotene along with B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Both berries are good for health: they regulate the functioning of the digestive tract, genitourinary and immune systems. Blueberries are especially beneficial for people with diabetes due to their ability to lower sugar levels.

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