Processing onions before planting before winter

Winter onions are processed using various technologies. This is done to obtain a healthy and high quality harvest. What methods of preventing onion diseases exist and how to use them correctly, we will consider in the article.

The best varieties of winter onions

Planting onions before winter, pay attention to the zoning of the variety... Southern heat-loving varieties are not suitable for these purposes. Usually, onions grown from their seeds, the so-called nigella, are perfectly adapted to winter sowing.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Varieties suitable for planting before winter:

  1. Stuttgarter Riesen - spicy in taste, excellent storage, smallish.
  2. Shakespeare is not so spicy, stored a little worse, but the bulbs are larger.
  3. Senshui - spicy, large, for long storage.
  4. Arzamassky - sharp, good lying, smallish.
  5. Danilovsky - ostrovaty, well kept, smallish.
  6. Radar, or Raider - is sharp, well kept.
  7. Red Baron - island, for long-term storage.
  8. Strigunovsky - spicy and excellent storage, but smallish.
  9. Sturon - spicy, excellent storage.
  10. Ellan - sweet in taste, well kept.

The optimal timing for planting before winter

Landing dates will be different for each region. You should choose a time to plant onions before the soil freezes... In this case, the bulb will have time to take root, but will not have time to germinate.

Important! Onions take one to two weeks to germinate.

If the onion sprouts 1-2 cm, it's okay, but if the feather is higher than 5 cm, it will not be able to survive the winter... That's why it's so important to choose the right time.

Pay attention to the climatic conditions in your area... Monitor the temperature throughout the week. If it stays at + 5 ° C… + 7 ° C and gradually drops to 0 ° C, then it's time to plant winter onions.

Optimal landing dates for Russian regions:

  • Central region - from late September to the second half of October;
  • Siberia and the Urals - until the last days of September;
  • Southern regions - October-November.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Do I need to soak winter onions before planting in the fall

To get an excellent healthy harvest of onions, gardeners do soaking. This is necessary to disinfect the bulb against diseases.... In winter, onions will be susceptible to fungal diseases due to high humidity. But be careful: if the bulbs are soaked for a long time, they will become saturated with moisture and freeze. Therefore, when disinfecting, drugs with a short soaking period are chosen.

Why process onions before planting in the fall

Before boarding take healthy seed... It must be clean and free of damage, up to 3 cm in diameter.

Important! Dry or sprouted bulbs are not suitable for planting.

Before the start of planting work, fertilizers are applied under the onions in the fall., the selected bulbs are processed. This is done to prevent diseases and obtain a high-quality harvest.

Processing onions before planting before winter


There are various ways to process onions.

All of them are aimed at:

  • protection from pests and diseases;
  • decrease in the formation of flower arrows;
  • improving the quality of the crop;
  • an increase in the size of the crop;
  • increased germination.

Optimal time to process onions

The processing methods of onion sets before planting are different.... It can be both chemical preparations and folk remedies. For 2-3 days, the seedlings should be heated by air, placing the bulbs near the battery. This will help avoid the formation of arrows and inflorescences.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Chemical treatment is usually carried out 3-4 hours before planting in the ground. If, when choosing, you stopped at a folk remedy, then it is recommended to soak in such solutions 30 minutes before planting.

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How and how to process onions before planting before winter

Seed onions are processed before planting in the ground... The treatment is carried out in order to prevent diseases and pests.


Processing onions before planting before winterTreatment with "Fitosporin" has a disinfecting effect... "Fitosporin" is a biological product based on microorganisms, which has a prophylactic purpose against fungal and bacterial diseases. Systemic drug. This means that after entering the crop, it spreads through the vessels of the plant and begins to cure diseases.

Fitosporin prevents bacteriosis, peronosporosis, various types of rot... The biological product does not have a harmful effect on pests; it is available in the form of powder, paste and liquid. Dry and pasty mixtures are pre-soaked in water for two hours.

Important! It is recommended to use filtered water for mixing. In chlorinated water, the bacteria that make up the drug will die.

For solution preparation take 10 g of the mixture per 500 ml of water from the powder.

The paste solution is prepared in two stages.:

  1. To begin with, make a concentrate at the rate of 100 g of paste per 200 ml of water. The main thing in preparing a concentrate is to keep the proportions 1: 2.
  2. Final solution: 3 tbsp. l. concentrate per 200 ml of water.

A solution of liquid "Fitosporin" is diluted at the rate of 10 drops per 200 ml of water.

The finished solution is sprayed on the bulbs before planting or soaked 2 hours before planting in the ground. There is no need to rinse the bulbs after processing.

Important! Treatment with the drug is carried out either indoors or in cloudy weather. Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the solution - this can lead to the death of the bacteria that make up the drug.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate processing is popular among summer residents. It has an antiseptic effect.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Useful properties of potassium permanganate solution:

  • protects seed from wintering pests;
  • helps prevent infection with fungal diseases;
  • serves as a foliar fertilizer, accelerates the rooting of bulbs.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate is required to soak seed onions: 1 g of powder in 1 liter of water. Onions are placed in the resulting liquid for 30 minutes, then planted in the ground.

Important! After processing with the solution, the onions are not rinsed or dried.

Salt or soda solution

Processing onions before planting before winterDthe main advantage of this method processing - its cheapness and availability.

Saline treatment prevents infection with stem nematodes, onion nematodes and fungal diseases.

For saline take 1 tbsp. l. table salt per 1 liter of water. Soak the seed onions in the resulting liquid for 10-20 minutes. Salt is sometimes substituted for baking soda. The rules for preparing a solution from soda are the same.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is produced in powder form. The substance is blue, odorless. Has a disinfecting effect.

Copper sulfate treatment prevents infection of the culture with fungal diseases.

Important! The substance is poisonous.

When preparing the solution take 30 g of powder per 10 liters of warm water from copper sulfate, mix thoroughly.Onion sets are soaked for 2-3 hours in the resulting liquid, after which they are dried and planted in the ground.


Processing onions before planting before winterWood ash mortar - natural growth stimulant... It contains a large number of useful chemical elements.

Ash solution treatment hinders education neck rot, fusarium rot of the bottom, green mold rot, aspergillosis.

To obtain a solution 250 g of wood ash are dissolved in 5 liters of water. The onions are soaked for 5-7 minutes in the resulting liquid. Then it is dried in the open air for 2-3 hours. The bow is ready to plant.


"Epin-Extra" - it is a phytohormone for plant purposes... Helps the plant adapt to climatic conditions, serves as a top dressing.

Beneficial features:

  • helps the plant cope with stress factors: temperature changes, frost;
  • stimulates growth and development;
  • strengthens the root system;
  • helps build green mass.

For solution preparation from "Epin" 5 drops of the drug are diluted in 0.5 l of water. Dip the onion for 10-15 minutes, then plant it in the ground.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate solution has a disinfectant effect... It is used against pests, diseases, strengthens the root system.

To prepare the solution, use warm water. Take 3 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water, soak the onion for 10-15 minutes.

Birch tar

The use of a birch tar solution is a folk remedy and does not cause any harm to humans and nature. Has an antiseptic effect.

The use of birch tar prevents the appearance of fungal diseases, putrefactive bacteria, onion fly.

Processing onions before planting before winter

The day before soaking, the onions must be warmed up at temperatures up to + 38 ° C. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. tar per 1 liter of warm water. Lower the onion for 2-3 hours, stir occasionally.

Important! Before soaking, remove the old husk from the onion and cut the top off.


Kerosene possesses an unpleasant pungent odor, due to which it repels the onion fly and other pests.

Kerosene-based solution: 1 tbsp. l. kerosene per 5 liters of water.

Important! Onions are not soaked in a solution of kerosene.

With the prepared composition, the soil prepared for planting onions is spilled.

What other ways are there to prepare winter onions for planting

Before treating the bulbs with drugs against diseases and pests, sevok goes through the stages of preparation:

  • selection of healthy and whole bulbs;
  • drying and airing;
  • preventive treatment.

Sorting and drying

Required storage temperature of onion sets: + 18 ° C... But it is not always possible to comply with this. Onions stored at low temperatures do not form a large onion and will go into the arrow.

therefore a couple of weeks before planting, the onions are dried and ventilated after winter storage. To do this, it is enough to keep the onion for 14-20 days at a temperature of + 20 ° C.

In the process of sorting, onions go through several stages.:

  • selection of bulbs up to 3 cm in diameter;
  • selection of healthy, non-sluggish and undamaged bulbs;
  • removal of dry husks;
  • cutting off dry tops.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Warming up

Method prevents onion frog formation, stimulates root growth... Sometimes it helps against powdery mildew infection.

The bulbs begin to warm up 10 hours before planting at a temperature of + 40 ° C. You can warm it up by laying out the sevok near batteries and other heating devices.


If there is no time for a long warm-up, then you can apply an express method of processing - hardening... To do this, prepare water with a temperature from + 45 ° C to + 50 ° C and immerse the bulbs in it for 15 minutes. Then soaked for the same time in cold water.

The procedure increases the immunity of the culture, helps the acclimatization of the seed.


The easiest and most convenient way to prepare onions for planting is to soak in plain water... The sevok is kept in hot water (+ 50 ° C) for 10-15 minutes, without the use of any preparations or fertilizers.

Processing onions before planting before winter

How to properly prepare the soil and cultivate the beds

Onions love loose, neutral soil.

When placing an onion garden, consider such nuances:

  • choose a well-lit place;
  • do not allow stagnant water;
  • the predecessors should be carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage.

A few days before landing the soil is dug up with the introduction of organic fertilizers.

Disinfectants are carried out before planting - spill the beds with a solution of copper sulfate: 2 tbsp. l. 10 liters of water. After they begin to plant the prepared onion.

Tips & Tricks

Experienced farmers recommend complex processing of onions:

  1. Organize a continuous onion processing process, where first there is heating, then processing with copper sulfate or manganese solution. This will kill the fungal spores on the surface of the bulbs or prevent them from being infected if the pathogen is in the ground.
  2. Do not feed the onions with fresh manure during planting. It causes cultural diseases.
  3. To increase the germination energy, it is recommended to soak the seedlings in a solution of complex fertilizer.
  4. Be sure to sort the planting material before planting.


There are various ways to process onions before sowing. But you shouldn't use them all at once. Choose the option that suits you best. Follow the instructions and rules of agricultural technology, and the culture will thank you with an excellent harvest!

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