What happens if you eat onions every day

In Russia, onions have been used since the Middle Ages to add a fresh smell to meat dishes. It was mainly consumed by peasants, boyars - in limited quantities, only with caviar or liver. Even then, onions were used as an antimicrobial product.

However, the medicinal properties of this product are not limited to antimicrobial activity. The peasants, without realizing it, maintained the health of entire generations, preventing infertility, digestive problems and nervous disorders.

But is it useful to eat onions every day? We will talk further about the norms for the use of this product, whether it is possible to eat a lot of raw onions and what will happen if you eat onions daily.

Useful properties of onions

Onions are an indispensable culture for the human body due to its healing and antibacterial properties. The high content of B, PP, C vitamins supports metabolic processes. Calcium and vitamin K strengthen the skeleton. Iron, phosphorus and zinc stimulate immune processes.

The content of phytoncides, glycosides (saponins) and flavonoids allows this vegetable to be classified as a natural "medicine". Iodine, pectins, organic acids (malic, citric) and essential oils support vital processes in the body associated with the elimination of toxins and toxins.

What happens if you eat onions every dayThe reproductive system of women and men with the regular use of onions is tuned to the correct work. The vegetable is prescribed as an adjunct to the main treatment for infertility. This does not solve the problem itself, but promotes general therapy.

Interesting. Since ancient times, onions have been known as the "poor man's musk" (Egypt). It boosts your sex drive. However, it should be used with caution by hypertensive patients - the product causes arrhythmia and increases blood pressure.

With the daily use of this useful product, a person is stocked with substances that have a beneficial effect on all body systems. At the same time, the bulbs are equally useful for women and men. In old age, onions will help preserve the mind and memory, and in adulthood - beauty and immunity.

The high content of vitamin C, amino acids and flavonoids supports the body and protects against colds and infectious diseases. With daily consumption of at least half of the "onion head", a person reduces the risk of acute respiratory infections to a minimum.

Why is onion useful for women:

  • promotes skin rejuvenation (stimulates collagen production);
  • fights overweight (burns cholesterol and carbohydrates);
  • helps in the treatment of dermatitis, bleeding gums;
  • stimulates hair growth, fights against age spots and freckles;
  • prevents baldness;
  • prevents the development of cancerous tumors (quercetin in red varieties);
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, especially after childbirth;
  • treats "stars" on the legs and mild forms of varicose veins;
  • supports hormonal balance, reproductive system, neutralizes menstrual syndrome;
  • prevents the development of breast cancer;
  • normalizes digestion.

The effect of the vegetable on the male body is also beneficial:

  • prevents prostate cancer, treats prostate diseases, relieves pain during urination;
  • acts as an aphrodisiac, increasing libido, potency and improving sperm quality;
  • reduces the risk of thrombosis, increases blood pressure (useful for hypotensive patients), stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • heals tissues in case of sprains, wounds, burns, frostbite, abscesses;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • useful with a sedentary lifestyle, atherosclerosis;
  • cleanses the liver and kidneys, is used in their treatment;
  • promotes healthy sleep;
  • strengthens bone tissue, teeth, cornea, blood vessels and joints;
  • prevents the occurrence of heart attack and gout.

For children, onions are used as:

  • antiviral and anthelmintic agent;
  • natural product against dysentery, diphtheria, tuberculosis;
  • medicines for flu, tonsillitis, pneumonia, cough, sputum;
  • means for increasing appetite, relaxant for overstrain;
  • a product that prevents the development of caries;
  • anti-cold remedy.

What happens if you eat onions every day

The product is also used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

Attention! If a child has asthma, asthma attacks are possible due to the content of the sulfur-rich prostantile. There is also a risk of an individual allergic reaction.

Standards for the use of onions

The question of how much onion you can eat per day is individual. For a healthy person, 150-200 g of a product in any form will not harm, especially if the portion is eaten gradually throughout the day. In addition, not everyone sees the need for such an amount. In the best case, a person eats 75 g of the product daily (1 onion).

Raw vegetables are rich in macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins, which are quickly absorbed due to the composition of the nutrients... The average consumption rate is 100 g. For a child's body, starting from 3 years old, 30-50 g will be enough with a subsequent increase in the portion.

A vegetable baked in foil is not inferior in its properties to a raw product. Some of the vitamins are lost, but not as much as during cooking or stewing. You can eat 3-4 baked onions per day.

Boiled is inferior to raw and noted for its vitamin content, but the chemical composition is still saturated. Due to the destruction as a result of heat treatment of substances that irritate the gastric mucosa, boiled onions can be eaten 100 g more. On average, the consumption rate is 150-200 g. The same rule applies to stewed onions, which will be an excellent addition to a serving of beef liver.

Fried onion satisfying, and its consumption is undesirable in the presence of digestive problems. The consumption rate for a healthy person is no more than 100 g.What happens if you eat onions every day

Pickled (rings) are consumed only freshly prepared. The norm is no more than one onion (50-75 g).

A fresh product benefits healthy people, while a baked product makes up for the lack of substances in the presence of digestive, liver or heart problems. Other forms blanks less preferred.

Can onions harm the body

Onions can cause serious harm only in case of individual intolerance, as well as with regular use with oils and vinegar.

This product also has a number of contraindications that indicate potential negative consequences.

The vegetable should be used with caution for asthmatics. Its pungent smell, piercing to tears, causes asthmatic attacks. Onions are contraindicated in the acute period of gastritis, gastric ulcer and intestinal ulcers, and other digestive problems.

After a large feast with pickled blanks or another case of overeating, the question may arise, what happens if you eat too much onion? Exceeding the consumption rate of a product is an infrequent phenomenon, due to the satiety of the onion and its specific taste. However, such situations do happen. Most often, onion lovers suffer from bloating and heaviness of the stomach, sometimes they are overcome by heartburn or flatulence. In this case, it is recommended to switch to sparing meals with a predominance of fermented milk products.

The effect of onions on the body

What happens if you eat onions every day

Onions are especially beneficial for the growing body. Vitamins and minerals contained in one bulb support the processes of hematopoiesis, which is important for the development of the circulatory system. European cuisine traditionally uses onions as the main ingredient in soups, and fried and pickled onion rings are also popular.

In Russian cuisine, onions are often chopped and steamed, losing their original value. It is advisable to give children a fresh product without bitterness and smell (sweet or salad varieties).

Onions are also useful in old age - they compensate for the deficiency of calcium and magnesium. Reduces the risk of fractures and sprains, stabilizes blood pressure, improves sleep quality. The product is used as a remedy (decoction) for insomnia, which is considered a frequent companion of old age.

Onions have a beneficial effect on the immune and excretory systems. Due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, the vegetable helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, maintains the condition of the liver, and makes blood vessels more elastic. The diuretic effect of onions is manifested without side effects, which makes the product often used as a decongestant.

With a balanced diet and no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, daily consumption of onions does not harm your health. However, with age, the condition of the digestive organs and individual enzyme glands make onions more dangerous to eat. In this case, daily values ​​are calculated by the attending physician.

Who better to limit onion consumption?

There are a number of restrictions on this vegetable.

The main contraindications for eating it:

  • chronic gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, exacerbation gastritis, diseases pancreas, chronic flatulence, high acidity of gastric juice);
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • strokes and heart attacks;
  • acute course of kidney and liver diseases;
  • pregnancy in the last trimester (fetal allergic reaction);
  • asthma;
  • allergy to onions.

For diabetics, the optimal amount of onions per day (as well as other products) is determined by the attending physician.

Otherwise, the bulbs can be eaten regularly. This will not only reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in old age, but also keep skin, hair and nails healthy in youth.

Why you may want onions all the time

What happens if you eat onions every day

If a person notices that he wants a product for a long time, this does not mean that his body is deficient in nutrients. Throughout life, a person often changes taste preferences.

However, in case of excessive attraction to onions, it is worth taking tests (blood, hormones). Perhaps the body really requires the missing micronutrients for its full functioning. The most common cause is a lack of vitamin C, iodine, potassium or iron.

Food taste preferences are analyzed in the presence of disruptions in the body.

The desire to eat onions constantly can be caused by the following factors:

  • vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity - lack of vitamin C, iodine, iron;
  • hormonal imbalance and central nervous system disorder - lack of vitamins of group B, PP, K;
  • violation of metabolic processes and metabolism - lack of selenium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E;
  • muscle disorder, cramps, spasms, aches - lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium;
  • work of the liver at the maximum mode - the need for cleansing from toxins;
  • malfunctions of the heart system and digestion - excess cholesterol, obesity.

In some cases, the onion "pulls" at the beginning of infectious and fungal diseases. Thus, the body tries to weaken the effect of a foreign agent.


The healing properties of onions make this vegetable almost indispensable for consumption. Just half a bulb a day can create a powerful barrier to a wide variety of diseases.

However, the bitter essential oils of onions have a negative effect on digestion and respiratory tract. When eating it, you should limit yourself to 50-200 g of the prepared product, depending on the existing contraindications and the diet as a whole.

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