How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable

Batun onions have excellent taste. It is used not only in cooking but also in medicine. The vegetable is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which have a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

We will figure out how to plant a batun onion, grow and care for it in order to get a rich harvest.

What is this type of onion

How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable

A distinctive feature of the perennial batun onion is the presence of a small head (false bulb) with small juicy and thin scales.

It is not suitable for winter storage, so the plant is grown for greens. The onion leaves are superior in taste to green onions, they are softer and more tender.

The bulb of the plant is poorly developed, has an oblong shape, the taste is slightly spicy and crispy. Greens (fisty leaves) reach a height of 40-60 cm, about 2 cm in diameter. In the second year, the bow throws out arrows up to 45 cm high.

The feathers of the plant are highly frost-resistant, withstand temperatures down to -8 ° C.

They are high in vitamin C as well as essential oils, sugar, protein, carotene, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Batun onions have high productivity for 3-4 years, and with the right agronomic conditions, a good harvest is obtained up to 5-7 years. Up to 2 kg of greens are cut from 1 m² at a time, up to 10 kg over the summer.

Council. Experienced gardeners recommend transplant the onion every 3-4 years, since with the growth of the underground part, its yield decreases.

The best varieties of onion-batuna

There are many varieties of onion batuna, consider the most popular of them.


Early ripe variety, begins to germinate after thawing of the soil... The plant of this variety is of medium height, erect, with a medium degree of branching. The greens have a slight waxy coating, they are juicy, with a slightly pungent, spicy taste. Contains a large amount of sugar.

The growing season is 142-155 days. This variety is distinguished by high yield, winter hardiness and increased disease resistance.


The variety is early maturing. The growing season from full sprouting to mass death is 102-142 days. The greens are juicy, tender, do not coarse for a long time.

Medium-sharp taste. Possesses high productivity, frost resistance and disease resistance.


An early ripe variety of onion-batuna, frost-resistant. The period of germination of green shoots from the moment of sowing seeds in open ground is about 40 days. The greens grow up to 30 cm in height, juicy, but very fragile.

The taste is spicy, with a slight bitterness. The variety is characterized by an average yield.

Baia Verde

An early hybrid cultivar, obtained by crossing onions with onions. Hardy and high-yielding. The first greenery appears after the snow melts. The plant is of medium height, greens are dark green with a waxy bloom. The taste is spicy.

Russian winter

An early maturing variety, frost-resistant, gives a high yield. The period from planting seeds in the ground to germination of shoots is 30 days. Easily adapts to your favorite climatic conditions.

Suitable for cultivation in the northern regions of the country. Plant height - up to 30-33 cm, weak taste.


Mid-season variety. The period from the beginning of germination to technical maturity is 30-37 days.A wide spreading bush with strong thick greenery up to 50 cm long.

The taste is weak. Differs in frost resistance, resistant to fungal attack.


Late ripening variety, high-yielding. A branchy, powerful shrub up to 30 cm high. Mild taste, medium pungency.

The variety is resistant to various diseases and can be stored well.

Correct fit

Onion sown before winter (in November), spring landing produced at the end of April and continued until mid-July.

Before planting, the seeds of onion-batuna are soaked in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then leave for a day in ordinary warm water, which is changed 2-3 times... Then they are dried to a free-flowing state and sown. The process of soaking the seeds accelerates the emergence of seedlings by 5-7 days.

Council. The seeds are soaked in a special solution of micronutrient fertilizers (1 tablet per 1 liter of water). Be sure to control the process: if they give long shoots, this will complicate planting.

When choosing a planting site, keep in mind that the plant is perennial and will last for a long time.How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable

Batun onions give a greater yield on sod soils, rich in humus, with a low level of acidity. The optimal pH level is 6.5-7.5. Grows poorly on clay or waterlogged soils.

The ideal precursors for onion are legumes, radishes and dill. It is not recommended to plant it after tomatoes, garlic, carrots, cucumbers or onions, there is a risk of contracting various diseases.

Since the onion does not like bright sunny color, it is better to plant it along the fence, not far from the trees, so that there is partial shade. Choose a flat place, without slopes.

To obtain a rich harvest of onion, the soil is prepared in advance.

In autumn, when digging, 1-2 buckets of humus or compost are added to 1 m². Potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added to depleted soils. For 1 m² - 15 g of potassium chloride, 25 g of superphosphate, 25 g of ammonium nitrate. If the soils are acidic, add fluff lime.

In the spring, the soil is prepared two weeks before planting. Humus, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied, as in the fall. To reduce acidity, wood ash is introduced (150 g of ash per 1 m²).

After digging, the site is harrowed and beds are formed, the distance between them is at least 30 cm. Before applying the seed, the soil is moistened. Seeding rate of seeds is 1.5 g per 1 m².

The seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm, the distance between the rows is 18-25 cm. Then the crops are mulched with a layer of humus of 1-1.5 cm and compacted. The first shoots appear on the 11-17 day.

Growing through seedlings

How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetableBatun onions are grown not only from seeds, but also by sowing for seedlings.

Before sowing for seedlings, onion seeds are kept in a refrigerator for 2 days at a temperature of + 6 ° C. Then it is wrapped in a damp cloth for a day. Then the seeds are dried.

The soil for seedlings is prepared as follows: garden soil and rotted manure are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, ash and superphosphate are added, and moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The prepared seeds are sown in a container to a depth of 1 cm, the distance between furrows is 3-4 cm... Cover with earth and watered. Seedlings are sown when the soil warms up to + 12 ° C, to a depth of 1.5 cm, the distance between seedlings is 3 cm.

Further care

Further cultivation and care of the perennial onion-batun (photo below) consists in watering, feeding, weeding, thinning and loosening.

How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable


Water the onion twice a week, in dry season - every other day. 10 liters of water are poured onto 1 m², while the soil should be moistened by 20 cm.

If there is not enough moisture, then the onion acquires a bluish-white hue, and its tips are bent. With an excess of moisture, it becomes pale green.

Top dressing

During growth, the onion needs additional feeding. After the first shoots appear, organic fertilizers are applied to the ground (mullein in a ratio of 1: 8 or infusion of bird droppings 1:20).

In the autumn, when the crop is harvested, fertilizing is carried out with liquid mineral fertilizers: 50 g of ammonium nitrate, 3 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water.


Weed the onion as it grows. After weeding, the soil must be loosened. Loosening promotes respiration of onion roots, accelerates its growth.

The onion is thinned out so that the distance between the plants is 6-9 cm.

At the beginning of July, the lower green feather is trimmed. Only young light green leaves are left. By the beginning of autumn, the greenery will fully recover.

In autumn, the onion does not need care. The beds with green feathers are left on winter... In spring, the onions are peeled by raking up the dried leaves.

Disease and pest control

How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable

Most often, the onion-batun suffers from fungal diseases. To prevent their development, do not flood the plants when watering, thin out and remove weeds.

Downy mildew

The main signs: the appearance of a grayish bloom on greenery, rusty specks.

To combat it, onions are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (10 g of copper sulfate per 0.5 liters of water) or soda ash (1 tbsp. L. Per 10 liters of water).


The characteristic signs of the disease include the appearance of yellow-brown spots that spread throughout the leaf, then it dies off.

To combat the disease, onions are sprayed with the preparation "HOM" (40 g per 10 liters of water). After a week, the spraying process is repeated.How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable


The bottom of the bulb softens and rots, the root system dies, the leaves turn yellow, the plant dies.

To prevent the development of the disease, the soil is treated with the fungicidal agent "Quadris". The norms are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Onion pests

The main pests of onion-batuna:

  • secretive beetle - cuts onion leaves, lays the larvae, which eat the greens from the inside;
  • root mite - gnaws at the bottom and penetrates into the plant, leading it to decay;
  • bear - gnaws at the roots and stems of onions;
  • tobacco onion thrips - forms silvery spots on the leaves, leaves its excrement.

To combat pests, mustard powder is scattered on the beds, which scares them off with its smell.

To get rid of insects, onions are sprayed with special agents: "Iskra", "Karbofos", "Fitofarm-M".

Features of growing in the open field

In the first year they stop cutting greens from onions before autumn, so that the false bulb has time to accumulate sufficient nutrients for wintering.

In the second year for top dressing, nitroammofoska (0.05 kg per 1 m²) and humus (7 kg per 1 m²) are introduced into thawed soil, dried leaves are removed. After 20 days, the first crop is harvested, after 50 days - the second.

In the third year repeat all processes. In the last harvest, which takes place before August 1, the batun is not cut, but dug out together with the bulb. This completes the production cycle of the plant.

In the greenhouse

A distinctive feature of the batun onion is that its growth does not depend on the length of daylight hours. When planting in November, the crop is harvested after 25-28 days, in January - after 19-21 days, in February - after 14-16 days.

In a greenhouse, onions need regular watering, air humidity should be 80-85%

Features of growing and care, depending on the region

In central Russia, the onion is sown after April 10, in the south - in early March. Regardless of the region, onion care is standard: mandatory weeding, loosening, thinning and watering.

In the northern regions, it is not recommended to cut off young feathers in the first year of the batun's life. The root system must be well established to survive the harsh winter. With the leaves cut off, he will use all his strength to restore them to the detriment of the root system.

Harvesting and storage

How to get a rich harvest of batun onions: growing and care, photo of a vegetable

The greens are cut 30 days after the first shoots. Final cleaning is carried out after 45 days.

Feathers are cut with a knife or cut off by hands at least 5 cm from the soil. They are packed in polyethylene or placed in plastic boxes. Store in a cool, dark place.

In the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment, the batun is stored for up to 30 days

For longer storage, it is frozen.To do this, the greens are crushed, laid out in bags or containers and put into the freezer. Shelf life is 1 year.

Shredded onion leaves are dried in an oven, electric dryer or outdoors. Store in paper bags or glass jars for up to 1 year. Used as a seasoning for various dishes.


The onion is a perennial plant. Its distinctive feature is an undeveloped bulb. Therefore, it is grown for greens, which, unlike onions, are softer and more tender.

The vegetable is undemanding to climatic conditions and care, resistant to diseases. If you follow simple agricultural techniques, you will get a rich harvest of tasty, juicy and healthy onions.

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