Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about them

Ordinary beetroot, according to most scientists, has a beneficial effect on the body if consumed regularly. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the destructive effect of free radicals, slows down the aging process at the cellular level, saturates the body with useful vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Beets are widely used for the treatment of colds... Possessing the properties of an antiseptic, it destroys pathogenic microflora, prevents further growth and spread of infection, thereby maintaining the processes of external respiration at the physiological level, preventing the development of complications. Consider how beets help from coughing, in what form and to whom it can be taken, and when it is better to abandon traditional methods of treatment.

How to treat cough with beets

Cough is a physiological reflex of the body that occurs in response to irritation of the receptors of the larynx, nasal cavity and sinuses, and the lower respiratory tract. Its main function is to clear the respiratory tract of foreign substances (mucus, pus, sputum, foreign body). It is a symptom of a wide range of diseases, but it is most often associated with acute respiratory infections.

Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about them

Traditional medicine suggests using beets to treat a cold cough in addition to medication. This is a proven and cheap way to reduce the frequency and effectiveness of coughs, get rid of pain and sore throat, and strengthen weakened immunity.

The options for using a vegetable are varied, they are selected taking into account the type of cough (wet or dry), general health, age, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Beets are often combined with other products that enhance its medicinal properties and add new effects. Initially, juice is obtained from beets, which is then used for ingestion, rinsing, compresses, inhalations, and when the mucous membrane of the sinuses is irritated, it is instilled into the nose.

For reference. Boiled beets It is not less useful than raw, since during the heat treatment the chemical composition remains practically unchanged. It still contains minerals, antioxidants, folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and other micro- and macroelements, necessary for the body's vital functions.

Does it help

An unambiguous answer to the question "Does beetroot help with cough?" does not exist. The outcome of the disease depends on a number of factors: the reasons for the development of the disease, the stage and characteristics of the course, the physiological characteristics of the patient (age, gender, history). In addition, beets are not a competitor and not a substitute for pharmaceuticals... It enhances the effect of medications, reduces the need for them, reduces the duration of treatment and dosage, but cannot completely replace or eliminate.

Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about them

Beets affect the condition and a number of functions of the respiratory system:

  • soothes irritated mucous membranes;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • improves breathing;
  • destroys pathogens, preventing their spread to the lower respiratory tract;
  • liquefies and facilitates the excretion of phlegm;
  • reduces the frequency and intensity of reflex acts;
  • eliminates pain and sore throat.

Besides, her benefit for the treatment of a cold cough is to strengthen local immunity, improve general health, saturation of the body with micro and macro elements.

Advice... Doctors recommend increasing the amount of beets in the diet of adults and children in the autumn-winter period in order to minimize the risk of colds, to form the mechanism of antimicrobial immunity.

Beetroot cough suppressant for children and adults

In order not to harm the body and not aggravate the course of the disease, it is important to first discuss with your doctor the advisability of treating cough with beets and the options for its use, especially in relation to children.

If used incorrectly, there is a risk of getting a burn of the mucous membrane, an allergic reaction, complications from the digestive system in case of ingestion. In addition, recipes with vodka cannot be used to treat cough in children.

Traditional methods of treating cough with beets

Let's look at the most popular ways to get rid of a cough with beets. This is beet juice for ingestion or rinsing, beet syrup. Beets with honey or in combination with other vegetables are no less popular.

In addition, beetroot juice is instilled into the nose if the cough is triggered by irritation of the nose and sinuses. With sinusitis and adenoiditis, two drops of beet juice are instilled into the previously cleaned sinuses, for children, the juice is diluted with water in proportions 1: 1.

Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about themSteam inhalation will help to stop attacks of dry cough. Hot boiled root vegetables should be transferred from the pan to another dish, tilt your head, cover with a towel and breathe slowly, deeply. The duration of the first procedure is 3-5 minutes, each time it is necessary to increase the time by 1-2 minutes, bringing it to 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to go outside for an hour.

It is good to drink a glass of warm milk with honey after inhalation.

Important! Inhalation is contraindicated at elevated temperatures and a purulent process.

Beetroot cough juice recipe

For the treatment of a cold cough, concentrated beet juice, either diluted with water or other vegetable juice, is used.

For acute and chronic tonsillitis, the following remedy is prepared:

  1. Pour one glass of grated beets without peels into a sterile glass container, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid.
  2. Leave the medicine to infuse for a day. Then strain, add 2-3 tbsp. l. natural honey (subject to the absence of allergies).

Gargle every 2-3 hours for 10-15 days. With complicated tonsillitis, the course of treatment reaches 20 days, unless otherwise agreed by the doctor. This medicine is used for oral administration in half a glass one hour after the main meal.

Beetroot cough syrup

Beet syrup, due to its good organoleptic properties and sweetness, is well accepted by children, and it is also suitable for the treatment of cough in adults. To do this, make a depression in a clean and dried root crop, add sugar and bring it to readiness in the microwave for 5 minutes. You can put it in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until the beets let out the juice.

Adults take orally 1-2 tbsp. l. every 2-3 hours. Children over three years old are recommended to reduce the one-time rate to 1 tsp.

Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about them

Beetroot with honey

This is not only a healthy, but also a delicious recipe. When taken orally, honey enhances the production of saliva, which softens the throat, facilitates swallowing, and coats the irritated oral mucosa. In addition, the agent has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic properties, relieves the severity of symptoms, and shortens the onset of remission.

To prepare the recipe, you will need one medium-sized beet and 1 tsp. honey. Rinse the vegetable thoroughly under running water, cut off the root for stability and tops... Do not remove the peel. Make a depression in the center with a knife and a spoon, add honey. Send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes (cooking time depends on the variety and size of the beets).

Cough Recipe: Beetroot and Carrot Juice, Radish

Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about themBeets combine well with other vegetables that enhance their medicinal properties. Black winter radish has a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory tract. It provides an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system and, most importantly, contains natural antibiotics - phytoncides, which destroy pathogenic microorganisms, thereby stopping the progression of the disease.

Carrots are no less useful for coughing. It saturates the body with useful vitamins such as B, C, E, K, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the formation and maintenance of antimicrobial immunity. In addition, vitamin A in the composition improves the condition of the mucous membranes, suppresses the effectiveness of reflex spasms.


  1. Rinse vegetables, remove tops, peel.
  2. Grind the vegetables individually or using a blender (a juicer is also suitable), transfer the gruel to cheesecloth, squeeze the juice.
  3. Combine vegetable juices in equal proportions, let it brew for 12 hours. Can be done at night.
  4. Take in small portions by mouth throughout the day. The permissible daily allowance for an adult should not exceed 150-200 ml.

In addition to the listed vegetables, the pulp of aloe leaves, honey, and cranberries are sometimes added to the composition.

Gargles with beetroot juice

When treating dry cough in adults and children, rinsing with beetroot juice is helpful. It soothes irritated mucous membranes, reduces the frequency of coughing, and liquefies phlegm if it does not clear its throat well.

To prepare the medicine, 1 tsp is added to a glass of freshly squeezed beet juice. vinegar. For children, vinegar is replaced with honey. Gargle periodically throughout the day. The course of treatment is on average 7-10 days.

Important! With purulent sore throat it is recommended to add 1 tbsp to 150-200 ml of beet juice. l. onion juice.

How to make beetroot juice for use in recipes

For the preparation of beet juice, oblong fruits are used, of a bright burgundy color, without white veins inside and traces of pest damage. Wash the vegetable beforehand, cut the tops by 1/3, remove the peel, rinse again with water, dry with a paper towel.

Then there are two options:

  1. Grate the beets, transfer the gruel to cheesecloth, squeeze.
  2. Cut the beets into cubes, chop in a blender, meat grinder or juicer. Wring out with gauze or a bandage folded in several layers.

Beet juice should be infused in a cold place for at least an hour, after which it can be used for medicinal purposes. Otherwise, there is a danger of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels with subsequent disruption of oxygen supply to organs and tissues.

reference... Freshly prepared juice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days, so it is advisable to prepare a fresh portion every day.

Will beets help with a strong cough?

With a strong cough, beets have a softening effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the larynx, reduce the intensity and frequency of reflex acts, but without the use of medications they are not able to stop and completely cure the cough.

To stop attacks of dry cough, medicines with a bronchodilating effect are needed. They increase the secretion of the bronchial glands, reduce the viscosity of mucus, due to which it is faster and easier to cough up and does not irritate the throat. In addition, they have an anesthetic effect, due to which cough is reduced.

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to abandon the treatment of cough with beets in case of individual intolerance to the vegetable. It is not recommended to take beet juice inside for people with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.Beets are contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, urolithiasis.


Reviews about the benefits of beets for cough are controversial. Proponents of traditional medicine argue that the root vegetable copes well with a cold cough, eliminates pain and sore throat, and promotes faster recovery.Quickly and simply get rid of cough with beets: the best recipes and reviews about them

Another part of patients is doubtful about the effectiveness of beetroot juice for colds, since the antimicrobial properties of the vegetable are insufficient to independently destroy the pathogenic microflora. In addition, if improperly prepared and used, you can harm the body and aggravate the course of the underlying disease.

Marina: “On the advice of a friend, I drank beet juice with honey at the same time as antibiotics to treat angina. It is difficult to correctly assess the effect of the folk remedy, but immediately after taking the vegetable drink, I felt relief, it became easier to swallow, breathe better, and the attacks were less frequent. I did not find any negative consequences ”.

Antonina: “I have been drinking beet juice all year round for several years now, especially with the onset of cold weather, when the number of respiratory diseases reaches its peak. During this time, I have never contracted the flu. I don’t know how a cough is, but beets strengthen the immune system well, you are less likely to get sick, and accordingly, there is no further need to treat cough with beets. My advice is to consume beets and beet juice all year round. "


The demand for beets has grown significantly recently. Experts have proven that due to its unique rich chemical composition, it has a positive effect on a number of important functions in the body, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, providing protection against chronic respiratory diseases and complications.

In addition, beet juice soothes irritated mucous membranes, reduces the number and intensity of cough acts, makes breathing easier, and relieves pain. But for a favorable outcome of the disease, professional drug therapy is important, and beetroot juice is just an addition to it.

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