Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beans

Hyacinth beans are an annual herb. It is often grown by those interested in vertical gardening and decorative hedging. This plant perfectly combines beauty and original fruits. If all the rules for care are followed, the vine reaches a height of up to 5 m. It blooms from mid-summer to late autumn.

Hyacinth beans or dolichos

The second name of hyacinth beans is lobia... It is a climbing plant of the legume family.

Many also call it "dolichos", but this is not entirely correct definition... Previously, hyacinth beans belonged to the Dolichos genus, but now it has been isolated as a separate genus Lablab, which includes only two species.

Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beans

Lobia reaches a height of 5 m... About every 15 cm, the stem produces lateral shoots. Each bend has three green leaves. On the reverse side, they have pronounced streaks of bright purple color. Flowers are collected in dense inflorescences.

Each dark brown pod produces 2-5 seeds... The beans are black, white or brown with a characteristic scar and can grow up to 3 cm in size.

Reference. Botanists suggest that the plant originated from East Africa.

How to properly plant seeds for seedlings

Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beansHyacinth beans are grown from seeds... For the first time, they are bought in special stores. Usually in one bag they sell from three to five pieces. In subsequent years, the plant is grown from the harvested beans. So thats Lobia delighted the eye with lush foliage and unusual color, she needs to pick up non-acidic soil. It is desirable that the soil be loose.

Seeds are either immediately planted in open ground, or seedlings are grown first... The second method can significantly increase the speed of the growing season. Lianas develop much faster and begin to bloom if the seeds are germinated in pots in early spring.

Important! When planting seeds directly into open ground, they first wait until the night frosts recede. The specific landing time in this case varies depending on the region.

Landing dates

For growing seedlings, seeds are planted in pots or cups in mid-March... This time is considered optimal. Also, the landing is performed in April.

Seed preparation

Hyacinth bean seeds have a very dense shell... It significantly slows down germination and complicates swelling, therefore scarification is carried out. This is not a prerequisite, but experts still recommend this procedure.

Also before planting, the planting material is soaked for several hours in warm waterto soften the shell.

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What is seed scarification and how is it carried out

Scarification is a procedure that involves the targeted damage of the seed coat... It is carried out mechanically. Using a thin awl or needle, pierce the cover. They also use sandpaper to wipe down the shell. After this procedure, the seeds are immersed in water. Through the holes made, moisture enters in, due to which the development of the sprout begins.

Seedling soil

Properly selected soil for growing lobia is the most important condition for a strong, healthy and developed plant. The soil should be neutral acidity and be loose.

Important! Do not use acidic soil. In this case, the development of hyacinth beans will slow down significantly. Also, the plant may simply not bloom.

Planting and caring for seedlings

Two beans are planted in each pot or plastic glass to a depth of 3-5 cm... After that, the ground is heavily moistened to obtain mud.

Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beansThe temperature in the room where the pots will be located, keep at + 25 ° C.

The first shoots will begin to appear around the fifth day.

After seed germination, the pots are rearranged on the windowsill. or where there is enough sunlight. If it is not possible to provide this, special phytolamps are used that can completely replace the sun.

Daylight hours for seedlings should last from 10 to 12 hours. With a lack of light, the seedlings will begin to stretch, which will lead to weakening of the shoots.

Watering is performed only when the soil is completely dry... It is advisable to moisten the first time from a spray bottle so that the soil near the base of the stem does not erode.

In May, the seedling pots begin to be taken outside to provide hardening for the plants.... First, for 2-3 hours a day, then the duration is gradually increased. So the seedlings will get used to natural conditions. Some bushes by this time already require support.

Landing in open ground

The seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in early May.... By this time, the earth will already be warm enough. It is advisable to land in the evening or on a cloudy day.

Seat selection

The place on the site is chosen warm, always without drafts, very well lit... Hyacinth beans don't like shaded areas.

Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beans

Planting process

Individual bushes are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other... Add two handfuls of sand and wood resin to the holes. This neutralizes the acidity of the soil.

Soak the earth in pots and carefully take out the seedlings. The ends of the roots are torn off or cut off.

After placing the plant in the hole, the roots are sprinkled earth and compact it a little. Everything is done carefully so as not to harm the delicate root system.

After transplanting, a small peg is immediately hammered next to, since the plant in a permanent place in the garden begins to develop very quickly.

The bushes are well filled with warm water... Then be sure to pinch the top leaves. Thanks to this, the growth of lateral shoots is stimulated.

When the seedlings begin to take root, establish a stronger support... Small pegs won't be enough soon. A strong support will allow the plant to grow upward rather than lying on the ground. So the lobia will have lush foliage and many inflorescences.

Use ready-made supports that are sold in specialized stores, or make them yourself. If the plant is planted near the fence, it will become a support.

Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beans

Hyacinth beans require a lot of moisture... On hot summer days, the bushes are watered in the morning and evening. After the top layer has dried, the soil in the holes is loosened. Otherwise, there will be insufficient oxygen in the soil, which will slow down the growth of the plant. To reduce the amount of watering, the soil in the holes is mulched with sawdust, paper or small pieces of bark.

The first fertilization is performed a month after planting in a permanent place.... Use ready-made mineral complexes or homemade herbal infusions. To prepare top dressing, the weeds are placed in a container and filled with water. The contents are mixed periodically and new weeds are added after each weeding.

In two weeks, the infusion is ready. One liter is diluted with 5 liters of water. Fertilizer is poured into the hole instead of watering. Frequency - once every two weeks.

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Is it possible to eat hyacinth beans

Each pod contains up to five beans. After the pods have dried, they are harvested. The beans are dried and stored in a glass jar for up to five years. They taste very similar to regular green beans., so for lovers of beans lobia will come in handy.

Hyacinth beans are healthy... They contain vitamins, minerals, lipids, essential oils, coumarins, anthocyanins, etc. Thanks to this, hyacinth beans are considered a preventive remedy for many diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antimicrobial effects.

In addition to all of the above, lobia fruit is delicious.

Features of cultivation and use of hyacinth beans

Application in landscape design

The main advantage of hyacinth beans is decorativeness. Purple shades of leaves and fruits look great in any garden.

This plant is often used to decorate gazebos and other summer cottages. It is also used when they want to green the walls of houses. Liana is planted on a terrace or balcony.

Lobia is combined with clematis, another climbing plant. They are used to make hedges on verandas.


Growing hyacinth beans is easy. The main thing is to find a good planting site with neutral soil and monitor the humidity level. From any site, this plant is able to make a masterpiece of landscape art.

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