Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

Garlic scares away not only vampires, but other plants as well. Experts in the field of plant growing are sure: you can get a successful harvest of garlic and keep the soil fertile by following simple rules for planting and caring for plants. You should not plant this spicy vegetable in the same place for several seasons in a row. But the vacated land should not be empty - other dacha cultures can grow here quite comfortably.

What to plant after garlic, how to properly feed the plants and fertilize the soil in the former garlic garden, you will learn from our article.

Why is it so important to follow the sequence of planting plants

Experienced summer residents are familiar with the concept of crop rotation. This rule provides for a certain scheme for planting plants in a summer cottage or garden plot. The main principle here: next year, "move" plants around the site, avoiding re-planting of the same crops on the same bed.Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

Benefits of correct crop rotation

First of all, this is necessary for the soil to gain strength and restore the balance of nutrients that it gave to the plant.

Crop rotation reduces the likelihood of soil contamination with pathogens and pests, in particular, stem nematode. These filamentous worms are a thunderstorm for crops. Experienced gardeners, as a rule, draw up a planting schedule ahead of time, for 2-3 years. This event will help to avoid repetitions when planting and monitor the required amount of fertilizer in the beds.

Important! The correct arrangement of crops in the garden will not only increase the yield, but also facilitate the care of the plants.

For example, thanks to the biologically active substances contained in garlic, there are no fungal spores on its beds. They do not tolerate the smell of garlic and the main pests of carrots - carrot fly and lily. By planting these plants nearby, you free yourself from pest control - the vegetables will do it themselves.

Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

Garlic will also help in the fight against the main enemy of potatoes - the Colorado potato beetle. In order for harmful insects to bypass the tubers, you need to plant a plant with a characteristic odor around the area with potatoes. It also scares off aphids, ants and bedbugs that love raspberries and currants, and representatives of the nightshade family (eggplant, tomatoes) grow better next to garlic and are less damaged.

What should not be planted next to garlic

The bad neighbors of this representative of the onion subfamily are plants of the legume family. Lentils, beans, peas and other beans should not be planted next to our hero: they will bloom poorly and give a meager harvest. Spicy herbs also do not tolerate being close to garlic: the essential oils of these plants get into the soil, are drawn into the root system of the garlic and slow down its growth and development.Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

What can you plant after garlic

A spicy vegetable is quite unpretentious and does not require much effort to grow. It is important to choose the right landing site. The site should be exposed to sunlight. The beds must be made comfortable for processing and high - so that water does not accumulate. With enough organic fertilizer in the soil, you will get exactly the harvest you were hoping for.

After harvesting, the land must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.Then make deep plowing and apply fungicides (agents for combating pathogens of bacterial, viral and fungal diseases) and insecticides that destroy harmful insects. After that, other crops can be planted on a prepared and pest-free area.

It is recommended to plant annual grasses, cucumbers, legumes, winter wheat on the vacated bed.

Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

Garlic alternates especially well with cucumbers: both crops are guaranteed high yields.

As long-term observations of plant breeders show, good shoots in the former "garlic" area will give umbellate plants (dill) as well as strawberries. And so that the land is not empty between plantings, you can sow wheat, rye or mustard on it in winter.

Important! If the size of the site allows, then the soil after the garlic should be allowed to rest for at least 2 years.

Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

What should not be planted after garlic

There are some plants that categorically do not like the places where garlic has "inherited". Oddly enough, but this is its closest relative - the bow. They require the same nutrients from the soil. Therefore, if you plant an onion, it will not receive the necessary nutrients - they have already been chosen by the predecessor.

Attention! Both onions and garlic need potash fertilizers for normal growth.

If garlic pests remain in the ground for the winter, then in the spring they will take onions - they do not notice the difference between these crops.

After which crops can not be planted garlic

He has not so many unwanted predecessors. Garlic is not recommended to be planted after root crops, which actively use the nutrients in the soil, and quickly deplete it. After potatoes, carrots, beets and other root crops, the soil needs organic fertilization and rest.

Secrets of experienced gardeners: what to plant after garlic next year, and which crops should be avoided

Vegetable growers also do not recommend planting garlic after spices with pronounced aromatic properties. These are cilantro, parsley, mint, basil, coriander. Spices inhibit the development and impair the aromatic properties of garlic.

It is not recommended to plant garlic after onions. The reasons are the same - due to the similarity of crops, the land will not have time to recover in the period between harvests.

Read also:

What determines the yield of garlic and how to increase it.

Secrets of winter garlic care in spring.

We adopt the wisdom of experienced gardeners - and then plant garlic before winter.


To get a good harvest, you do not need to be a certified agronomist or summer resident with many years of experience. You just need to remember the main rule of crop rotation: do not plant the same plants on the same bed more often than once every 3 years.

Competent alternation of vegetable crops with others, proper planting and reasonable care, as well as compliance with all the above recommendations, will allow you to grow high-quality garlic and create comfortable conditions for growing other crops.

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