How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

If black currant does not receive all the necessary elements, it develops poorly, does not resist disease, does not give healthy growths and buds, and all this affects its yield. Therefore, she needs help in the form of feeding. Autumn feeding is very important. It helps the shrub to prepare for winter and to lay new fruit buds.

Timely and correctly applied mineral and organic fertilizers contribute to a good harvest of berries next year.

Why fertilize currants in the fall and why it is important

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvestTo obtain a large harvest of currants for the next year, the bush is fed in the fall... During the season, the plant takes a lot of minerals and vitamins from the soil for growth and development, especially during the fruiting period.

The soil under the bush becomes poor and needs replenishment. In autumn, after picking berries, new fruit buds are laid, on the development of which the future harvest depends. The plant also needs to accumulate strength in order to overwinter, and in the spring to actively develop and resist diseases.

Top dressing helps the shrub recover and prepare for winter and next year.... In addition, according to experienced gardeners, a fed bush does not need to be bent down and covered for the winter.

In the autumn, the shrub needs phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.... They make the plant resistant to frost and promote its development in the spring. Nitrogen fertilizing is not used in autumn, as they activate the metabolic process in the plant and promote the development of new shoots. The main branches of the currant are not strengthened, and this leads to the death of the plant in the cold.

Fertilizer timing

They feed the shrub in several stages... So, in central Russia the first feeding is carried out in Septemberwhen the fruiting period ends.

The second - in October or early November, a month before the onset of frost... At this time, the plant is dormant.

The third feeding is done with the onset of the first frost. (late November - early December). Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil - manure or compost. They decompose for a long time and saturate the soil with useful substances by spring.

Council. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied until mid-July. They prolong the period of wakefulness of currants, therefore, their introduction in the fall will lead to the death of the plant in the cold.

In the northern regions, the first feeding begins in August., in the south - in October.

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

When growing a shrub on sandy loam soils autumn dressing is done annually, on loamy - once every two years, on black earth - once every three years.

During fertilization, the soil is loosened... If autumn is dry, watered it so as not to burn the roots of the plant.

It can be useful:

Fall Currant Planting Guide

How and when to collect currant leaves for drying for the winter

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In order not to harm the currants, feeding is carried out at the optimal time in compliance with the rules and regulations for making specific fertilizer. In autumn, mineral, organic and complex fertilizers are used.


Mineral fertilizers contain many nutrients... Depending on the composition, they are divided into simple and complex. When using them, the proportions are observed so as not to harm the currants.

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

Mineral fertilizers are nitrogen, potash and phosphorus:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers (saltpeter, urea) promote the growth of green mass. In the spring, they help the plant grow and develop. Abuse of them leads to root burns and the accumulation of nitrates in the berries.
  2. Phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate) increase immunity to diseases and pests. With their help, plant cells accumulate and retain moisture, which plays an important role in winter and dry seasons. There is never a lot of phosphorus, since the shrub assimilates it as needed. But its lack in the soil leads to the fact that the plant cannot assimilate nitrogen.
  3. Potash fertilizers (potassium sulfate, potassium sulfate) stimulate biological processes in the bush, strengthen it, which is important for winter preparation.


These fertilizers are based on plant residues, which contribute to the improvement of the soil - increase its moisture and air permeability.

Organic fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus in small amounts. For example, leaf and grass compost has a nitrogen content of 1.5%. Potassium is found in the form of soluble salts that are easily washed out with water.

Organic fertilizers include bird droppings, compost, manure. The latter is used rotted so as not to burn the root system.

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest


Siderata (vetch, lupine, peas) also act as organic fertilizers. In addition, they inhibit the growth of weeds and protect against fungal and bacterial diseases.

As organic matter, green manures are used in different ways.:

  • cut upper parts of plants are used as mulch;
  • the cut grass is crushed, mixed with wood ash and brought under the bush;
  • in the fall, they dig up the ground together with the greenery of the plants.


They contain all the minerals necessary for a plant in the right amount... Their use eliminates the need to independently measure and mix various components for feeding. The main disadvantage of such fertilizers is their high cost.

There are complex fertilizers for autumn and spring feeding... This should be considered when purchasing.

The best way to feed currants in the fall to have a good harvest

Fertilizers are applied in two ways:

  1. Root dressing. Fertilizer is applied in dry or liquid form under the root of the plant.
  2. Foliar top dressing. The aerial part of the plant is sprayed. The beneficial effect of feeding with this method has a shorter period. More often this technology is used as an auxiliary to the first method.

For autumn feeding, the first method is used. Unlike the second, it feeds the shrub more slowly and longer.

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

How to fertilize currants in the fall? When fruiting ends, the shrub needs more phosphorus and potassium.... These fertilizers:

  • increase resistance to frost;
  • strengthen the root system;
  • increase immunity to disease;
  • increase the future harvest.

For feeding, mineral and organic fertilizers are used in dry and liquid form. and use folk methods.

Reference. A combination of mineral and organic fertilizers is the most effective method of plant nutrition.

Traditional methods

At home, they use folk methods of fertilizing currants. One of them is feeding with infusion from potato peelwhich is rich in starch, glucose, vitamins, potassium and other beneficial substances.

How to cook:

  1. Potato peelings in a volume of 1 liter are poured with 2 liters of boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours.
  3. The resulting infusion is poured under the currants along with the peel - it enriches the soil with organic matter.

Also, the soil is fertilized with a mixture of wood ash and ground potatoes.... Ash composition depends on the type of wood. The ash from deciduous trees contains a lot of potassium, from conifers - phosphorus. To prepare the mixture, unpeeled potatoes are grated or twisted in a meat grinder.Wood ash (0.5 l) is poured under the shrub, and mulched on top with chopped potatoes 5-7 cm thick.

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

Purchased fertilizers

What fertilizers need to be applied in the fall to feed currants:

  1. Phosphorus-potassium - potassium monophosphate. When applied dry, 15 g is required for 1 bush. For application in liquid form, 15 g of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured under the bush.
  2. Mineral fertilizers - potassium sulfate and superphosphate. In dry form, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate are introduced under the bush. For liquid feeding, this amount of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  3. As organic - chicken droppings. In dry form, 800 g per 1 sq. m. Litter is mixed with earth in a 1: 1 ratio so as not to burn the roots. Spread around the bush and drop it to a depth of 15 cm. To prepare the solution, the bird droppings are combined with water in a ratio of 1:15. To get the maximum effect, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate are added to the soil with dry bird droppings. Or, after applying the manure, the soil is watered with a solution of these fertilizers, diluted with 10 liters of water.
  4. How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvestOrganic - humus or compost... They mulch the ground around the bush (1 bucket per 1 bush). For a greater effect, before applying organic fertilizers, the soil is watered with a superphosphate solution (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).
  5. Complex feeding from organic and mineral fertilizers. Under 1 bush, 1 bucket of humus or compost, 40 g of potassium salt and 60 g of superphosphate are introduced.
  6. Complex fertilizers "Ryazanochka", "Autumn", "Harvest in a bucket", etc. They are bred in accordance with the instructions.

Read also:

How and how to feed raspberries in the fall

How and how to feed grapes in autumn

How to properly fertilize currants at this time

Before feeding, the soil under the plant is wateredso that the root system does not get burned.

Mineral and organic fertilizers are best applied in liquid form... To do this, they are dissolved in water. Around the bush at a distance of 30 cm, make a depression (15 cm), pour the solution into the groove, then sprinkle it with earth. The rate of application of liquid fertilizers is 10 liters per one bush.

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

When applied dry, they are embedded in the ground to a depth of no more than 15 cm, so as not to burn the roots.

The best time to feed - morning or evening, allowed during the day in cloudy weather.

Attention!Incorrect and irregular fertilization can lead to the death of the plant.


Autumn feeding helps the currants recover after fruiting, prepares the plant for wintering, strengthens immunity to various diseases, and helps to obtain a large harvest for the next year.

The most effective method is considered to be a combination of organic and mineral fertilizing. In order not to harm the currants, fertilizers are applied at the optimal time, observing the rules and regulations.

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