Ultra-early, non-capricious, undersized and very tasty tomato "Boni MM": a complete overview of the variety and its cultivation

Tomatoes are one of the most sought-after crops in the world. And despite all the difficulties of growing tomatoes in the climatic conditions of most regions of our country, they can be found in the beds of many gardeners.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, many varieties and hybrids have been bred, which are not only unpretentious in care and resistant to cold weather, but also differ in the early ripening of the crop. These include the tomato Boney MM. The variety appeared on the market at the beginning of the millennium, but still enjoys stable popularity among summer residents and farmers.

General description of the variety

Boni MM is a tomato variety that is best suited for growing in the climatic conditions of Russia. The breeders managed to modify it in such a way that it is not afraid of cold snaps and heat.

Tomatoes of this variety were included in the state register of Russia in 2001. They are most popular among gardeners of the former CIS countries.

Distinctive features of Boney MM

The berries of Boney MM tomatoes are the most common for this crop. They are red in color, rounded and medium fleshy. It tastes sweet and sour with tomato aroma. How such tomatoes look, look at the photo.Ultra-early, non-capricious, undersized and very tasty tomato Boney MM: a complete overview of the variety and its cultivation

Boni MM fruits are universal. They are suitable for fresh consumption, for canning whole and for preparing tomato products. They are also used as an ingredient in hot dishes.

The main feature of the variety is the ripening time of the crop. This is one of the earliest ripening fruits. Its berries turn red less than 3 months after the first shoots appear.

It should also be noted that the bushes of this tomato variety are undersized. They grow up to no more than 55 cm in height, so the plants do not need to be formed and pinned. This makes caring for them feasible for busy summer residents and novice gardeners.

Boni MM is immune to many tomato diseases. Due to early maturity, he does not have time to become infected with late blight.

It is interesting. The Boni MM tomato does not officially belong to the balcony varieties. Despite this, it is often grown in flowerpots on loggias, receiving a bountiful harvest.

Main characteristics

Tomato Boni MM has excellent characteristics for growing in our country. The description of the variety will delight even novice gardeners:

Parameter Indicators
Bush type Determinant. Stamp. The height does not exceed half a meter. The stems are not very thick, but firm. Spreading bushes, medium leafiness. The leaves are small, dark green. The inflorescences are simple. The first inflorescence is formed in the axil of 6-7 leaves, the next - after 1-2 leaves.
Growing method Cold resistant. Mostly grown outdoors. Planting in greenhouses and under a film shelter is possible.
Yield Average. On one bush 2-3 kg of berries ripen. Just 1 sq. m place 6-8 plants. Fruiting does not last long, Boney MM gives off all the fruits in 2 weeks.
Fruit Average. The weight of one fruit varies between 70-100 g. The berries are bright red inside and outside. A light spot may be present near the base.The tomatoes are sweet and sour on the palate, with a characteristic tomato aroma. The berry contains about 5 chambers with a large number of seeds. The fruits are juicy, with an average amount of pulp. It tastes sweet and sour. The shape is round, flattened, with a slight ribbing at the base.
Transportability High. The peel of the Boney MM tomatoes is strong. Therefore, they are suitable for long distance transportation and long-term storage.
Ripening terms Early maturing variety. The fruits ripen 80-90 days after the first shoots appear.
Disease resistance Tomato is not afraid of major diseases affecting this culture.

Note! Judging by the gardeners' feedback, the Boni MM tomato produces a better crop when grown outdoors.

How to grow tomato seedlings

Boni MM is one of the few varieties that are grown in our country not only by seedlings. In cities with warm climates, it is possible to sow seeds directly into the beds.

Methods of growing tomato Boni MM, depending on the region:

  1. In the northern regions, tomatoes are grown only in seedlings. In such a climate, seeds are sown as early as March.
  2. In central Russia, it is possible to sow seeds directly into open ground. Planting material is sown at the end of May. Cover the seedlings with foil.
  3. In the southern regions, seeds are sown outdoors in early May or late April. In the presence of frost, the seedlings are covered with foil.

You need to understand that when planting seeds in the ground, the crop will appear much later than when growing tomatoes in a seedling way. In the first case, Boni MM tomatoes will ripen in August, and in the second - in June or early July.

Preparation of planting material

Most gardeners prefer to grow Boni MM tomatoes in a seedling way. Indeed, in this case, their tomatoes will appear on the table in June.

Before sowing seeds, they need to be prepared. First of all, they check the expiration dates of the planting material.

Gardeners say that the germination rate of Boni MM seeds is equal to 60%. Therefore, it is recommended to hold the planting material in salted water for 30 minutes before sowing. The specimens that have sunk to the bottom are suitable for planting.

Seed dressing will prevent plant contamination. To disinfect the planting material, it is soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or for 12 hours in a soda solution.

To accelerate the germination of seeds, they are treated with a growth stimulant. To do this, they are immersed in a solution of "Epin" or "Fitosporin". Folk remedies are also used, such as water with honey or aloe juice.

Selection of containers and soil

Tomato Boni MM is not a rare or collectible variety. Therefore, peat tablets are rarely used for its cultivation. The seedlings of such tomatoes are cultivated in the most common way.

For sowing seeds, choose wide, but shallow containers. The stores sell special boxes and plastic trays. They also use materials at hand, such as plastic dishes, cut juice packs and bottles.

Plants dive into separate containers. Use special or homemade pots. To make them, they use plastic cups, edged bottles, etc.

Potting soil for tomatoes is sold in specialized stores. Prepare it yourself. To do this, mix peat, black soil and humus in equal parts. Sand and shredded coconut are also used instead of peat.

To enrich the soil, ash and superphosphate are added to it. If the acidity of the earth is increased, then lime is not added.

To reduce the likelihood of plant contamination, you need to disinfect the soil and containers. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is used for the soil, and strong for containers.

Sowing seeds

After carrying out the preparatory work, they begin to sow seeds. For this, soil is poured into the container so that it does not reach the edge by 3 cm.

The seeds are spread in rows on the soil. There should be a distance of at least 2 cm between the seeds.

From above, the seeds are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of earth. The soil is not compacted.

After that, the earth is moistened with a spray bottle. Use warm, settled water.

Containers with planting material are covered with foil and placed in a warm place. Before the seeds germinate, they don't need light. The warmer it is in the room, the faster the seeds will germinate.

Seedling care

The rules for caring for tomato seedlings are the same for all varieties. The list contains the most important ones:

  1. It is important to monitor the soil condition before seed germination. If it is dry, it is moistened with a spray bottle. When mold appears on the soil, the affected layer is removed. Then the soil is watered with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. The film is slightly opened so that the soil dries out a little.
  2. After germination of seeds, containers with seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place. The lack of lighting is compensated by using fluorescent lamps.
  3. The film is removed one week after the seeds germinate. Before that, the sprouts need extreme humidity, which is created by such an impromptu greenhouse.
  4. Water the tomatoes at the root. It is important that the liquid does not get on the greens of the plant. Use only settled water at room temperature.
  5. Seedlings dive into individual pots.
  6. Top dressing is applied 3 times for the entire time of growing seedlings. The first feeding is done 2 weeks after picking the plants. The next one after another 14 days. The last time fertilization is applied 3-5 before transplanting plants to a permanent place. Complex fertilizers are used.
  7. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, it must be hardened. In two weeks, the plants are taken out into the street, gradually increasing their time in the fresh air.

Growing tomatoes

Tomato Boni MM belongs to the unpretentious varieties of care. Therefore, even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation.

Boney MM is grown in a greenhouse and in the open field. The second method of planting is suitable even for the middle zone of our country.

Tomatoes are planted in open ground when the soil warms up. This usually happens in May.

Ultra-early, non-capricious, undersized and very tasty tomato Boney MM: a complete overview of the variety and its cultivation

Planting tomatoes in a permanent place

Tomato beds have been prepared since autumn. To do this, they are dug up and cleaned of weeds. Organic fertilizers (manure) are applied to the ground. The soil must be checked for acidity. If the indicators are increased, it is easy to fix it with lime.

In the spring, the beds are re-dug up. They are cleaned of plant roots.

For tomatoes, dig holes. The distance between the rows should be 30-40 cm, and 50 cm between the plant recesses. The holes are staggered. Thus, for 1 sq. m fits from 6 to 9 plants.

Before transplanting, the infused seedlings are removed from the pots along with a lump of earth. Plant roots are formed in the center of the hole. After that, the pits are filled with warm water and buried.

The next watering is possible two weeks after the picking of the plants. At the same time, the first feeding is done.

Rules for caring for Boney MM

Tomato Boney MM is undersized. The abundance of the crop is provided precisely by its spreading. Therefore, this variety does not need to be formed.

Patching bushes is also not required. Only the yellowed lower leaves need to be removed. Gardeners recommend removing ugly inflorescences.

Ultra-early, non-capricious, undersized and very tasty tomato Boney MM: a complete overview of the variety and its cultivationSince the Boney MM tomato bushes are considered undersized, they do not have to be tied up. In this case, it is important not to allow the fruits to lie on the ground. Therefore, some farmers still tie the bushes to the support.

Water the tomatoes as the soil dries. Watering should be plentiful, but infrequent.

The soil must be loosened after each watering. This will prevent the formation of a crust that prevents root air exchange.

It is important to pay enough attention to plant nutrition. For the whole season, liquid fertilizers are applied 3-4 times under the root and 1-2 foliar feeding.

For spraying plants, agents are used that include boron. They will speed up the formation of ovaries.

It is interesting:

Early maturing, undersized, pink tomato variety "Pink bush f1".

Why every gardener should at least once grow a tomato "Bobkat" - the best of the undersized.

Mistakes of novice gardeners

When growing tomatoes, novice gardeners often make mistakes that lead to a deterioration in the quality of the crop and even the death of plants.

The list contains the most common ones:

  1. Watering in the midst of the heat. This will increase the chances of burns on the plants. Moisten the soil in the morning or evening.
  2. Use for irrigation with ice water. This will cause root rot. For irrigation, use only settled water at room temperature.
  3. Planting tomatoes in shaded areas of the garden. Tomatoes are a light-loving culture. With insufficient light, yield decreases and the taste of the fruit deteriorates.
  4. Removing too much greenery from the bush. This will lead to the fact that the harvest will be less abundant, and the tomatoes will be watery. Only damaged leaves from the bottom of the plant need to be removed.

Diseases and harmful insects

Tomato Boni MM is immune to the main tomato diseases. Therefore, viruses and fungi rarely affect it. Due to its early maturity, this tomato variety rarely gets sick. late blight.

Attention! Despite the resistance of the variety to diseases, prevention cannot be neglected. It is important to disinfect not only seeds, planting containers and soil, but also all gardening tools that will interact with plants.

Compliance with the rules of care is an important stage in protecting plants from diseases. After all, it is waterlogged and overdried soil that is the main cause of plant infection.

Ultra-early, non-capricious, undersized and very tasty tomato Boney MM: a complete overview of the variety and its cultivationIt is important to protect tomatoes from harmful insects. Pests not only damage the greens and fruits of tomatoes, but also carry pathogens of viral and fungal diseases.

To prevent the appearance of pests, the bushes are treated with celandine infusion. When aphids appear, use a soap solution. To protect against the bear, eggshells are scattered near the plants.

Review the tomato beds regularly. All pests are removed manually.

Features of growing in open and protected ground

The Boni MM tomato is grown mainly in the open field. It is in such conditions that this variety gives the best yield indicators.

When grown outdoors, cover the planting at night for the first two weeks. This will save them from night frosts.

Mulching soil will retain moisture, protect the roots from freezing and pathogens. Burlap or dry grass is used as mulch.

In greenhouses, it is important to maintain optimal humidity. To do this, regularly ventilate the room by opening the vents.

Harvesting and application of the crop

The fruits of the Boni MM tomatoes ripen in late June or early July. They are harvested as they ripen, by cutting with a knife or by hand.

The fruiting of Boni MM does not last long. They give up the entire crop within 2 weeks.

When picking tomatoes, it is important to leave the stalk. This will extend the storage of the crop.

Use the fruit for conservation and fresh consumption. Thanks to their strong skin and compact size, tomatoes do not crack in the jar.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Boni MM advantages:

  • unpretentiousness:
  • cold resistance;
  • immunity to plant diseases;
  • early maturity;
  • short stature.

The disadvantages include the mediocre taste of Boney MM tomatoes. In addition, this tomato does not have long-term fruiting.

Farmers reviews

All farmers note the unpretentiousness of the Boney MM tomato. However, not everyone likes the taste of its fruits.

Irina Metelkina, Shumerlya: “I have been growing Bonnie MM for over 10 years. Of course, tomatoes have a mediocre taste, but they ripen earlier than others. Already in June there are tomatoes on the table. Very easy to grow. Requires minimal maintenance. "

Andrey Pokhvalenko, Zheleznogorsk: “MM has been familiar with Boney's tomato for several years. I grow it in the country. I water it once a week. I tie it up, because otherwise the berries lie on the ground. Otherwise, I don't see any difficulties in leaving. "


Boni MM is one of the earliest ripening tomato varieties. This is not their only advantage. Such tomatoes are not afraid of a cold snap and do not require shaping. Therefore, despite the fact that their berries are not particularly sweet, they are popular with gardeners, including beginners.

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