How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

Oats began to treat diseases of the digestive system in ancient times. Hippocrates advised to brew tea from oats. In the Soviet Union, they invented flat flakes of oat grains "Hercules", which boiled faster than whole grains, gave strength and had an excellent effect on digestion. An advertisement of that time said that whoever ate oatmeal would be as healthy and strong as the mythical hero of Rome Hercules.

Is it possible to eat oats with pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of a pancreatic disease or in its chronic form, oat dishes are necessary for the patient as a source of trace elements important for recovery. However, before using the product, patients should consult with their doctor in order to exclude the presence of contraindications and the development of side effects.

Oats, like other food, are excluded during the acute phase of the disease for several days.

Oats during exacerbation of pancreatitis

How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

In the exacerbation phase, the diet is prescribed by the doctor. After forced medical fasting, you can eat liquid grated oatmeal in water without sugar. After a few days, they stop grinding the porridge and add a little butter.

In the chronic form, it is recommended to take cereals, soups, oatmeal casseroles.

Oatmeal cookies with rosehip broth or weak unsweetened tea will be useful.

The benefits and harms of oats for this disease

How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

Oat dishes are classified as medicinal. Oats contain a lot of silicon - 1000 mg per 100 g of grains, this element is one of the most important compounds for our body. Scientists from the Russian Institute of Silicon have carried out fundamental research and have shown that the cause of many serious diseases is a deficiency of silicon in the body.

reference... Silicon is the main element for maintaining the elasticity of tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, intestines, valves of the cardiovascular system and sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to connective tissue, silicon is concentrated in bones, skin, hair, lymph nodes, and the thyroid gland.

Silicon promotes the formation of hormones, enzymes and amino acids in the body, improves the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, which are also found in large quantities in oats. Silicon colloids attract pathogenic viruses, fungi, bacteria and remove them from the body, preventing the occurrence of pathological processes.

Nutritionists recommend combining phosphorus and calcium correctly in the diet. With a lack of phosphorus, an excess of calcium is found and vice versa. 100 g of oats contains 117 mg of calcium and 361 mg of phosphorus. This natural combination is well absorbed by the body without bias towards one or the other element.

100 g of oats contains 421 mg of potassium and 135 g of magnesium. Both elements prevent the development of diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. These elements are firmly linked, since they are hardly absorbed separately from each other.

Sulfur is beneficial for the health of skin, nails and hair, chlorine ions are responsible for the balance of fluids in the body.

How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

100 g of oats contain:

  • proteins 10 g;
  • fats 6.2 g;
  • carbohydrates 55.1 g;
  • dietary fiber 12 g;
  • water 14 g

Caloric content - 316 kcal.

Oats, like other grains, contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients, in particular calcium.Therefore, people with problems of the musculoskeletal system and pregnant women need to make up for the lack of this element while taking oat meals.

Advice... In the fight against phytic acid, an enzyme will help, which is activated when cereals are soaked for 12-18 hours. After soaking, the cereals are washed and used to make porridge, soup or broth.

Rules for use with pancreatitis

How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

At the first manifestations of pancreatitis, to stop the inflammatory process, 1 tsp. soaked and dried grain is ground into flour, diluted in a glass of boiling water, heated for 30 minutes over low heat. When the mixture has cooled to a warm state, take on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

In the acute phase, take a tablespoon of flour in a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for several minutes, then infused for 1 hour. Consumed warm 30 minutes before meals 1 time per day. A fresh broth is prepared every day.

To stimulate healing processes when leaving the acute phase, 3 glasses of soaked grains and 3 glasses of boiling water are boiled for 3 hours over low heat. After that, the broth is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Take half a cup warm in the morning and evening 60 minutes before meals.

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In what form is it better to eat oats for pancreatitis

Oats are used in the form of grated or simply boiled porridge, soups, broth, jelly, oat milk.

In case of exacerbation, the most gentle recipes are chosen: the food should be in a liquid, grated state in order to reduce the load on the digestive organs.

Treatment of pancreatitis with oats

In traditional medicine, there are several medicinal recipes with oats.


How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

¼ glasses of soaked oats are washed, poured into a thermos, poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left to infuse overnight. Drink half a glass twice a day in the morning before breakfast and at night. The course of treatment is 2 months.


Half a glass of soaked and washed oats is boiled for 20 minutes in half a liter of boiling water over low heat. Then the broth is poured into ceramic dishes and wrapped so that it cools down gradually at room temperature. After 8 hours, filter the broth and drink ½ cup three times a day before meals for a month.

Important! A fresh broth is prepared every day, so it is better to brew the beans overnight.

Oat kvass

How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

500 g of soaked and washed grains and 3 teaspoons of sugar are placed in a five-liter glass jar, 3 liters of water are poured, the neck is tied with gauze and placed in a cool dark place for two days. After two days, the liquid is drained from the jar, the grains are washed, 3 liters of pure water are poured and 3 tsp are added. Sahara. Kvass is kept in a dark place for another day, then filtered and mint or lemon balm is added to taste. Kvass is useful for convalescents.


200 g of soaked and washed unpeeled oats, 100 g of oatmeal, 200 ml of fat-free kefir are stirred in a glass container and insisted for a day in a dark, warm place. After that, the mixture is filtered, 1.5 liters of water are added and cooked over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Kissel is removed from the heat, cooled at room temperature and stored in the refrigerator. Drink one glass in between meals.

Important! Extra instant oatmeal is not suitable for this recipe.

Oat milk

How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

150 g of soaked and washed unpeeled oats are poured with a liter of water for 8 hours, after which the mixture is whipped with a blender and filtered. Milk is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, they drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

Attention! During the day, the prepared drug is stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the amount required for one time is heated to a warm state in a water bath. Cold or hot drinks or food can aggravate the disease.


Pancreatitis is often accompanied by cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder with impaired motility and bile outflow. If you have this disease, it is mandatory to consult a doctor before eating oat-based dishes.

Attention! Oats have a choleretic effect - in order to avoid complications, the doctor should choose the prescription and dosage.

Oats are contraindicated in cereal allergies.


How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how it is useful

Svetlana, 30 years old: «A familiar gastroenterologist advises everyone to drink a decoction of oats, even healthy people, it envelops the stomach well and saturates the body with useful substances. "

Marina, 42 years old: “In sanatoriums, oat broth is actively used, it is a recognized method of treatment. This recipe uses unpeeled and sprouted oats. My professor tells me to use it. "

Olga, 56 years old: “My sister cured pancreatitis with oat milk. The medications did not help, she ate almost nothing, she was constantly nauseous, after a month of taking the milk, the nausea stopped, but she drank the broth for another 5 months and completely cured the pancreas.

Mikhail, 63 years old: “When problems with the pancreas and stomach began, I began to eat oatmeal in the morning, I cook it in water with salt. I have been having breakfast this way for 2 years now, nothing hurts. "

Read also:

How to properly use oats for cough: the best recipes and effectiveness.

How to sprout oats at home for food: step by step instructions.


In order for the oats to help, and not harm, it must be properly prepared by preliminary soaking. Using the selected recipe, strictly follow the rules of admission: drink the medicine on an empty stomach, monitor the dosage, warm up to a warm temperature, drink the full course. Persistence and patience will help heal the pancreas. Porridge, soups and oat jelly should always be present in the diet, even after recovery.

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