Buckwheat cancer treatment according to the method of Dr. Laskin

There are various approaches to the treatment of cancer, one of which is the use of nutritional factors. Diet food provides adequate support for the patient's body, stabilizes metabolism, and strengthens the immune system.

Doctors no longer have any doubts that food products are capable of influencing the formation and growth of cancer cells - accelerating or inhibiting them. There are many systems of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition in oncology. These include Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet.

Does buckwheat help cancer

Buckwheat cancer treatment according to the method of Dr. Laskin

The diet of Dr. Wolf Laskin is based on the inclusion in the diet of natural food components that have an oncoprotective effect. A similar therapeutic effect inherent in quercetin is a flavonoid from the group of vitamins R.

Buckwheat contains an increased amount of quercetin - 24 g in 300 g of cereals. According to Dr. Laskin, long-term or lifelong use of large portions of buckwheat can affect the course of the disease, stop the development of a cancerous tumor.

For reference. The record holder for quercetin content is rosehip (up to 11.5% of the norm in 100 g). In second place is buckwheat (about 8%), and in third place is onion peel (up to 4%).

It is difficult to say how effective buckwheat is against cancer. It is difficult to assess its effect, since most of the patients are taking complex treatment, and the effect may be associated with the action of a number of medications.

There is no doubt that buckwheat serves as an effective means of preventing cancer due to its powerful antioxidant properties. However, on the Internet you can find positive reviews of women who have used the Laskin diet for breast cancer, and they have managed to achieve a stable remission.


The author's method of cancer treatment according to Laskin is based on the nutritional system aimed at the use of large doses of quercetin contained in buckwheat. Quercetin is directly involved in the restoration of the functions of the p53 gene in cancer cells, the mutation of which occurs in almost all cases of oncological diseases. Its deficiency in 50-60% of the total number of cases causes cancer.

Quercetin, in turn, affects the p53 gene and rehabilitates it, which leads to a decrease in the degree of differentiation of cancer cells. Also, quercetin neutralizes the action of dangerous free radicals, inhibits the inflammatory process, and increases the protection of the immune system.

What is the secret of the healing effect of buckwheat

According to Dr. Laskin, the use of buckwheat can successfully resist the growth and formation of new cancer cells, since its grains contain high concentrations of quercetin.

This natural biochemical substance is endowed with various medicinal properties:

  1. Antioxidant. It neutralizes the effect of free radicals and other dangerous substances on the body, suppresses oxidation processes.
  2. Capillary stabilizing. Increases the stability of the capillary walls, reduces the permeability of the vascular walls, improves microcirculation, and normalizes venous outflow.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Blocks the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, inhibits the activity of already existing inflammatory processes.
  4. Cardioprotective. Stimulates the energy supply of heart muscle cells.
  5. Radioprotective. Weakens the result of exposure to gamma and X-rays.
  6. Immunomodulatory. It has an effect on the immune system, activates immunocompetent cells, increases resistance to the action of pathogenic microorganisms.

Other properties of quercetin have been experimentally determined: antispasmodic, regenerative, diuretic, anti-sclerotic, antihistamine. Flavonoids are also able to regulate blood pressure, increase insulin secretion, change the activity of many metabolic enzymes, and slow down the aging process.

Thus, with regular consumption of buckwheat groats and the exclusion of "harmful" products, quercetin, entering the body, affects the vital activity of cancer cells by suppressing enzymatic reactions. A reborn cancer cell does not receive protein molecules important for maintaining life, and therefore its lifespan is reduced.

Council. It is especially actively and in large quantities recommended to use buckwheat during the period of radiation or chemotherapy, since the beneficial components of cereals protect cell membranes from the toxic effects of chemicals and drugs.

Buckwheat against cancer according to the method of Dr. Laskin

Dr. Laskin's buckwheat diet includes two stages.

First step

Its duration varies between 5-6 weeks. The basis of the diet is buckwheat.

Its preparation takes place according to a certain technology:

  1. Rinse 100 g of whole grain cereals until clear water, pour 500 ml of cold water.
  2. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes.
  3. A couple of minutes before readiness, add 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran and 2 tbsp. l. extra virgin olive oil.

Drink plenty of water between meals, at least 2 liters. The diet also provides for the daily use of freshly squeezed juice of your choice: grapefruit, pineapple, orange.

The menu for every day looks like this:

Breakfast 1 tbsp. l. ground rose hips with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. honey
30 minutes after breakfast Portion of buckwheat porridge with bran and olive oil
After an hour Green unsweetened tea and 50 g of raisins
Lunch Porridge made from ground rosehip and honey. Half an hour later - buckwheat with bran and olive oil, after another hour - green tea without sugar and a handful of raisins
Dinner It happens in a similar way as breakfast and lunch


The second stage lasts up to six months. Has a more varied diet, supplemented mainly by vegetable dietary soups, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

Laskin's cancer-fighting diet includes:

  1. Vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, zucchini, garden herbs, eggplants, beets.
  2. Fruits: apricot, orange, raspberry, peaches, tangerines, grapes, strawberries, melons, cherries, cherries.
  3. Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs.
  4. Berries: raspberries, strawberries, black and red currants, blackberries, blueberries.
  5. Nuts: cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, seeds, pistachios.
  6. Buckwheat whole grain groats.
  7. Rosehip.
  8. Legumes.
  9. Freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juice.
  10. Bread.
  11. Extra virgin olive oil.
  12. Diet soups based on secondary broth with cereals.
  13. Drinks: rosehip broth, still mineral water, green and fruit tea without sugar.

In a limited amount, it allows the addition of boiled chicken fillet, turkey, low-fat fish.

It is required to minimize (and ideally completely limit) all types of red meat, vegetable and animal fats, mayonnaise, sauces, fatty dairy and sour milk products, hot spices and seasonings, smoked meats, fatty and fried foods, sugar, salt, confectionery , white bread, coffee, alcoholic drinks.

It is interesting:

Caution, gluten: is it in the composition of buckwheat, oatmeal, millet and rice.

Choosing the right groats: which buckwheat is better dark or light.

Useful properties and calorie content of buckwheat steamed with boiling water.

Important nuances and recommendations

Light and brown buckwheat is ideal for preparing various everyday dishes, but in terms of benefits for the body of a cancer patient, they are the least suitable.

In the course of heat treatment, the content of flavonoids in grains sharply decreases, leaving only two types of compounds - rutin and isovitexin. Other antioxidants, including quercetin, are completely destroyed. Therefore, this type of cereal does not have an antitumor effect.

A more efficient option is raw green buckwheat without heat treatment, which retains all elements and antioxidants valuable for the human body. Alternatively, you can include sprouted green buckwheat sprouts in your anti-cancer diet.

Germinating green buckwheat at home is quite simple:

  1. Clean a glass of green buckwheat from debris, rinse until clear water.
  2. Transfer the grains to a glass container, pour 3 tbsp. filtered drinking water. Insist under the lid for 2 hours.
  3. Remove the remaining water, mix the buckwheat well.
  4. Cover the container with cereals with wet gauze, with a lid on top, so that there is an opportunity for air to enter.
  5. Store in the refrigerator for two days or until sprouts with a length of 1-2 cm appear.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the quality of the product used, the conditions of its storage. Buy exclusively the highest grade of buckwheat from well-known and proven foreign or domestic producers. The highest industrial grade contains a minimum amount of spoiled grains, impurities.

Council. Give preference to cereals packaged in transparent plastic packaging, which prevents the grain from damping, allows you to inspect the cereals for the presence of foreign inclusions, insects. Pay attention to the smell. The product of proper quality has no foreign odors of mustiness or mold.

Harm and contraindications

An anti-cancer buckwheat diet can harm the body, worsen both the general health of the patient and the course of the disease, and cause the opposite effect - to increase the formation and growth of malignant cells.

The fact is that in the majority of cancer patients, especially in the later stages, protein-energy deficiency occurs after chemotherapy or radiation therapy sessions. Such patients need to include high-calorie foods in the diet, ensuring the energy value of the diet is up to 4000 kcal per day.

In addition, many patients have concomitant lesions of organs and systems, which also requires correction of nutrition, in some cases - enteral nutrition with special mixtures.

According to some nutritionists, the nutritional method proposed by Dr. Laskin is contraindicated in the late stages of cancer due to the inadequacy of the diet in terms of the set of micro- and macroelements. Only the inclusion in the diet of a large amount of natural whole foods can create a balanced acidic environment that will be favorable for healthy cells and destructive for cancer cells.

Is cancer treatment proven with green buckwheat?

From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, the use of products with an antitumor effect, including buckwheat, does not have statistically confirmed data on the effectiveness and recovery against the background of such a diet. However, the fact of the negative effect of buckwheat antioxidants on cancer cells is not disputed.

It is necessary to understand that diet therapy alone is not enough to defeat cancer, especially when it comes to severe cancer patients.However, the principles of proper and healthy nutrition cannot be ignored, since a hectic diet, the use of animals and cooking fats reduces immunity, slows down the recovery process.

Green buckwheat for oncology can be recommended by a specialist in combination with the main methods of treatment.

What do representatives of official medicine think about this method?

Reviews of specialists about Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet are few... Most experts cast doubt on the author's assertions that the results of using "shock doses" of buckwheat are the death of cancer cells, and the tumor completely disappears.

In addition, according to European Food Safety (EFSA, 2011), there are no scientific studies that support any therapeutic effect of quercetin. It is not registered as a separate drug for the treatment of any diseases, including malignant tumors.

According to most nutritionists and oncologists, we can talk about the general healing effect of buckwheat for the body, and use it as a therapeutic food for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases that increase the risk of developing cancer.

Supporters of a healthy diet agree with Dr. Wolf Laskin that the diet should contain exclusively natural products: cereals, vegetables, fruits, garden herbs, dairy and sour milk products, vegetable and fruit juices. Instead, it is recommended to completely exclude concentrated fish and meat broths, mushrooms, legumes, potatoes, red meat, alcohol, sugar and products containing it from the diet.


Is buckwheat useful for oncology? Only in combination with the main methods of treatment or as a prophylactic agent. Undoubtedly, green buckwheat can and should be an element of a healthy diet for cancer patients.

Due to the varied content of active biological substances, croup improves the general well-being of the patient, increases the effectiveness of basic therapy, reduces the negative manifestations of malignant tumors and the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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