What are the varieties and types of buckwheat

It is not for nothing that buckwheat is called “the queen of cereals”. It contains complex carbohydrates, vegetable protein, a lot of vitamins and microelements. In modern stores, there are many varieties of buckwheat groats from different manufacturers. How to choose the right buckwheat for you - this article will tell you.

Types and varieties of buckwheat

There are many varieties of buckwheat. Each dish has its own version.

What are the varieties and types of buckwheat

Types of buckwheat

They differ in the method of processing the raw materials:

  1. Core - the most common polished buckwheat. It is a whole or slightly split grains, free of husk. In this type of cereal, there is much less litter, it is easily washed. They put up steamed or fried kernels for sale.
  2. Done - These are crushed, crushed grains, also known as "chopping". Prodel cooks much faster than a kernel. The porridge from it turns out to be tender and homogeneous. Prodel is recommended for cooking casseroles, meatballs, grains.
  3. Green buckwheat Is a kernel that has not gone through the roasting stage. Especially popular with healthy food lovers. This species is soft, retains its green color and all useful qualities.What are the varieties and types of buckwheat
  4. Buckwheat flakes - core grains, flattened and steamed. Used for instant cereals, in the manufacture of dietary bread.
  5. Buckwheat flour - the finest grinding of buckwheat. Used to make bread noodles, pancakes, buns.

Sprouted green buckwheat will be a wonderful addition to various salads and other dishes. However, with prolonged heat treatment, this cereal loses its beneficial properties.

Reference. Buckwheat porridge was brought to Russia from Greece. However, her homeland is considered the highlands of the Himalayas, where her wild species still grow. Buckwheat had many names - black porridge, pagan, Turkish grain, black rice.

Buckwheat varieties

Determined by the degree of product purification:

  • unground of the first (premium) grade - the purest and most thoroughly processed cereal without extra seeds, untreated kernels;
  • second grade - only up to 7% of litter, husks and other impurities are allowed in a pack;
  • the third grade is the most impure cereal, the package contains up to 10% litter and husk, it is better to sort and rinse it before using it.

How to choose buckwheat

A wide selection of buckwheat groats from different manufacturers is presented on grocery store shelves.

When buying, pay attention to packaging, appearance, smell and taste, as the batch may have had improper storage and transportation conditions.

By packing

Most often, buckwheat is sold in plastic bags. They perfectly protect the product from moisture and harmful substances. When purchasing, carefully examine the pack for tears, holes and other damage to the integrity.

High-quality cereals should not contain foreign impurities. If the nucleoli are of approximately the same size and color, this indicates a good quality of processing and sorting of cereals.

Reference. Please note the net weight on the package before purchasing. Often the same product grade sold at the same price but different in weight.

By color

What are the varieties and types of buckwheat

After steam treatment, the groats acquire a pleasant brown color of varying intensity. It boils well, but is not recommended for baby or diet food, as it retains few useful substances.

Unsteamed kernels have a pale creamy shade that gives off a yellowish or greenish tint.Such porridge takes longer to cook than from steamed grains, but it retains its beneficial properties.

Reference. If the cereal is rich brown with a red tint, you should not purchase such a product. During the production of cereals, they are intensively roasted, and trace elements and vitamins are not preserved in it. These nuclei have darker edges than the central part.


Have a cooked porridge there should be no sour or bitter taste. All this indicates that the cereal contains harmful microorganisms that will cause poisoning.

Reference. The most popular cooking method is cooking on water. However, there are a lot of interesting dishes that include cereals. Sprouted buckwheat grains are also tasty and healthy, they have a pleasant taste with nutty notes.

Beneficial features

Buckwheat is good because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Their long-term digestion provides the body with a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Also, cereals are high in protein and low in fat.

Reference. Buckwheat is ideal for baby food, as it has many useful properties and high calorie content. The product is successfully used as the first complementary food for babies. Croup has a positive effect on the general development of the child and forms immunity.

The most useful are unground and green buckwheat. They are the least pre-processed. Green buckwheat contains all 8 essential amino acids: tryptophan, lysine, methionine, valine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and histidine. In their concentration, only legumes are ahead of it, but buckwheat is better absorbed by the body.

What are the varieties and types of buckwheat

It includes:

  • potassium - necessary to maintain heart function;
  • calcium and phosphorus - indispensable for the skeletal system;
  • iodine - has an important effect on growth, development and metabolism;
  • fluoride is an important element for tooth enamel;
  • molybdenum - supports the activity of some enzymes;
  • cobalt - participates in the process of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the nervous system and liver;
  • iron - strengthens the immune system, provides tissues with oxygen;
  • vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid) play an important role in metabolism, take part in the formation of red blood cells, regulate the reproductive function of the body, and participate in the formation of new cells.

What is plastic buckwheat

Plastic buckwheat is a fake cereal made in China. What is in its composition is not known exactly, but presumably these are synthetic compounds and waste from the food industry. Product features - poor quality, poor digestibility, harm to allergy sufferers and people with liver disease.

In the People's Republic of China, this type of cereal is classified as a low quality food. Below artificial buckwheat is only compound feed. Do not chase the maximum cheapness - buy groats of domestic production from well-known brands.


The most common type of buckwheat is unground, and the most useful is green groats. It is not subject to heat treatment, therefore it contains a maximum of useful substances. When buying, check the integrity of the packaging, pay attention to the expiration date and color of the cereal - the lighter the better.

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