Step-by-step instructions for growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field

Sweet juicy watermelon pulp is a fragrant and healthy summer dessert. He is loved by both children and adults. However, when buying a watermelon in the market or in a store, one cannot be completely sure of the quality of the product. It is not surprising that more and more gardeners are growing these delicious fruits at their dachas.

The achievements of modern breeding make it possible to cultivate watermelons in open ground not only in the south, but also in other regions of our country. From the article you will learn about the cultivation of watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field.

Features of growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field

How to grow delicious juicy watermelons in the Moscow region? Taking into account the short and often cool summers, it is preferable to grow melons in the Moscow region through seedlings. This technique will speed up the harvest by several weeks.

Step-by-step instructions for growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field


There are few really hot summer days in the Moscow region. In June, although the air warms up during the day to an average of + 20 ° C, there are often recurrent frosts and prolonged rains.

In July, the average daily temperature is higher. From time to time, the air warms up to + 35 ° C during the day. But such days are few.

It's warm during the day in August, but the nights get colder. The number of cloudy days and precipitation increases, the length of daylight hours decreases.

Thus, the weather conditions of the Moscow region are not optimal for growing such a warm-demanding southern culture as watermelon in the open field.

Nevertheless, breeders have developed varieties and hybrids that are successfully grown in such conditions. Of course, subject to the observance of agricultural technology.

Suitable varieties of watermelons

The cultivation of watermelons begins with the correct choice of varieties. For the Moscow region, early maturing varieties and hybrids of culture are chosen. Moreover, they must be relatively resistant to temperature extremes. The fruits of such varieties are not large in size, but in terms of other characteristics, watermelons differ little from their southern counterparts.

Among the popular early watermelons, there are hybrids near Moscow Charleston F1, Orange Medoc F1, Kai F1, Pink Champagne F1 and varieties Twinkle, Ultra early, Crimson Sweet, Siberian lights, Sugar baby, Skorik.

Growing instructions

Watermelon is a southern culture that loves sunlight and warmth. Therefore, seedlings are planted in open ground only after the soil has warmed up well. Soil temperature should be at least + 15 ° С.

When using the seedling method, seeds are sown in late April and early May. Plants are planted on the garden bed one month after sowing.

Step-by-step instructions for growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field

Preparatory stage

This stage consists in preparing the soil and seed material.

For watermelons, choose an open sunny area. Unfavorable predecessors for melons are legumes and cabbage. Desirable - potatoes, onions, tomatoes.

Important! Watermelons do not grow well in acidic soil.

The garden bed is dug up in the fall, cleaned of weeds, fertilizers, compost, humus are applied. If the soil is acidic, add slaked lime, dolomite, wood ash and ground chalk.

Seed preparation

Preparing seeds for landing accelerates the emergence of seedlings.The seeds are wrapped in paper or cloth and kept in warm water until pecked.

Seed dressing helps protect young plants from disease. To do this, they are kept for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then washed with clean water.

Growing seedlings

Sprouted seeds are planted in separate containers filled with soil by 2/3 of the volume. Then the elongated shoots can be sprinkled with earth, and they will give additional roots.

Council. Choose individual glasses for seedlings with a volume of at least 0.3-0.5 liters.

Watermelons don't like transplanting. Peat or plastic glasses with a diameter of at least 15 cm are ideal for plants.

The seeds are laid out in glasses and buried by 2 cm.The topsoil is slightly compacted. The land is well watered. After that, the glasses are transferred to a warm, sunny place.

Plants are transplanted to a permanent place when 2-3 leaves grow. A few days before planting, the seedlings are hardened, gradually lowering the air temperature.

Landing in open ground

Step-by-step instructions for growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field

Watermelons are transplanted to the garden in early June, when the threat of cold snaps has passed. When using shelters, seedlings are planted earlier, starting 3 weeks after sowing the seeds.

Seedlings are transplanted into prepared holes, having previously well moistened the bottom of the hole. The distance between the holes is determined based on the recommendations of the seed manufacturer. The earthen lump is not buried; it should rise 1-2 cm above the soil surface.

Attention. The deepening of the earthen coma when planting seedlings leads to decay of the root collar.


The planted seedlings are protected from temperature changes and cold winds with a film. The shelter is constantly ventilated to avoid condensation. The protective shelter is removed with the arrival of real heat.


The watermelon bed is watered about once a week. When watering, avoid getting moisture on foliage and whips. Using a layer of mulch will reduce the amount of watering and loosening. In addition, mulch increases the temperature of the soil at the surface.

During the flowering period, the plants are watered less frequently, about once every two weeks. Watering is stopped during the filling and ripening of the fruit.

Top dressing

Approximately 20 days after planting the seedlings, top dressing is applied. As a fertilizer, a solution of ammonium nitrate is used (at the rate of 20 g per 1 bush), or complex fertilizers in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. During the budding period, fertilizers are reapplied.


Pinching watermelon lashes is an important agricultural technique that allows you to accelerate the ripening of fruits in a short summer near Moscow.

Pinching begins with the removal of side shoots. From 4 to 6 fruits are left on the main lash, after which it is also pinched.

The lash is cut, leaving 4-5 sheets after the last fruit. These leaves help the bush receive adequate nutrition.

In the process of growth, new lashes grow on the bushes. They are also cut off, periodically examining all the bushes.

Possible problems and how to solve them

Step-by-step instructions for growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field

When growing watermelons in the Moscow region, gardeners are faced with diseases of melons and plantings with pests.


Watermelon bushes affect diseases such as anthracnose, fusarium, powdery mildew.

Anthracnose Is a fungal disease that affects leaves, stems and the fruits themselves. The fungus is dangerous because it leads to the complete death of the bush. The development of the disease is provoked by excessive moisture in the earth and air.

Fusarium Is a fungal disease that affects leaves and whips. The disease leads to wilting of greens and stems. The fungus enters the plant through the root system. Gradually, the stems become thinner and darker. The risk of infection increases with over-watering.

Powdery mildew - another fungal disease. Recognize the disease by white spots on the leaves. Plants affected by the fungus shrivel, dry out, the formed fruits stop growing and filling.

If a fungal disease is detected, the affected parts of the bush are removed and burned. The remaining plants are sprayed with fungicides. The solution is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Spraying is stopped three weeks before harvest.


For watermelon beds, melon aphids, wireworms, meadow moths, and scoops are dangerous. If insects are found, the bushes are treated with biological products or chemical insecticides.

Of the folk methods of struggle, spraying of bushes with an infusion of ash, onion husks, and garlic is used. The bushes most affected by parasites are removed and burned.

Preventive measures

The emergence and development of diseases will prevent compliance with growing conditions and the selection of varieties that are resistant to diseases.

Important! Thickening of plantings is one of the main reasons for the defeat of watermelons by fungal diseases.

Preventive measures include the treatment of seeds and soil before planting with biofungicides, adherence to the prescribed distances between plants when planting seedlings, cleaning the site of plant residues in the fall, timely fertilization.


Step-by-step instructions for growing watermelons in the Moscow region in the open field

The crop is harvested in several stages, as the fruit ripens. Watermelons, unlike melons, do not ripen well during storage, so they are harvested when the pulp has already turned pink and the seeds have acquired a characteristic color.

Fully ripe watermelons also do not have a good keeping quality. A month after removal from the garden, the fruit pulp softens.

The ripeness of a watermelon is determined by external signs. In a mature fruit, the stalk and antennae near it dry out. The bark becomes shiny, elastic, the color is intense. A large yellow spot forms on the crust on the ground side. When tapped, the ripe fruit gives off a dull sound.

Ripe watermelons are cut from the stem with a knife, leaving a tail about 5 cm long. If the tail is broken off, the fruit quickly decays.

Watermelons are delivered to the storage place in containers or on pallets. They are lined with straw or shavings. The same materials are used to shift the rows of watermelons themselves. You can transport watermelons without any container, spreading them in one row on a straw bed.

Experienced Farmer Tips

For those who are just starting to grow watermelons, advice from experienced farmers will help:

  • in a short and cool summer, melons, including watermelons, are preferable to grow in warm beds - then the plants will be healthier and the fruits will ripen earlier;
  • the formation of watermelon bushes accelerates harvesting - if the side lashes are not pinched, then the fruits will be small and will not have time to ripen;
  • when planting seedlings, it is important to observe the recommended distance between plants - thickening of the plantings inhibits the growth of the bush and contributes to the development of diseases;
  • after the fruits have formed, it is good to put boards or other suitable material under them - this way you will prevent damage and decay of watermelons.


The cultivation of heat-loving southern watermelons in the Moscow region is not an easy task. A competent approach to choosing a variety, using a seedling method of growing and observing the rules of care will help to solve it. By following the recommendations of experienced farmers, it is quite possible to grow a good harvest of sweet and aromatic watermelons on your plot.

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