High-yielding Shetana onion for long-term storage

How to get a rich harvest of onions from a small summer cottage? Experienced farmers recommend paying attention to the Shetan MS variety. This culture conquered many summer residents not only with frost resistance and simple agricultural technology, but also with excellent taste characteristics.

Golden onions successfully complement any salads, serve as an irreplaceable ingredient in pickled snacks. What are the benefits of Shetan onion and how to grow it properly, read the article.

Description of the Shetan onion variety

Shetana winter onion MC (MC - frost-resistant) developed by Czech breeders for cultivation in the open field. When planting with sowing, the percentage of germination is higher than when sowing seeds.

Reference! Sevok is a one-year-old onion (small bulbs) grown from seeds. You can grow it yourself or buy it from a gardening store.

Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1998.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Origin and development

Onions were cultivated in Asia (Afghanistan and Iran) about 4 thousand years ago. A little later, they began to breed it in Egypt, Greece and India.

In Russia, the vegetable became known in the XII century.... Since then, it has become widespread and is added to many dishes.

It is interesting! In ancient Rome, it was firmly believed that a bitter taste gives courage, energy and strength, so legionnaires were given food that contained a lot of onions, and in ancient Greece, beautiful bulbs were given as a gift to the gods - the plant was considered sacred.

Composition, vitamins and beneficial properties

The vegetable contains:

  • saponins (complex organic compounds from glycosides of plant origin);
  • various sugars (glucose, fructose);
  • pectins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, tocopherol);
  • essential oils (impart a pungent odor due to the increased sulfur content).

Iron contributes to the prevention or treatment of anemia... Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, thereby normalizing heart function. Vitamins strengthen human immunity, besides, onions have antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Ripening period

The Shetan onion variety belongs to medium early... When sowing seeds, ripeness occurs in 90 days, when planting with sowing - after 60-70 days.


The quantitative indicator is stable, from 1 sq. m collect up to 5 kg of fruits... The preservation of the bulbs is at a high level, they are stored for a long time in a dry and cool room without losing their presentation and taste.

Disease resistance

The culture is characterized by increased immunity to diseases... Even when grown in humid climates, it is not affected by bacterial rot. The variety is resistant to fusarium rot, but susceptible to peronosporosis.

Reference! Peronosporosis (downy mildew) is a fungal disease that spreads to any part of the plant.

Bulb characteristics

Round shape, yellow color, closer to straw, medium thick neck... Average weight 70-90 g, all fruits are leveled, almost the same size.The taste is semi-sharp, the flesh is white, juicy.

In cooking, the use of vegetables is universal.: it is consumed fresh, added to salads and hot dishes. Onions are used for pickling, preserving, baking and drying.

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Demanding climate

The variety is recommended for breeding in the central and southern regions our country, although it is successfully grown in all latitudes.

The photo shows the Shetan MC onion set.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Main advantages and disadvantages

The positive characteristics of culture include:

  • the possibility of growing from seeds or sevkom;
  • average ripening times;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentious care;
  • high productivity;
  • presentation of fruits;
  • long preservation;
  • long transportation;
  • breeding opportunity for sale.

The negative side is considered weak resistance to downy mildew.

What is the difference from other varieties

The main difference between Shetana and other varieties is culture is not prone to shooting... The onion that goes into the arrow does not give a good harvest, and the fruits quickly deteriorate during storage.

Features of planting and care

The ability to grow a variety in two ways increases the demand for gardeners. The culture is bred through seedlings and direct planting of onion sets in the ground.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Preparing for landing

Before sowing the seed, the grains are carefully examined and only large, light in color and without visible damage. Then the seed is disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, after which it is placed in growth stimulants to improve germination. The drug "Zircon" is used as stimulants.

Onion sets must be thoroughly dried and then heated... Within two weeks, it is kept at a temperature of 20 ° C, and then heated for 8 hours at a temperature of + 30-35 ° C.

Important! The high temperature activates the growth process.

For planting, the seedlings are chosen no more than 2 cm in diameterbecause large bulbs germinate more slowly.

Ground requirements

To prepare the soil, use garden soil, fine washed river sand, peat and humus in equal amounts. River sand acts as a baking powder, while peat and humus saturate the soil with additional nutrients.

After mixing all the components, the resulting mixture is spilled with a hot manganese solution or steamed in an oven at 50 ° C for 15 minutes for disinfection.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Timing, scheme and landing rules

Landing times depend on weather conditions: in warm weather, the sets are planted in late April - early May. The soil by this time should warm up to 13-14 ° С. Sowing late will affect yields, while sowing in cold weather will result in flowers.

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Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in late March or early April... Any container will do: a common wooden box or an individual container.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. Sprinkle with earth on top, slightly moisten with warm, settled water from a spray bottle and cover with foil. The containers are left in a room with a temperature of 22-24 ° C.

When seedlings appear, the film is removed, and the containers are placed on the windowsill. The temperature is lowered to 18 ° C. In such conditions, the seedlings will not stretch.

As the top layer of soil dries out seedlings are watered with warm, settled water, without flooding the sprouts. Do not forget that excess moisture leads to fungal diseases. After each watering, the soil is gently loosened to improve breathability.

During the seedling period, seedlings are fed twice complex fertilizers for seedlings. All top dressing is combined with watering.

A week before transplanting, the seedlings are hardened, bringing the conditions closer to street conditions. To do this, for several hours in the daytime, the containers are taken out into the open air.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Sowing onion sets

Sevok is planted in spring or before winter... Winter planting is carried out two weeks before the onset of frost. Bulbs in diameter should not exceed 1 cm. For prevention from diseases and pests, they are treated with a manganese solution and buried 4 cm into the prepared soil.

Two weeks before sowing the soil is dug up and a full range of minerals is introduced.

For spring planting use bulbs no more than 2 cm in diameter. The distance between the holes is at least 7 cm, and between the rows 15-20 cm. With this scheme, the seedlings will receive a sufficient amount of heat and light and will be able to ventilate as needed.

After sowing, the beds are mulched peat or straw and watered well with warm water.

Growing features

Onion beds are chosen in a sunny place with loamy soil.... With increased acidity, the soil is neutralized with slaked lime or dolomite flour. Check the acidity of the soil using a litmus indicator.

A little soil is dissolved in a glass of water and litmus paper is dipped into the mixture. If the indicator turns red, it means that the soil is acidic, with a green color, the reaction of the soil is within normal limits.

Watering mode

Water sparingly, when the top soil layer dries out, no more than twice a week. During the formation of the fruit, watering is increased, but the level of humidity in the beds is controlled. Watered at the root in the morning or evening hours. Watering is stopped two weeks before harvesting.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Loosening and weeding

They loosen the beds after each watering and remove weeds and roots... By filling the aisles, weeds interfere with the penetration of light, which negatively affects the formation of bulbs. Weeds also take nutrients from the ground, which are necessary for the full development of seedlings.

Top dressing

For the entire growing season, the culture is fed three times. The first fertilizing from nitrogen is applied two weeks after germination. Nitrogen is needed to build up green mass.

The second time is fed in two weeks after the first feeding. Organic fertilizers are used, for example: bird droppings, mullein solution or urea in a ratio of 1:15.

The third top dressing is applied at the time of fruit formation... A mineral complex with a predominant content of phosphorus and potassium is used.

Pest and disease control

Often plant diseases are caused by improper care, that is, in case of non-compliance with agricultural technology and crop rotation rules. Shetana is susceptible to peronosporosis, which appears with high humidity and sudden changes in temperature.

When spraying with fungicidal preparations, onion feathers should not be eaten, therefore, gardeners in the fight against the disease use folk methods. Among the most effective methods is the treatment of plants with whey in a ratio of 1:10. Whey bacteria are harmless to humans, but harmful to fungi.

Onion fly is dangerous from pests, but not a mature individual, but its larvae, which penetrate the ground and destroy the upper part of the bulb.

An effective measure in the fight against a pest is the treatment of plants with pungent-smelling decoctions of mint, valerian or needles.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting begins in early August, when the tops fall on the ground... The best time to harvest fruits is on dry days. The bulbs are dug out of the ground with a shovel or pitchfork and then left in the sun to dry. After drying, the onion feathers are trimmed so that the neck length remains at least 5 cm.

Shetan's Bow MC keeps its presentation for a long time... When stored properly in a dry and cool room (at a temperature of 16-20 ° C), the bulbs do not deteriorate throughout the winter.

Nuances in caring for Shetana

Crop rotation rules prescribe planting onions in those beds where they previously grew crops from the nightshade family, for example: potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes.

Growth and development will be noticeably worse if the vegetable is planted after cucumbers, asparagus or garlic. And the best neighbors for onions will be carrots and peppers.

Reviews and advice from experienced gardeners

To avoid fungal diseases, experienced gardeners advise feed the onion plantings with infusion of weeds, place the beds only on the sunny side and do not sow the seed too thickly.

Reference! To prepare an infusion of weeds, the grass is poured with boiling water and insisted for four days.

Gardeners familiar with Shetana willingly express their opinion about this variety.

High-yielding Shetan onion for long-term storage

Peter, Samara: “I have been planting this variety for more than one year. I sow sevkom, which I buy from the manufacturer. The bulbs are pleasant yellow, not very large, but they are fine with me. The taste is also wonderful, not spicy, not bitter, everything is in moderation. It is easy to take care of it, but the fact that the variety is frost-resistant is a big plus ".

Ekaterina, Sverdlovsk region: “Very good, large onions grow from the seedlings. I store it in a bag in a dry room at a temperature of 18 ° C. The bulbs lie for a long time, until the new planting season. Great for salads and any preserves ".


The Shetan MC onion is great for spring planting and sowing for the winter. This variety is distinguished by amicable ripening of fruits, good resistance to diseases, ease of care and high rates of fruiting.

The culture does not require increased attention and complex agrotechnical techniques, so even a novice vegetable grower can handle the cultivation.

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