When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yields

Garlic is one of the most popular crops grown in their summer cottages by almost everyone. It is extremely beneficial for human health and at the same time is recognized as perhaps the most popular seasoning.

Any gardener strives to get the maximum yield, but this is not always possible. Timely fertilization with the necessary elements at the right time will help. Today we'll talk about when and how to fertilize garlic before winter.

Preparatory autumn activities for the garlic bed

Before planting garlic, it is necessary to prepare the garden bed several months in advance. The place planned for landing is dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet... If the soil is clay, add peat: 1 bucket for each meter of the bed.

If the soil is loamy, add 3 kg of compost and humus, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 200 g of lime. This is done so that the earth has time to settle, and the fertilizers applied begin to interact with it. If the soil is peaty, loam is added, and clay and peat are added to the sandy soil.

When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yields

After adjusting the composition of the soil, the bed is treated with a solution of copper sulfate... The solution is prepared by mixing 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate. Processed at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 m of the site.

Reference. After carrying out all the preparatory work, the site is covered with a film.

The plot for the garden should be chosen where there is a lot of sun... The place should not be constantly wet so that the roots of the garlic do not rot. The site in the lowland is not suitable because of the accumulating melt water. A site on a hill is also not recommended to use, since in winter the snow from such a place will be blown away by the wind, and the garlic may freeze.

Basic fertilizers for garlic

Fertilizers when planting garlic play one of the main roles... The culture is in dire need of nutrients for growth.

There are the following types of feeding:

  1. When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yieldsDolomite flour or lime. Introduced into soil to reduce acidity. The dosage depends on the acidity of the soil. In some cases, wood ash can be used.
  2. Organic fertilizers. The best option is compost with manure and poultry droppings. Compost is useful for its content of assimilable nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and trace elements.
  3. Mineral fertilizers. The leader in this group is superphosphate. Wood ash can be used as the most affordable mineral fertilizer.
  4. Sulfur. This element is vital for the development and growth of garlic.

It can be useful:

How to properly plant garlic before winter

Planting garlic bulbs before winter

Secrets of winter garlic care in spring

Selection of predecessors

When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yieldsObserving the rules of crop rotation, you can achieve increased yields... The plant has a superficial root system, therefore it takes the substances necessary for development from the upper soil layer. Productive use of the soil after plants with a long root system.

The best predecessors are squash and squash, green manure - clover and alfalfa. The berry bush will be a good predecessor. A good option is soil after tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage and pumpkin.

You can not plant garlic after onions, since these plants are attacked by the same pests.

Planting garlic near a bed of beans, peas or cabbage is not recommended... These crops do not tolerate the proximity of garlic - it interferes with their growth and development.

Attention! If there is not enough space at the summer cottage, you can find a way out by adding garlic to strawberries, cucumbers, currants, raspberries.

Determination of soil acidity

The best choice for garlic would be a neutral or slightly acidic soil.... When analyzing the acidity of the soil, the pH should be higher than the neutral indicator of 6.5. Weeds growing on the soil selected for planting serve as an indicator of acidity.

The fact that the acidity of the soil is increased is indicated by the presence of plantain, mint, buttercup. If the soil is neutral or slightly acidic, nettles, cornflowers, clover, chamomile grow on it.

When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yieldsThere are ways to determine the acidity of the soil:

  1. Soil meter. Using a special device, you can accurately determine the condition of the soil.
  2. Vinegar. If you pour a handful of soil with vinegar, bubbles should appear on its surface. If this does not happen, then the acidity is increased.
  3. Currant, cherry or bird cherry leaves. The leaves of any of these plants are poured with boiling water, wait for the water to cool, and add soil to it. If the color of the water changes to red, then the acidity is increased. If it turns green, the soil is neutral. If the water turns blue, this indicates that the soil is slightly acidic.

When the soil is acidic, plants are unable to assimilate nutrients. Garlic roots hardly develop in acidic soils.

Fertilizers that are suitable for winter garlic

By using the right feeding garlic will be able to accumulate more nutrients, the plant's immunity will be strengthened, and its resistance to pests and diseases will improve.

Mineral and organic fertilizers are used for winter garlic.... There are a number of ways to improve soil fertility when growing garlic.

When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yields

Improving the soil with green manure

The use of green manure will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop... Garlic grows well after such predecessors.

On a plot of land adapted for planting garlic, green manure plants need to be planted at the end of July... Barley, rye, mustard belong to siderates. Their roots and green mass contain phytoncides and essential oils that destroy viruses and fungi that infect garlic.

A few weeks before planting, the siderates are mowed and dug up... At the same time, young shoots of green manure plants are left underground to rot. To speed up the decay process, the dug up bed is moistened. In the process of decomposition, the soil will be saturated with beneficial trace elements that are important for the development of garlic.

Improving the soil in this way is comparable in efficiency to using humus or compost. The soil becomes lighter, free-flowing and oxygenated.

Top dressing with chemicals

Chemical mineral fertilizers have a beneficial effect on the development of garlic heads... What fertilizer should be applied in autumn for garlic? Superphosphate and potassium salts are used before planting. With the help of potassium, it will be easier for the plant to survive the winter, as it has a beneficial effect on the formation of the root system.

Read also:

What determines the yield of garlic and how to increase it

Do you want to know how to grow large garlic?

Mineral fertilizers for garlic

Mineral fertilizers have a beneficial effect on the development of garlic. Before planting garlic in autumn, add to the soil:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, urea, calcium and sodium nitrate. Nitrogen maintains a balance in the growth regulation process between the head of garlic and the herbs.
  2. Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. The most common of these is superphosphate.

Mineral fertilizers are added to the ground in dry form in the fall.They are not specially diluted with water so that beneficial trace elements enter the soil gradually.

Organic (ash and manure)

Manure is one of the best feeding, but you don't need to add this fertilizer in the fall. When using manure in the fall, the heads of garlic will become loose, and the plant will not be able to resist fungal diseases. Another disadvantage is that after the application of manure to the soil, the rapid growth of greens of garlic will begin, and the growth of the head will slow down.

One of the mandatory fertilizers used when planting garlic is ash... There are many trace elements in it. Ash is added to the soil during the digging process or used when planting.

It will not be superfluous applying the ash solution after a few weeks... A solution is prepared by mixing 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. ash. For 1 sq. m planted garlic is enough 3 liters of solution. The use of ash helps to increase the size of the garlic heads.

Features of foliar feeding

This method of feeding is used when the plant needs specific microelements.... It consists in applying fertilizer by spraying the outer part of the plant, which contributes to the faster assimilation of useful trace elements.

Important! When spraying, a lower concentration of the solution is used than with the traditional method of feeding.

When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yields

It is important to follow the rules for foliar feeding:

  1. Spraying should be carried out with a fine dispersion spray gun.
  2. Do not oversaturate the fertilizing solution. Otherwise, you can burn the greens of the garlic.
  3. Frequent feeding is harmful. Foliar dressing is carried out three times.
  4. It is better to choose the time in the morning, if the weather is cloudy, or in the evening. It is important to consider that the leaves must dry before nightfall.

When and how often to feed garlic: schemes

In the case of planting in the fall, garlic does not require enhanced nutrition... But it is imperative to add humus to the soil in order to increase its fertility. Begin feeding the garlic after the snow has melted.

When and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the fall for garlic: feeding schemes and an overview of the best formulations to increase yieldsThroughout the season, feeding is carried out three times.:

  1. A few weeks after the snow melted. During this time, the garlic needs to be fed. Ovaries begin to form, and the plants will have to deal with possible last frosts. Fertilize with a solution of urea or boric acid. It doesn't hurt to add a manure solution.
  2. 3 weeks after the first top dressing, to replenish the supply of trace elements in the soil. The most commonly used solution is boric acid. In rare cases, urea again. Again, a manure solution will not be superfluous.
  3. In the middle of summer, during the formation of the head of garlic to increase its size. For these purposes, a superphosphate solution is used.


It may seem that garlic is unpretentious and does not require special attention. But in order to get a good harvest, you need to approach the growing process with all seriousness and remember how to fertilize this crop when planting before winter.

To obtain a rich harvest, garlic is fed in the fall, adding green manure, chemicals, mineral and organic fertilizers - urea, superphosphate, ash and manure to the soil.

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