Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention to

Buckwheat is a cereal that is popular and loved by many. It contains useful vitamins and minerals, saturates the body for a long time.

The modern market offers different varieties of this cereal. They are different in appearance, benefit and price. Lovers of this product know which buckwheat is better - dark or light. Let's tell you in more detail what they pay attention to when choosing this cereal.

What is the difference between dark and light buckwheat

Dark and light buckwheat are not different varieties. The brown color and all its shades have steamed cereals. Its beneficial properties are reduced, since it is processed at high temperatures. It boils quickly, the porridge turns out to be crumbly, with a delicate taste.

If the color is dark brown, then there is very little useful in it. Such kernels are most often processed on small farms. Instead of steaming, they are fried.

Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention toPale, creamy color with a slight shade of yellow in unboiled cereals. Useful properties are preserved in it as much as possible. Brews longer than dark.

Buckwheat color depends on the processing temperature. At high temperatures, it turns brown. It turns dark brown when seared. Light groats are not steamed.

Which is better and than

The answer to this question seems obvious. If there are more useful properties in light cereal, then it means that it is better.

Pros of dark buckwheat:

  • cooks faster;
  • crumbly;
  • the taste is softer;
  • low price.

Pros of light buckwheat:

  • more useful items;
  • suitable for garnish.

Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention to

There is a large assortment of dark and light cereals on sale. If the question is about the price, then they choose the first one - it is cheaper. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle prefer light.

Which buckwheat is better: brown or green

The most useful buckwheat - green... During cleaning, grains are not subjected to heat treatment, so all vitamins and trace elements remain in full. This is a natural product. Consume it raw.

Interesting. In Europe, green buckwheat can only be bought in pharmacies, since it is considered medicinal and dietary product.

Green buckwheat cooking methods:Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention to

  • germination;
  • steaming.

Germinate it, observing certain rules.

The process consists in soaking cereals in melt or ice water. The grains stay in the first water for no more than 1.5 hours. Then the water is changed and left for 4 to 10 hours, stirred and when mucus appears, the water is changed again. Grains need a different amount of time to germinate. Therefore, the total time for this process takes from 8 to 24 hours.

The most useful cereal is considered 2-4 days after the emergence of sprouts.

Attention! Sprouted grains are stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Supporters of healthy eating have come up with many dishes with sprouted green buckwheat. They make cereals with fruits, salads, dry sprouted grains and grind them into flour. Hence the pancakes, pancakes, pies - healthy baked goods that do not contain yeast and oil.

An easier, but no less useful way to cook green buckwheat is steaming. Everything is simple here. One glass of grain pour two glasses of boiling water overnight. Remember to rinse the cereal first.

In second place is the unground, which is obtained from buckwheat by grinding it. During processing, the shell is peeled off. The next step is steaming or frying.

Brown groats are obtained by strong roasting of kernels, the composition of vitamins and microelements is significantly reduced. Brown buckwheat is boiled and soaked.

Cold water, boiling water, kefir are suitable for soaking. The main thing is to observe the correct proportions: for one glass of grain - two glasses of liquid. Cold water leaves maximum usefulness. Soaked overnight and be sure to eat during the day. When soaking in boiling water, the amount of vitamins decreases. But by the morning the cereal turns out to be crumbly, like porridge.

Nutritionists advise soaking buckwheat with low-fat kefir. The mixture is recommended to be poured into a thermos so that the cool drink does not ferment in a warm room overnight.

How to choose the best buckwheat

Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention to

Manufacturers often confuse buyers. TV ads, colorful packaging mislead many when choosing cereals. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Types and varieties of buckwheat

Buckwheat is of two types:

  1. Core - whole grains.
  2. Done - split grains, small and large. The simple name is a cut.

Only unground is divided into varieties.

The first is the cleanest and highest quality. A minimum of unprocessed grain, fine litter.

Interesting. In the East, tea is made from buckwheat grains.

The second one contains up to 7% waste after processing.

The third - up to 10% of various impurities.

The variety does not affect the quality of the cereal. The third grade has a lower price, but it will take time to sort out the kernels and remove debris.


Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention to

The correct packaging for cereals is cellophane bags. They protect it from moisture. They show what color buckwheat is, so they make it possible to purchase healthy cereals.

Producers who hide the quality of buckwheat pack it in beautiful paper boxes. Groats absorb excess moisture and lose their beneficial properties. Buyers do not see what is inside, and are guided by the beautiful inscriptions outside.

The ad talks about quick ways to cook porridge in sachets. But it does not mean that it has already undergone thermal treatment and has lost some of its useful qualities.


Determine the quality of the product first by its appearance. This can be done when the packaging is transparent. Good buckwheat is immediately visible: all grains are peeled and of the same size. Modern technologies make it possible to do this.

There are no rubbish and impurities in bags with good quality buckwheat.

Taste and smell

The taste of the cereal depends on its raw smell. Before cooking, buckwheat should not smell like mold and musty. When stored properly, no bitterness or sourness occurs.

Of course, the store does not allow you to break the bag and sniff. The first time they choose at random, and the next time they buy from a trusted manufacturer.

How to store buckwheat

Choosing cereals correctly: which buckwheat is better dark or light, what criteria to pay attention to

There are several rules for storing cereals:

  1. Expiration date - 12 months from the date of manufacture. It is indicated on the packaging.
  2. After purchase, it is poured into a glass or metal container with a tight lid.
  3. Store only dry cereals.

Over time, the taste of buckwheat deteriorates and the beneficial properties become less. It is not recommended to make annual stocks.


The most useful buckwheat is green. This product is widely used in diets. Instead of boiling it, you just need to soak or steam it - then the benefits will be maximum.

Common buckwheat brings slightly less benefits to the body, but this boiled product is loved by many. Therefore, in the diet of any family is not the last place - buckwheat saturates the body with nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

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