Features of red carrots without a core

The core, or xylem, is the woody part of the root crop, which gives it coarseness and is poorly absorbed by the body. Carrots are called heartless, in which the xylem and the outside look uniform. It is this property that is characteristic of the Red Carrot variety without a core.

Description of the variety Red carrot without core

A mid-late variety created in Germany. The originator is the Satimex Quedlinburg Handelsgen mbH selection and seed company. The variety is recommended for cultivation in personal subsidiary plots.

Features of red carrots without a core

The aerial part is represented by a rosette of semi-spreading leaves. The leaf blades are medium dissected, long, green.

Average yield - 355 kg / weaving. The average weight of the root crop is 97 g.

Root crops are long, cylindrical, with a slightly rough surface and a blunt tip. The heart and flesh are colored the same, red.

The core diameter relative to the total root diameter is less than 25%. It is intended for fresh consumption, for storage, for juices.

The variety has a high degree of resistance to brown spot and carrot fly.

Heartless carrots contain on average:

  • dry matter - 11.6%;
  • total sugar - 6.4-7%;
  • carotene - up to 0.017%.

The content of nutrients depends on growing conditions, weather and soil composition.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Red heartless is a highly productive variety. The carrots are distinguished by excellent taste - the variety has earned 5 points for fresh produce.

The downside is that fragile and delicate roots are often damaged during harvesting, so the yield of marketable products is only 69.3%.

What is the difference from other varieties

Forms with a small core have a higher maturity, improved taste qualities of root crops, and less cracking in the ground.

Features of planting and growing

Large seeds have a greater supply of nutrients than small ones. With an even sowing depth, seedlings appear simultaneously. The more even the shoots of carrots, the larger the roots will be.

Preparing for landing

Red heartless carrots are placed on the site in the second year after the application of manure.

Before sowing, the seeds are sorted, disinfected with water at a temperature of + 48 ° C for 20 minutes, divided by specific gravity in a 5% solution of sodium chloride. To accelerate growth and increase yields, seeds are treated with growth stimulants or a solution of microelements.

Before sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer, then disinfected with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Ground requirements

Heartless carrots grow well on cultivated peatlands, slightly acidic or neutral soils of light and medium texture. The arable layer should be loose and fertile - up to 30 cm.The depth of the groundwater is 0.8-2.5 m.


Growing in one place for 4-5 years causes carrots to suffer from diseases and pests... The natural loss during storage increases by 10%, root crops are affected by phomosis, gray and white rot.

The predecessors must have a developed root system in order to improve the soil structure.

The best predecessors are plants that do not leave behind large crop residues after harvesting: legumes, early cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers.

Timing, scheme and landing rules

Features of red carrots without a core

Sow in the ground in late April - early May. Carrots grow well near onions, garlic, beets.

If deep tillage has been carried out before sowing, rolling is recommended. The optimum sowing depth is 1-2 cm. In dry weather, on the eve of sowing, the beds are watered. To retain soil moisture, crops are covered with foil or spunbond.

The optimal sowing time for an early harvest occurs when the soil warms up to + 4 ... + 5 ° С and humidity of 70-80%. If long-term storage is expected, carrots are sown 2-3 weeks later than the onset of optimal conditions for planting.

Landing rules:

  • seeding rate of seeds - 0.4-0.6 g / m²;
  • sowing depth on light soils - up to 3 cm, on heavy - 1.5-2 cm.

Carrot seeds germinate slowly. At a soil temperature of + 5 ° C, seedlings appear after 36 days, if no procedures were carried out to accelerate germination.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is + 20 ... + 22 ° С. Under favorable conditions of temperature and humidity, seedlings appear in 10-15 days. In drought conditions, seedlings withstand frosts down to –4 ° С.

2 weeks after germination, the first true leaf develops. The second and third leaves appear at intervals of 6-8 days. The most favorable temperature for the initial growth of Red heartless carrots is + 18 ... + 20 ° С.

Growing features

After germination, it is important that the cool period continues for as long as possible. Under such conditions, the taproot develops intensively in heartless carrots, which determines the length of the root crop. Then the carrots enter the ripening stage and the roots gradually thicken.

Carrots move faster to the maturation stage at elevated temperatures in the post-emergence period, which lasts until mid-June. Under these conditions, the harvest will be early, but the roots will not grow large.

The nuances of care

From the middle of the season, it is recommended to combine inter-row cultivation with hilling. Usually 1-3 hilling is carried out to cover small weeds with earth and prevent greening of root crops. When hilling, the risk of damage to root crops by early frosts is reduced.

Thanks to the powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil, carrots are drought-resistant.

Irrigation mode:Features of red carrots without a core

  1. During the seed germination period, red heartless carrots are watered often and little by little.
  2. During the development of the root crop, a dry period is required - abundant watering will lead to the growth of tops. Dry conditions stimulate the development of a long root crop.
  3. The need for moisture rises to the maximum during the period of root crop growth - at the stage of 4-5 leaves.

Sudden changes in soil moisture are dangerous for carrots. Regular watering helps to avoid bending and cracking of the fruit.

Thinning and weed control

The seeds of the Red Heartless Carrot germinate slowly, so the seedlings are quickly overgrown with weeds.

The first weeding is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. On weed-free soils, one weeding may be enough, with strong weed overgrowth, up to three may be required.

Soil treatments at the beginning of the season are carried out carefully so as not to damage the taproot.


  1. In the phase of 2 true leaves, 2-3 cm are left between the plants.
  2. After 2-3 weeks, leave 5-8 cm between the roots.

Row spacings when growing on ridges are weeded regularly at intervals of 10 days until the rows close.

Top dressing

Carrots respond poorly to mineral fertilizers, increased doses of which slow down the germination of seeds. Missing nutrients are replenished with root and foliar feeding during the growth period.

Red carrots have a high need for potash fertilizers - this is bedding manure, potassium magnesium, potassium sulfate.

With a lack of boron, root crops crack. Deficiency-free content of the element is 1 mg per 1 kg of soil. Boron is poorly absorbed by plants when excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers are applied.

The microelements molybdenum, copper and manganese, which are important for the development of root crops, are poorly absorbed in case of increased soil acidity. With a manganese deficiency, foliar feeding with manganese sulfate is useful. With a lack of copper, the soil surface is moistened with a solution of copper sulfate (3%) before sowing.

Disease and pest control

Features of red carrots without a core

Carrots share diseases with other plants in the Umbelliferae family. Pathogens are transmitted with infected seeds, insects, and persist on plants.

Dangerous diseases that cause damage to root crops and tops:

  • black rot of root crops;
  • white rot;
  • licorice rot;
  • rhizoctonia;
  • gray rot.

Mechanical damage during harvesting contributes to the spread of diseases. The development of fungal diseases is stimulated by thickened plantings.

For the prevention of carrot flies, it is recommended to grow red carrots in open, ventilated areas. Treatment with tobacco or tobacco dust helps from carrot flies - 10-20 g per running meter:

  • 2-3 days before germination;
  • 4-5 days after the first treatment;
  • during the summer, flies and egg laying.

For the prevention of carrot beetle, which causes curly tops, it is recommended to cover the plantings with spunbond in the period from sowing to germination. With a moderate spread of leaf flies, spreading sawdust between the beds or in the aisles helps.

Harvesting and storage

It is recommended to start to harvesting Red carrots without a core after the ambient temperature has dropped to + 8 ° C.

How and when to collect

When exposed to frosts of –2… –3 ° C, root crops are poorly stored and are affected by diseases. When cleaning, avoid mechanical damage, withering. Leaves are cut off immediately after harvesting. Do not cover root crops with tops, as this contributes to infection with pathogens.

Storage features and keeping quality of the variety

During storage at low temperatures and with minimal loss of moisture in the roots of Red heartless carrots, the amount of dry matter, sugars, carotene, vitamin C, and protein remains constant.

The qualitative composition of sugars changes - the content of sucrose decreases, fructose and glucose increases. There is a natural process of preparation for the resumption of growth. At high temperatures, this change begins immediately, at low temperatures, the process slows down, as a result of which the carrots retain their sweetness longer.

Fruits give off ethylene, so it is not advisable to store red carrots next to them. Even a slight increase in the concentration of this gas in the air of the storage increases the intensity of respiration, which contributes to the formation of isocoumarin in carrots, which imparts bitterness.

Root crops with mechanical damage quickly lose moisture and are affected by diseases. Black depressions appear on the skin of the carrots, which are filled with bacteria and fungi.

Carrots are stored in boxes, sandwiched, at a temperature of + 2 ... + 5 ° C, relative humidity 90-95%. Under these conditions, the roots of the Red Heartless Carrot are kept fresh for 6 to 10 months. The freezing point for carrots is -1.6 ° C.

What can be the difficulties in growing

When growing this variety of carrots, gardeners may face the following problems:

  1. Root tip rot develops when grown in damp and wetlands.
  2. Seeds do not germinate well on sandy soils - the seedbed dries out easily.
  3. On fertile, humus-rich soils, carrots crack.
  4. On dense stony soils, ugly, irregularly shaped roots grow.To avoid this, carrots are grown on ridges or ridges 25-30 cm high with a row spacing of 70-80 cm.
  5. Excess nitrogen worsens the preservation of root crops, negatively affects the taste - the sugar content decreases. Due to the intensive growth, carrots can crack.

Tips from experienced gardeners

Experienced gardeners recommend bubbling seeds and are attentive to the maturity of root crops.

Anna, Leningrad region: “I have been growing red carrots without a core for several years. Before harvesting, I dig up a few root crops. If they are well overgrown with roots, then it is time to harvest. Otherwise, the rodents will get to them before us. Heartless carrots, as a rule, have a long root vegetable, so you can't do without a pitchfork and a shovel. "

Makar, Moscow region: “I've heard a lot about bubbling seeds. I decided to try it - I put the seeds in a jar of water and let air through the aquarium compressor for a day. As a result, the sticky essential oils are washed out, and carrots emerge in warm soil on the 5th day. After bubbling, the seeds should be mixed with wet peat and stored in a warm place for 2-3 days, then planted in the ground. If the planting dates are delayed, you can store in the refrigerator. "


Gardeners note the special taste and juiciness of coreless carrots.

Nika, Kaliningrad: “I take Red without a core - a versatile variety with excellent keeping quality. I sow almost after the snow melts in lines, leaving room for a bow. In winter, when they took them out of the cellar, the carrots were juicy, they were splashing juice! "

Sergey, Penza: “Last year I planted two varieties - Tushon and Red without gray. They grew up in the same conditions - watering, feeding. As a result, Touchon grew larger, but did not please with taste. The coreless carrots turned out to be smaller, but tasty and sweet. She really does not have a pronounced core, it is uniform in cut. Note about storage: Touchon was eaten fresh until spring. And the one without a core was eaten in the fall and juice they squeezed out of it. "


Coreless red carrots produce high yields on properly prepared soil. Highly productive variety adapted to different climatic conditions of the country. Long, juicy and sweet roots keep well until spring.

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