Why the Beef Pink Brandy f1 tomato is so good and why summer residents love it so much: an overview of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation

Beef tomatoes are large, multi-chamber fruits grown indoors. The high sucrose content makes them sweet and tasty. Tall hybrids give large yields and are immune to bacterial and viral infections. In this material, we have prepared for you information about Beef Pink Brandy F1 tomatoes: characteristics and description of the crop, especially agricultural technology in greenhouse conditions.

Description of the hybrid

Mid-season Beef Pink Brandy F1 was bred by Dutch breeders in 2001. Suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. It was highly appreciated by gardeners due to its unpretentious care, a beautiful even shade of fruits and a wonderful delicate taste.

The tomato is endowed with such features:

  • indeterminate bushes grow up to 2 m in height;
  • the first fruits ripen 75–80 days after planting in the ground or 110–120 days after sowing;
  • maturation is uneven;
  • shortened internodes;
  • in film-type greenhouses, the plant forms 6-7 brushes;
  • resistant to leaf spot, verticillium, fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).

The photo shows a hybrid Beef Pink Brandy F1.

Why is tomato Beef pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation

Fruit characteristics and yield

Tomatoes differ in a number of features:

  • ripe fruits of a rich pink-raspberry color;
  • high content of sucrose and carotene;
  • flat-round shape, ribbed, with a small spout;
  • fruit weight on average varies from 250 to 400 g;
  • the skin is thin, but does not crack;
  • the pulp is juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness, medium density;
  • 6 seed chambers with a lot of seeds;
  • shelf life reaches 25 days;
  • suitable for fresh consumption;
  • attractive appearance.

The yield of the hybrid is high: from 1 m² collect up to 25 kg (or 5–7 kg per bush).

Reference. The record weight of the Beef Pink Brandy tomato is 1 kg.

Growing seedlings

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings in a light, but nutritious substrate with obligatory picking into separate containers.

Seed preparation

Seed material is disinfected in production, so this is not necessary at home. The special composition already protects future seedlings from nightshade diseases: bronze virus, TMV, rootworm nematodes.

Capacity and soil

For sowing seeds, use any container (pots, plastic containers, tetrapacks) and light substrate from gardening stores. If desired, you can prepare it yourself from black soil, peat, humus, ash and superphosphate. The soil is pre-steamed, heated in an oven or poured with a solution of potassium permanganate. Large fractions, pebbles and debris are removed.

Why is tomato Beef pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation


Sowing is carried out in the first half of March 60–65 days before transplanting into the ground. In the soil, grooves with a depth of 2 cm are formed and the material is planted with an interval of 2 cm. A layer of soil (0.5 mm) is poured on top and the containers are covered with a film, which is removed daily for ventilation. Tara is placed in a dark place. Seedlings appear at a stable air temperature of + 18 ... + 21 ° С.

Growing and care

After the appearance of sprouts, the containers are transferred to a windowsill with sufficient lighting.... The pick is carried out after the formation of 3 leaves in individual peat or plastic cups. This will help strengthen the root system.

Young seedlings are watered every 2 days.Reduce moisture up to 3 times every 7 days during the growing season.

Cultivation of tomatoes

Beef Pink Brandy F1 grows best in fertile light soil with neutral pH = 7. The plant needs to be tied and formed into a single stem.

Culture adapts to any climatic conditions... In the northern regions, greenhouses are additionally heated and illuminated. In the southern corners of the country, it is permissible to grow tomatoes in the open field, if there is no risk of night frosts, but the yield is greatly reduced.

Since the hybrid was originally bred for cultivation in greenhouses, we will talk in more detail about this method.

Read about other varieties:

How to grow a Black Elephant tomato

Advantages and disadvantages of the "Raspberry Elephant" variety

Farmer's favorite among tomatoes: Bull's Heart Tomato


A place for tomatoes is chosen on the sunny side or additional sources of lighting are installed in the greenhouse.

Disembarkation begins between May 15 and June 5 (in 40-50 days from the moment of sowing). The gap between the seedlings is 50-60 cm. Dig holes 10 cm deep, watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water to disinfect the soil.

Why is tomato Beef pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation


Hybrid Beef Pink Brandy F1 undemanding in care, but, like any other plant, it needs watering, loosening the soil, applying top dressing, and removing weeds.

The main rule of proper hydration is moderation.... The water in the beds should not stagnate, otherwise the tomatoes will become watery and tasteless. Watered with settled warm water strictly at the root. The soil is then loosened.

Council. If possible, arrange for drip irrigation of the crop. So the earth will be constantly moistened and no drought is terrible for it.

Before the formation of ovaries plants are fertilized with nitrogen, after which they switch to potassium-phosphorus mixtures.

Recipes for the best top dressing for tomatoes per 10 l:

  • 500 ml of liquid mullein, 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoski;
  • 500 ml chicken droppings, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tsp. potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tbsp. l. potassium humate, 1 tbsp. l. nitrophosphate.

Spraying boric acid prevent flowers and ovaries from falling off. It is enough to treat the tomatoes twice with such a solution in a proportion of 1 g of dry matter per 1 liter of clean water to solve the problem.

Growing features

Bush formation rules:

  1. Indeterminate plants stepchild, remove excess lateral shoots and form them into one stem. The seed producer claims that in this way it will be possible to achieve high yields. Lateral shoots are removed 14 days after planting the seedlings, then they are broken off every day when they reach a length of 5-7 cm.
  2. The growth of bushes is limited after 6-7 brushes by pinching, 2 leaves are left above the upper brush.
  3. Removal of the lower leaves with a frequency of 1-2 times a week begins after the fruits of the first cluster reach a diameter of 4-5 cm.
  4. The bushes are tied up to protect them from creases under the weight of the tomatoes.

Why is tomato Biff pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation

The hybrid needs additional pollination when grown in an enclosed space. To do this, a hive is installed in the greenhouse during the period of ovary formation and removed after harvesting the fruits. If tomatoes are cultivated in a greenhouse in the warm season, hives can be omitted. It is enough to keep the windows open for easy access by bees.

The bushes are periodically shaken with light movementsto prevent rapid shedding of pollen, otherwise pollination will not occur. The manipulation is carried out three times a week. The appearance of ovaries indicates the success of the work done.

The temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below +15 ° С, otherwise the deformation of the anthers will occur. At air temperatures above +30 ° C, the viability of pollen decreases, and at +35 ° C, the anthers become sterile.

It is important to keep the humidity level below 70%, otherwise the pollen sticks together and loses the ability to scatter around the plants.

Disease prevention

The hybrid is immune to leaf spot, verticillosis, fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus at the genetic level.

Why is tomato Biff pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivationIf watering rules are not followed, high humidity in the greenhouse, an excess of nitrogen in the plant affects late blight. The disease can be recognized by its characteristic features: brown spots appear, white fluffy bloom on the leaves and stems, deformation of the fruit. The best way to prevent infection is to prevent it.:

  • disinfection of greenhouses with sulfur bombs in the fall;
  • steaming the soil with boiling water or processing with chemicals;
  • mulching the soil with sawdust, peat, coniferous needles;
  • maintaining optimal humidity levels.
  • renewal of the topsoil (5 cm).

If infection could not be avoided, carry out the treatment of bushes with such preparations: "Acrobat", "Barrier", Fitosporin... Irrigation is stopped 3 weeks before harvesting.

Insect control

In early July, aphids and spider mites are activated, which help folk remedies for spraying bushes:

  1. Infusion of garlic. For 1 liter of water, take 300 g of crushed raw materials, insist 5 days. They are processed 3-4 times with an interval of 3 days.
  2. Wood ash. For 10 water, take 50 g of ash, 50 ml of soap, mix and filter. They are used constantly, 2 times a month.
  3. Tobacco. For 10 liters of boiling water, take 400 g of makhorka, leave to brew for 2 days. Irrigate at least three times every 3 days.
  4. Onion peel. For 3 liters of warm water, take 50 g of raw materials and soak for 6-8 hours, then add 10 ml of liquid soap and mix. Treat 2 times with an interval of 5 days.

From whitefly the drugs "Aktara" and "Fitoverm" are saved. The manufacturer indicates the dosage and frequency of processing on the packaging.

Harvesting and application of the crop

Tomatoes are harvested between July and September... Pink fruits are versatile in cooking and are suitable for salads, vegetable cuts, soups, sauces, juice, pasta, stuffing and canning in chunks.

Why is tomato Biff pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the Beef Pink Brandy hybrid:

  • high productivity;
  • large fruit sizes;
  • great taste;
  • long shelf life;
  • uneven ripening allows you to enjoy the fruits for a long time;
  • resistance to viruses and bacteria.

The disadvantages of culture include the difficulty of growing indoors and the need for pinching and tying bushes.


Farmer reviews of Beef Pink Brandy are extremely positive:

Why is tomato Biff pink brandy f1 so good and why summer residents love it so much: a review of the variety and the secrets of its cultivationMiroslav, Satka: “I grow tomatoes for sale, so I prefer hybrids. They do not need special care, rarely get sick, and give large yields. One of my favorites is Beef Pink Brandy. Tomatoes grow large, juicy and sweet ".

Alla, city of Varna: “I have been growing these tomatoes for 5 years in a row in a polycarbonate greenhouse. There are slight difficulties with pollination, which are solved by installing a hive with bees. Culture is practically not sick with anything. Sometimes you have to treat the bushes from aphids, but the stores have a large selection of tools that quickly solve the problem. ".

Ivan, Roslavl: “Beef Pink Brandy is one of the best Dutch hybrids. Differs in long-term fruiting and disease resistance. In order to consistently get a high yield, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse, water and fertilize with potassium and phosphorus on time ”.


Beef Pink Brandy is an ideal hybrid for greenhouse cultivation. The culture has genetic immunity to viruses of bronze and tomato mosaic, rootworm nematodes, fusarium and verticillosis. Small difficulties with pollination are solved by installing hives in greenhouses or constantly open vents in the summer season. Pleasant sweet taste, high yield (5–7 kg per bush), tender but strong skin and excellent keeping quality (up to 25 days) - all these qualities allow tomatoes to remain at the peak of popularity.

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