Multi-bud hybrid of onion "Manas", well tolerant of drought

Onion Manas is a hybrid of Dutch selection, which has gained popularity among farmers due to a mass of positive characteristics, among which high yield, good keeping quality, the possibility of universal application and growing on a feather are especially distinguished.

Description of the hybrid

Manas is a first generation hybrid. The bulbs are suitable for use fresh, for drying and as an additive in various dishes and preservation.

Manas onion is the result of the work of Dutch breeders. Originator - BEJO ZADEN B.V.

The hybrid was included in the state register of Russia in 2008.

Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins and beneficial properties

The Manas bow contains:

  • micro and macro elements;Multi-bud hybrid of Manas onion that tolerates drought well
  • essential oils;
  • proteins;
  • sugar;
  • carbohydrates;
  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins PP, C, group B.

Regular consumption of onions promotes fat burning, the elimination of cholesterol and the destruction of blood clots, reduces the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and protects the body from viruses and bacteria.

Ripening period and yield

This is a late-ripening onion - 110-120 days pass between the appearance of mass shoots and the onset of technical maturity.

Marketable yield - 392-550 kg / ha.

The hybrid is resistant to fusarium, pink rot and peronospora.

Characteristics of the bulb, description of appearance, taste

Manas is a multi-edged onion, therefore it is well suited for growing on a feather, which is dark green in color and covered with a waxy bloom.

Reference. After cutting off the feathers, the onions are not suitable for bulbs.

Bulbs with a neck of medium thickness, rounded, weighing 85-100 g each, covered with three dark brown dry scales.

The pulp is white with a greenish tinge, juicy, crispy. The taste is semi-sharp.

For which regions it is best suited and what is the exacting climate

The hybrid is included in the state register for the Central, North Caucasian and Lower Volga regions.

Manas adapts well to different climatic conditions, but the highest yield is observed in a dry continental climate.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

Pros of a hybrid:

  • high productivity;Multi-bud hybrid of Manas onion that tolerates drought well
  • resistance to common diseases, pests and drought;
  • pleasant taste;
  • versatility of use;
  • long-term storage;
  • the possibility of growing on a feather.


  • low resistance to frost;
  • the inability to obtain their own seeds.

What is the difference from others

Comparison of Manas with other hybrids in the table:

Hybrid Ripening period Productivity, c / ha Bulb shape Bulb weight, g Taste
Manas Late maturing 392-550 Rounded 85-100 Semi-sharp
Mannito Mid late 153-204 Rounded 60-90 Semi-sharp
Marco Mid late 155-286 Rounded 60-80 Acute
Nerato Late maturing 260-310 Rounded 75-90 Semi-sharp

Features of planting and growing

Manas onions are grown from seeds.In the southern regions, they can be sown directly on the beds, but the seedling method is more reliable, since it is difficult to create and maintain optimal conditions for a hybrid in the open field.

Preparing for landing

There are several ways to prepare planting material:

  • disinfection - seeds for 40-45 minutes. soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • warming up - first, the seeds are dipped in hot (+ 50 ° C) water for half an hour, and then for 2-3 minutes. in the cold;
  • bubbling - planting material is placed in a jar of water, into which air is supplied from a compressor;
  • stimulation - seeds are soaked in a solution of growth stimulants for 18-20 hours.

After processing, the seeds are wrapped in a cloth and placed in a container of water for 24 hours, changing it every 6-8 hours. Then they are laid out between two damp wipes and put away in a warm place for several days. Sprouted seeds can be planted.

Reference. Seeds no more than two years old are suitable for sowing.

In autumn, the land on the site is dug up and cleaned of plant residues. River sand and sawdust treated with urea are added to the clay soil, lime is added to the soil with high acidity.

In the spring the soil is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, leveled and slightly compacted, and then watered with hot (+ 50 ° C) water and covered with polyethylene for 2-3 days.

Ground requirements

Manas grows well in loose, fertile soil with good moisture and air permeability and a neutral acidity level (pH 6.0-7.0).

Timing, scheme and landing rules

Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first half of February according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour nutrient soil into previously prepared containers.
  2. Make furrows in the soil, keeping a distance of 5-6 cm between them.
  3. Place planting material in them at the rate of 15-20 g of seeds per 1 sq. m.

First, the container with seeds is kept at a temperature of + 18 ... + 25 ° C, and after the emergence of seedlings it is reduced to + 15 ... + 16 ° C.

Reference. For better growth and development, the plants are fed with poultry droppings diluted in water or complex fertilizers.

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground 50-60 days after the emergence of seedlings, when the seedlings will have 3-4 leaves and a developed root system.

Transplant process:

  1. Prepare beds with a row spacing of 45-60 cm in the area.
  2. Make planting holes in them every 15-20 cm.
  3. Water the seedlings abundantly, remove the seedlings from the container and place in the holes, deepening 1 cm deeper than they grew earlier, and making sure that the roots do not curl up.

For better adaptation in the open field, the leaves are cut off by a third from the seedlings and the roots are cut.

Growing features

The area where Manas grows should be well lit, protected from the wind and located on a hill, since the accumulation of moisture in the lowlands provokes the development of diseases.

You should not plant onions after carrots and garlic, the best predecessors are legumes, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini.

Seeds can germinate at a temperature of + 1 ... + 2 ° C, but the optimum temperature is + 18 ... + 20 ° C. The roots grow actively at + 10 ... + 15 ° C, and the green part - at + 18 ... + 20 ° C.

The nuances of care

To get a good harvest, you need to provide the plants with proper care.

Within a month after landing in open ground, onions are watered every three days, then every 7-10 days. When watering, they are guided by the condition of the soil - it should be 30 cm deep.

Watering is stopped 20-28 days before harvesting.

Loosening the soil and weeding

To improve the access of water and air to plants, the soil after irrigation is loosened to a depth of about 5-6 cm. Simultaneously with loosening, weeds are removed from the soil, which interfere with the development of vegetables, taking moisture and nutrients from the soil.

During the growing season, the soil is loosened at least four times, the last time - a month before harvesting.

Top dressing

Fertilization scheme:

  1. 20 days after planting seedlings on the beds - mix manure or chicken droppings with water (1:10), add 25 g of urea to 10 liters of the resulting solution. Fertilizer consumption - a bucket of 10 sq. m.
  2. In mid-July - phosphate and potash fertilizers. This helps the bulbs to store carbohydrates, which has a positive effect on the speed of their maturation and keeping quality.

If Manas is grown on a feather, then ammonium nitrate is used as top dressing, which is introduced immediately after cutting the greens and two weeks after that.

Disease and pest control

If the onion grows in unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as in case of non-compliance with agrotechnical requirements, possible defeat by the following diseases:

  • powdery mildew - they are treated with fungicidal preparations;
  • gray rot - for prophylaxis, the soil is treated with Bordeaux liquid and nitrogen-containing fertilizing is introduced, they get rid of the diseased plants;
  • mosaic - the disease cannot be treated.

Among pests, onion flies are the most dangerous for the hybrid. To combat this insect monthly, but no more than three times, spraying the plants with a solution of salt or ammonia so that it does not fall on the leaves.

Harvesting and storage

So that the crop is stored for a long time and does not lose its presentation and useful properties, it is important to remove it from the beds in time and create the proper conditions storage.

How and when to collect

The bulbs are harvested from late July to early August, gently digging in and pulling them out of the ground. The greens are cut up to four times per season.

Features of storage and keeping quality of the hybrid

Multi-bud hybrid of Manas onion that tolerates drought well

Fresh greens are stored for only a few days - for longer storage, they are frozen, previously cut and placed in small containers and bags.

After digging, the bulbs are laid out in the sun or under a canopy and dried for 15 days. Then they are examined, all damaged specimens are removed, put into boxes or bags and placed in a cool room with a humidity of 75-90% and an air temperature of 0 ... + 1 ° C. Also, onions can be stored in an apartment at a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%.

In such conditions, the harvest is stored for 6-9 months.

What can be the difficulties in growing

Problems that may arise when growing Manas:

  • slow growth of feathers - the air temperature is above + 25 ° C;
  • defeat by powdery mildew with excessive moisture;
  • slow ripening of onions is the result of hilling, which should not be carried out.

Tips from experienced gardeners

Farmers who have been growing Manas onions for a long time recommend:

  1. Raking the bulbs away from the bulbs a few weeks before harvesting will help form larger heads.
  2. If harvest time is close but the feathers are still green and the neck is thick, then a week before harvest, trim the roots with a shovel 5-6 cm below the bulb.
  3. When growing onions on a feather, grow greens no more than 40 cm - it turns out juicy and without bitterness.

Reviews of the Manas onion hybrid

Experienced gardeners speak positively about the Manas onion:

Mikhail, Saratov region: “I fell in love with this onion for its high yield and long-term storage - I don't remember the year when the harvest would have been stored for less than 7 months. I have been growing Manas for six years now and I do not plan to change it to another variety. True, I would not recommend it to those who rarely visit the country, because watering onions, especially in the first half of the growing season, is often necessary.

Ivan, Nizhny Novgorod region: “The main criteria by which I evaluate onions are yield, keeping quality and taste. Manas meets all my requirements - it gives a bountiful harvest, is stored for a very long time and does not taste too hot. "


Manas onions can be grown to produce both bulbs and greens. The hybrid adapts to any climatic conditions, is resistant to pests and diseases and does not impose serious requirements for care, except for regular watering.

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