Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato "Dubok": instructions for growing from A to Z

The undersized variety Dubok came to Russia and the CIS countries in the XXI century, falling in love with many for its early maturity and unpretentiousness. In the article we will introduce you to the main characteristics and description of the Dubok tomato variety, as well as give tips on growing them. Perhaps after that you will also want to plant these tomatoes in your garden.

Description of the variety

Oak is a determinant, early-ripening tomato variety... It is convenient to grow it outdoors. It is also possible to grow in greenhouses and even at home (on the windowsill).

Important! When growing the tomatoes in question at home, artificial pollination will be required. There will be no harvest without it.

Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato Dubok: growing instructions from A to Z

Distinctive features

Tomatoes The oak does not need to be pinned... Due to its compactness, a garter is also optional. The variety is cold-resistant, but does not tolerate temperature changes.

Attention! Experienced gardeners recommend supporting the shoots during the ripening of tomatoes so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.

Tomato bushes Dubok are short and compact... They rarely exceed 60 cm in height.

Weakly branch, so they do not require much space... The leaves are small, light green, slightly corrugated. The laying of the first brush occurs over 6-7 leaves, subsequent ones are formed every 1-2 leaves. The main stem is covered with 4-6 inflorescences. Each of them grows on average 5 fruits.

Tomato Oak is a non-hybrid plant... It is distinguished by its high unpretentiousness and resistance to the main diseases of tomatoes (rot, late blight, mosaic).

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Fruit characteristics and yield

The color of unripe fruits is light green. Once ripe, it changes to a bright red. The shape of the tomatoes is almost perfect spherical with a slight ribbing. The photo below shows how both unripe and ripe tomatoes will look.

Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato Dubok: instructions for growing from A to Z

Fruits have a smooth skin of medium density... It almost never cracks. Each Dubok tomato has 3-6 seed nests. At the same time, the pulp of the fruit is fleshy. The taste is sweet, juicy, sometimes slightly sour.

The first fruits grow the largest (weighing up to 110 g)... The smallest tomatoes weigh 53 g.

The fruits ripen on average for 90 days. Fruiting continues until late autumn. The average yield from one bush is 2 kg of vegetables. With proper care and proper cultivation, this figure reaches 5 kg per bush (6-8 kg per square meter).

How to grow seedlings

The seedling method is used for growing Dubok tomatoes... In doing so, it is important to properly process the seeds before sowing, select the appropriate container and provide proper care for the sprouts.

Seed preparation

To select from the available seeds suitable for sowing, a saline solution is used... Seeds are immersed in it, and then those that have surfaced (unusable) are removed. Those that have settled to the bottom are washed (these are good seeds).

Next, the seeds are disinfectedby soaking them in a 1% manganese solution for 20 minutes. Treatment with a growth stimulant is also recommended.

For the seeds to sprout, they are laid out in cheesecloth and made sure that it is always wet.

Attention! It is also recommended to harden tomato seeds. To do this, they are placed in a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After the procedure, heating is required for several hours at a temperature of 23-24 degrees.

Capacity and soil

Tomatoes Oak are unpretentious to soil... Experts recommend using ready-made soil for growing their seedlings. However, some gardeners prepare the soil for seedlings on their own by mixing humus, garden soil and sand. Wood ash or superphosphate is also added to such soil.

The most favorable time for sowing seedlings of the Dubok variety the period from mid-March to early April is considered.

Important! It is best to use special seedling cups for seedlings. 1-2 seeds are placed in each. So the seedlings will not need replanting, which means they will not be stressed.


Before sowing the seeds, the soil is watered with a manganese solution.... The seeds are deepened into the ground by half a centimeter, sprinkled with earth on top. It should not be sealed.

After sowing, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle... Seedling cups are covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 23-24 degrees. The glass is removed after the first shoots appear.

Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato Dubok: instructions for growing from A to Z

Growing and care

For optimal growth of Dubok tomato seedlings, you need a lot of light... If there is not enough natural light, supply the room with additional lamps.

The temperature at which seedlings grow well is from 18 to 20 degrees... It is important that the sprouts are provided with sufficient moisture. For this, the soil is watered as it dries.

Reference! Seedlings are planted in the ground 60 days after germination. Before that, it is hardened by lowering the daytime temperature to 17 degrees, and the nighttime temperature to 12.

How to grow tomatoes

Growing tomatoes Dubok is simple due to the unpretentiousness of the variety... Even beginners in the field of gardening get a rich harvest when growing such tomatoes. However, it is necessary to follow the rules for planting and leaving them.


In open ground, seedlings are planted if each bush has 3-4 leaves... This time falls on the end of May.

Important! Tomato Dubok grows best in an area where legumes, cucumbers, onions or carrots previously grew.

Bushes are planted at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other... The optimal distance between rows is 40-50 cm. It is important to arrange the bushes from north to south. So the sun will hit the plants all day.

Fertilizer is applied to each hole during planting... It is recommended to use one glass of ash, as well as 1 tsp. superphosphate and urea.

Tomato bushes with one or two stems grow best.... Grassing is not necessary for this variety.

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Oak tomatoes need regular watering... It is important to take into account natural precipitation and weather conditions. It is recommended to water abundantly every 5-6 days. This is better than watering the plants in question often, but little by little. Tomatoes are irrigated in the early morning or late evening.

Important! Watering for each bush with 4-5 liters of water is considered optimal.

To protect the roots from overheating, the soil is spud and mulched with grass... So the moisture evaporates less, and the topsoil is fertilized with organic matter and remains loose.

Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato Dubok: instructions for growing from A to ZEvery 2-3 weeks, Dubok tomatoes must be fed... Add 50 g of superphosphate, 250 g of ash and 2 kg of manure to a bucket of water. The resulting mixture is poured over the bushes in the evening. So that moisture does not stagnate, and the roots receive a sufficient amount of air, the soil is loosened after watering.

Weeding tomato beds is an important procedure to prevent weeds from shading and losing nutrients.

Tying up the Dubok tomatoes is required only in cases where the bushes are overloaded with fruits. For example, if the tomatoes grow in heavy bunches, and the lower fruits are closed at the same time (which slows down their ripening).

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Suitable soil composition, favorable climatic conditions and proper care - three components that are necessary for the growth of Dubok tomatoes. If all these conditions are created for a plant, it will give a rich harvest.

The only difficulty that gardeners sometimes facewho decide to grow the vegetable variety in question - poor seed germination.

Reasons why Dubok tomato seeds do not sprout:

  • lack of disinfection before sowing;
  • use of low-quality soil contaminated with infection;
  • the presence of toxic substances in the soil;
  • oversaturation of the soil with salts;
  • excessive soil density;
  • sowing seeds too deep;
  • low temperature, which can lead to rotting of seedlings in the ground;
  • excess moisture;
  • increased acidity of the soil;
  • long-term storage of seeds at low temperatures.

If we exclude these factors, then there will be no problems with the germination of seedlings.

Diseases and pests

Oak tomatoes are good against well-known tomato diseases.... However, in order to protect them from harmful external influences, it is recommended to carry out treatment with phytosporin.

Pests dangerous for the variety:

  • aphid;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • naked slug;
  • white scoop.

The plant can be protected from them with the help of insecticidal preparations.... Aphids are afraid of ash. If you treat the bushes with an ash solution or a soap solution, it will recede. The agent for repelling other pests is copper sulfate.

The nuances of growing in a greenhouse

Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato Dubok: instructions for growing from A to ZSince the Dubok tomatoes are undersized, it is recommended to grow them outdoors.... They are also suitable for greenhouses, but in a favorable climate, this is simply not necessary. Greenhouses are a better option for growing these tomatoes in the northern regions.

Gardeners claim that indoors, the variety grows faster. Moreover, there are fewer fruits on the bushes., but their volume exceeds the mass of those grown in open beds.

It is important to ventilate greenhouses well when growing these tomatoes in them and regularly loosen the ground - the plants love the air.

The cultivation of the soil in the greenhouse must be thorough. It is better to completely replace the soil that was in place before the tomatoes were planted, since it is in greenhouses that various diseases are rapidly developing.

Harvesting and application of the crop

The ripening period of tomatoes is 90-100 days... Crop is harvested from late July to late autumn.

Important! After harvesting, it is recommended to remove the bushes, dig up the ground and sow it with mustard or barley. Thus, weeds will not spread on the ground, and the ground will be fertilized with organic matter.

Tomatoes Dubok are universal in use... They are used to prepare salads, appetizers and first courses. The fruits are great for canning and mashing. Healthy tomatoes have a long shelf life and transport well.

Recommendations for picking oak tomatoes for storage:

  • collection after the fruit is fully ripe;
  • removal of the stalk;
  • neat placement of tomatoes in boxes;
  • for long-term storage, each fruit is wrapped in paper;
  • fill each box in no more than three layers;
  • for transportation without spoiling the presentation, each layer of tomatoes is peeled with dry hay or sprinkled with sawdust.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The tomato variety in question there are many advantages. The disadvantages, as experienced gardeners note, this variety does not have at all.

Pros of tomatoes Dubok:

  • fast ripening;
  • compact bushes;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • high productivity;
  • great taste;
  • resistance to various diseases;
  • excellent keeping quality and transportability;
  • simultaneous ripening of fruits;
  • cold resistance.

Early ripe, high-yielding and versatile tomato Dubok: instructions for growing from A to Z


Despite the fact that Dubok tomatoes have extremely positive properties, never forget to read the reviews of other summer residents and gardeners. They may be able to give you a couple of good growing tips that will greatly simplify the process of caring for tomatoes.

Gennady: “I was pleasantly surprised by the drought resistance of Dubok tomatoes. I planted it in the country. Water is given on schedule, there are problems with watering. Oak survived everything. At the same time, I did not have to babysit with him as with other varieties of tomatoes on my site. The harvest made me very happy ”.

Antonina: “I have been planting Dubok tomatoes for the second year. I like their taste, although they seem a little sour to my husband. For me, this sourness gives the variety a special appeal. Salted dozens of cans of these tomatoes. I cut the bigger ones in half, and put the middle ones in the jars whole. "

Ivan: “I love Dubok tomatoes for their quick ripening and unpretentiousness. Out of ten summer cottages on our street, only I had ripe tomatoes in July. They taste a little sour, but I like them. Supplied the local store with these fruits. Selling with a bang. "


Dubok tomatoes are an excellent choice for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Early ripening, ease of care and a rich harvest are the main characteristics of the variety that inspire growing them in your garden or greenhouse.

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