Fragrant Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads

Vegetable basil varieties, of which there are several dozen in the State Register of the Russian Federation, differ in taste, aroma, bush height, and leaf color. The Basilisk, officially listed in 2003, is suitable for growing both in the garden and in pots on windowsills. It is used for making marinades, salads, sauces and many hot dishes. The variety requires compliance with certain rules in care.

What is this kind of basil

Basil Basil has small green ovoid leaves. The aroma is clove-peppery, which is why it is widely used in marinades and as a salad dressing.

The flowers are white and grow in dense buds. Harvesting begins 60 days after planting.

Brief history of origin and distribution

Basil began to be grown about 5000 years ago in the territories of modern India and Iran. The plant got to Europe in the 4th century BC. e.

  • In Rome basil has been used as a medicine. However, Galen, a Roman scientist, considered the plant to be poisonous. Pliny refuted his theory. He argued that the plant does not have poisonous properties, but, on the contrary, has the qualities of an aphrodisiac.
  • In India Basil is still considered a sacred plant. A person should apologize if accidentally touches him.
  • In France by the 18th century, basil had become a staple spice that was widely used in cooking. Many modern French dishes add this spice.
  • To the territory of Russia the plant got into at the very end of the 17th century. It was used as a medicine at that time. Gradually began to be used during the preparation of meat dishes.

Differences from other varieties

Basilisk is one of the most compact basil varieties. It is grown not only in open beds, but also in flower pots. The height of the bushes usually does not exceed 20 cm.

Feature and Description

Basilisk is an early ripening variety. A distinctive feature is its short stature, which is why it is grown in apartment conditions.

The plant has dense foliage. The whole green part has a peppery and clove scent. This variety is considered versatile for use in cooking.

Features of the chemical composition

Basil contains many different vitamins and minerals. The seasoning contains the following substances (per 100 g of fresh product):A fragrant variety of basil Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads

  • calcium - 177 mg;
  • magnesium - 64 mg;
  • vitamin C - 18 mg;
  • B vitamins - 13 mg;
  • vitamin K - 415 mcg;
  • sodium - 4 mg;
  • potassium - 295 mg;
  • copper - 0.4 mg;
  • manganese - 1.1 mg;
  • phosphorus - 56 mg;
  • iron - 3.2 mg;
  • zinc - 0.8 mg;
  • selenium - 0.3 mcg.

This composition has a beneficial effect on human health. 100 g of fresh leaves contain 27 kcal. Dried basil has an energy value of 250 kcal per 100 g.

The composition of the plant activates the nervous system and also strengthens the immune system. In addition to cooking, it is used to treat respiratory, fungal, viral, bacterial diseases.


The plant grows well in wet soil, but it hardly tolerates dry soil. He needs frequent watering.

It is desirable that the temperature is not higher than + 25 ° C. Otherwise, the bush becomes susceptible to disease.

Under favorable conditions and proper care, the plant is resistant to infections and pests.

Taste and aroma qualities

All green part the variety has a delicate taste and pleasant smell. Basilisk properties appear gradually in dishes. At first, the plant gives a slight bitterness, and then a sweet aftertaste appears.

The spice goes well with other spices. When mixed with rosemary, it will smell peppery.

Scope of the variety

Basilisk variety is used in many dishes, as this spice is versatile. It is added to salads, drinks, marinades, soups, meat and fish dishes. Basilisk also goes well with all vegetables.

Growing technology

For cultivation, they take high-quality planting material. The seeds must be whole and large. For 8-10 hours they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or ash, and then dried.

Basil is light-loving, so containers with earth are placed on the south-west or south-east windows.

Optimal conditions

A fragrant variety of basil Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads

The minimum daylight hours are 12 hours. Because of this, in the winter and autumn periods, the plant is additionally provided with illumination. Fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps are used.

The most suitable temperature is + 20… + 25 ° C. Also, be sure to monitor the humidity. On hot summer days, the bushes are regularly sprayed. Otherwise, the leaves dry up. Basil is best grown in the kitchen.

In summer, they make sure that the ground is constantly wet. Watering is carried out as it dries. Do not use cold water for irrigation. It should be around + 30 ° C.

Top dressing is carried out with any fertilizers, which contain humus. Perform this procedure after pruning so that the plant recovers faster.

Terms and rules of landing

Basil is planted in open ground in the spring, when the night temperature does not drop below + 5 ° C. The spice is grown in the apartment all year round. The main thing is to provide enough light.

In the ground, make a trench 2 cm deep, pour seeds into it. The distance between them is 1 cm. The first shoots will appear in about a week.

Further care

A fragrant variety of basil Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads

For the normal development of the basil, constant care is required:

  1. During growth, it is imperative to perform additional feeding several times. To do this, use ash, humus, compost, nettle infusion. It is advisable to use only organic fertilizers, since the spice is used for cooking. The first feeding is carried out a week after the appearance of the first shoots. Then it is repeated every month.
  2. The culture is hygrophilous. From landing before harvesting, it requires abundant watering. Make sure that the soil is always slightly damp.
  3. Harvesting begins about 4 weeks after the first shoots appear. All shoots that have reached a height of 20 cm are cut off. After that, the plant is fertilized so that it does not wither and continues to grow.
  4. The soil is loosened during the entire growing period. Loosening is performed shallowly so as not to disrupt the process of germination of layers and not to damage the root system. This procedure promotes the supply of oxygen to the roots, which helps the development of the basil.

Possible problems, diseases, pests

The most common and dangerous plant diseases:

  1. Blackleg. This is a fungus that appears with excessive watering or increased acidity of the soil. The stem turns black and the plant dies. This is due to clogging of the vessels that feed the plant.A fragrant variety of basil Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads
  2. Fusarium. The fungus often infects young plants and releases toxins. The top dries up, after which the bush dies. The disease develops due to an excessively high temperature in the room.
  3. Gray rot. Usually infects plants that are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. But those specimens that are in an apartment or outdoors can also get sick. The affected areas of the bush are covered with light brown spots. For treatment in the early stages, an infusion of onion peels is used.

Among parasites, the most common:

  1. Aphid. The leaves gradually curl up, and the stem stops growing as the parasite sucks out the nutritious juice. Aphids are removed with a decoction of garlic, onions, wormwood or yarrow. Processing is carried out once a week for 3 weeks.A fragrant variety of basil Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads
  2. Field bug. It also feeds on plant sap. Signs of damage are white spots on the surface of the leaves. They gradually turn dark. To destroy the pest, use the same means as for aphids.

Preventive actions:

  1. Every week the soil is treated with a small amount of deciduous tree ash.
  2. The soil in pots is loosened regularly.
  3. Make sure the watering is moderate. Do not overdo it with water, but the soil should not dry out.
  4. The affected branches are promptly removed.

Features of growing seedlings

Growing basil from seedlings - a more complicated process, but thanks to this, the harvest is obtained much earlier. This method is most often used when greens are prepared for sale.

First of all, the seeds are soaked for 4-6 hours in potassium permanganate or ash solution. After that, the soil is prepared. 30% pure sand and 15% peat are added to ordinary soil. Such a substrate will be fertile and loose.

A drainage layer of 2 cm is poured into the pot on the bottom. Crushed stone and small stones are used as drainage. After that, the container is filled with prepared soil.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm. The first shoots will appear in about 5-7 days. If peat or humus has been added to the soil, then fertilizers are not used. In this case, only the moisture is monitored. When the seedlings reach a height of 5-8 cm, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

In the greenhouse

A fragrant variety of basil Basilisk for pickles and fresh salads

For growing crops in a greenhouse, wooden or plastic boxes are used. They are pretreated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

After that, a fertile soil is prepared. They take 25% of ordinary land, 25% of humus, 10% of crushed stone and 40% of sand. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, placed in a box and leveled. Then shallow furrows are made (about 2 cm). The distance between the rows is 6 cm. The seeds are sown, sprayed with a spray bottle and sprinkled with earth. After that, everything is watered and covered with foil.

In the first 4 weeks after germination, the plants are thoroughly watered. After that, the amount of water is reduced so as not to stimulate the development of fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the Basilisk variety:

  1. Versatile. It is used for meat, fish and vegetable dishes.
  2. Both the leaves and stems have a great aroma.
  3. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests.
  4. The small size of mature bushes allows you to grow basil on a windowsill.

A relative disadvantage is the small size of the bush. For this reason, the yield per unit area decreases when compared with other varieties.

Reviews of summer residents

Summer residents speak of culture mostly positively.

Irina, Moscow region: “I planted seedlings in February. Seedlings are good, but they are not simultaneous. Because of this, I had to highlight it in turn, since I have only one phytolamp. I had to spend a lot of energy, but by the summer bushes of 25 cm grew. The aroma is strong and pleasant. The taste is good with a pleasant bitterness. "

Maria, Krasnoyarsk: “I really wanted to grow basil in my apartment. I never planted anything on the windowsill, but I was sure of success. The store advised to take the Basilisk variety for this. I also bought ready-made fertile soil. After planting, I covered the pot with foil. Every day I took it off for about half an hour so that the earth could breathe. After germination, the sprouts began to stretch out. They were thin and long. When I installed the phytolamp, they quickly returned to normal. After 2 months, I gathered a good harvest of fragrant spices. "

It is interesting:

Review of "Ararat" purple basil vegetable variety.

Why basil essential oil is useful and how to use it correctly.


Basil Basilisk grows well in the open field, in a greenhouse and in pots on the windowsill.In the latter case, the main thing is to provide the plant with enough light, feed and monitor the moisture level.

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