Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety "Turbo"

The Turbo onion variety appeared on sale not so long ago, but has already become popular with summer residents. The culture is unpretentious, high-yielding, suitable for cultivation in many regions of the country. The semi-pungent taste of vegetables and their long shelf life make them versatile in cooking.

What kind of onion is this

Dutch grade Turbo mid-season: The growing season takes 80–95 days.

The originators of the variety are breeders from the Dutch company "Seed Supply B. V.".


Growers love Turbo for the yield and the large size of the bulbs.

Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety TurboMain characteristics:

  • the shape of the bulbs is round;
  • plant height - 30–35 cm;
  • 3 dry brown or yellow scales colors, juicy - white;
  • single-edged onion, medium-sized neck;
  • semi-sharp taste without bitterness;
  • the mass of vegetables is 125–140 g (up to 200 g).

Description of the variety

Turbo is suitable for landing like before winter, so in spring... In the first year of cultivation, the bulbs are small, up to 70 g. Basically, the greens are grown and the onions go into the arrow. The main harvest is obtained in the second year.

By the way. Dry scales of vegetables are strong, so the culture is suitable for mechanized harvesting.


Under favorable growing conditions, the variety is highly productive... The yield is 245–340 c / ha. The maximum figure of 661 c / ha was obtained in the Moscow region.

The bulbs have excellent keeping quality... The crop storage period is 6–8 months.

How to grow

Onion Turbo cultivated on light soils with good air circulation... Suitable soil with the addition of sand, not prone to waterlogging.

Important! The vegetable does not like acidic and moist soils.

The landing site is prepared in advanceso that the applied organic fertilizers have time to overheat, and the mineral fertilizers do not create an aggressive environment for the root system. As predecessors choose cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, beans.

Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety Turbo

Terms and rules of landing

Variety Turbo was created for cultivation through sowing according to a two-year scheme... In the first year, the crop is grown from seed to produce onion sets. The next year, it is planted in the ground. This method gives a rich and high-quality harvest.

General rules for determining the timing of boarding:

  1. Seeds are planted in a previously prepared bed when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to + 10 ... + 12 ° C. In the middle lane, this is the beginning of May.
  2. Onion sets are planted before winter in mid-October, if the daytime temperature during the week does not exceed + 5 ° C. In early May, the seedlings are buried by 1-2 cm. The arable layer of the soil should warm up to + 10 ... + 12 ° C.

Sevok is planted not too earlyto prevent the bow from firing.

Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety TurboFor planting, specimens with a diameter of 1-2 cm are used. Dry and sprouted bulbs are removed.

With the seed method of growing grooves are laid across the beds every 10 cm. The seeds are buried by 1 cm, maintaining a distance between them of 1–1.5 cm. Sprinkle with humus on top.

For planting seedlings across the site, rows are outlined every 25 cm. The bulbs are buried 1-2 cm into the prepared soil, sprinkled with earth. The distance between them is 5–10 cm.

Important! The seed is preheated, treated against pests and diseases.

Planting rules for the Turbo variety:

  • plant in loose, light soil with a neutral pH;
  • apply organic or mineral fertilizers in the fall;
  • comply with the landing dates;
  • after sowing, spill the beds with warm water.


Onion care standard:

  • regular weeding, loosening of the soil in the aisles;
  • timely watering;
  • top dressing;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

After planting onions, the first weeds grow in 1-2 weeks... They get rid of them by regular weeding.

Watering is carried out once a week in the first month after planting.... Further, they are repelled by weather conditions. If the summer is rainy, then the onion is not moistened. If dry, continue to water once a week. Irrigation is stopped 20 days before harvesting. Then the weeds are cleared from the garden so that the vegetables dry in the sun.

Important! Excessive moisture in the onion beds provokes fungal diseases.

During the period of soil drying after watering, the aisles are loosened for greater air permeability and oxygenation of the root system.

Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety Turbo

For the entire growing season, the culture is fed 3 times:

  1. Two weeks after germination, fertilize with nitrogen. 1-2 m2 dilute 10 g of the substance in 10 l of water.
  2. 14 days after the first feeding, a complex mineral fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium is used. 25 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium nitrate are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water.
  3. In July, a solution of phosphorus and potassium is introduced under the root at the rate of 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of warm water.

Fertilizers are used in liquid form... An exception is made in a rainy summer - then the granules are buried 5 cm in the ground.

Possible difficulties, diseases and pests

Due to non-compliance with the rules of care, problems often arise that reduce the quality and quantity of the crop.

Nuances of growing varieties Turbo:

  • prevent stagnation of water in the beds;
  • do not apply fresh organic fertilizers;
  • do not huddle the onion - it is enough to loosen it regularly;
  • remove plant residues from the site.

Prevention diseases and the appearance of pests - an important stage in onion cultivation. Basic measures:

  • seed processing;
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • using clean tools;
  • proper care.

When a culture is affected by peronospora, the fungicide "Kurzat" is used (60 g per 10 liters of warm water). Plantings are sprayed 4 times every 10 days.

To protect against pests (onion flies and tick) use Actellic. In 2 l of water add 2 ml of the drug.

Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety Turbo

Collection, storage and use of the crop

Signs of ripe bulbs are yellowing and lodging of more than 25% of the green mass of all plants.

Harvest in dry sunny weather in stages:

  1. Dig in and carefully pull out the bulbs.
  2. Lay them in the garden.
  3. The roots and leaves are carefully trimmed with scissors, leaving a small tail 3 cm long.
  4. Spread vegetables under the canopy to dry.
  5. They are sent for storage after the tails dry.

Store onions in two ways:

  1. When cold, they provide a temperature of 0 ... + 3 ° C in well-ventilated basements.
  2. When warm, the crop is placed in cardboard boxes, kept at home at room temperature.

Store onions in dark rooms with an air humidity of no more than 70%. Vegetables are sorted regularly.

The Turbo variety is versatile in use, the harvest is stored for up to eight months. Application:

  • fresh for salads or snacks;
  • as a seasoning for cooking hot dishes;
  • for preserving blanks for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • great taste;
  • long shelf life;
  • suitability for mechanized harvesting;
  • neat shape of the bulbs, good presentation.


  • low ripeness (before harvesting - 77%, after ripening - 97%);
  • susceptibility to pests and diseases;
  • high requirements for soil.

Unpretentious and frost-resistant onion variety Turbo

For which regions is it suitable

Variety recommended for cultivation in eight regions of Russia:

  • Central;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Nizhnevolzhsky;
  • Uralsky;
  • West Siberian;
  • East Siberian;
  • Far East.

Farmers reviews

Turbo is just gaining its popularity among vegetable growersbut has already received many positive reviews.

Elena, Yekaterinburg: “I planted Turbo Sevok last year. It turned out to be a very good bow.The seed was less than average, but all rose. I liked the taste of vegetables: juicy, does not give off bitterness. Care is normal. The harvest is preserved until next spring ".

Irina, Samara: “I planted a Turbo onion last year. It is unpretentious in care, but it is not suitable for forcing on a feather: it turns out to be unprofitable. But the taste is excellent. The variety is fruitful and keeps well. The result justified all my efforts ".

Ekaterina, Khimki: “Grade quality is excellent! For the second year I have been taking this onion. Of course, growing a crop is not an easy task, but every year I collect a rich harvest ”.


Turbo onions are a mid-season and high-yielding variety suitable for storage. Standard cultivation: includes regular watering, top dressing, weeding, disease and pest prevention.

The culture is frost-resistant, it is recommended for cultivation practically throughout the country. Semi-sharp bulbs, versatile in cooking.

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