
Land for lemon growing at home

Plant lovers plant lemon trees not in the garden, but at home - in a pot. Such conditions are more suitable than others for a capricious exotic tree, because it is easier to provide it with proper care at home. One ...

How to properly water indoor lemon

Indoor lemon is a versatile plant for the home. Healthy, beautiful, with tasty, juicy fruits. But in order to grow it on the windowsill, it is not enough just to place the seed in the ground. Lemon, like everyone else ...

Pruning and shaping lemon at home

Pruning homemade lemon is an important step in growing it. The correctness of the tree development, attractiveness, timing and abundance of flowering and fruiting, risks depend on how correctly and in a timely manner it will be performed ...

Why lemon leaves dry at the edges and how to fix the problem

Lemon is a subtropical inhabitant that, when grown at home, needs to maintain a comfortable climate. The plant loves moisture, sun, heat, does not tolerate cold, drafts, lack of nutrition and moisture. Dry leaves ...

Why lemon has sticky spots and what to do with it

Lemon is grown not only indoors, but also outdoors. Bright lemon trees with beautiful fruits and colorful flowers will adorn any garden. But unlike traditional ...

What is lime and how is it different from lemon

Limes and lemons are popular citrus fruits in cooking. They are added to dishes to impart a delicate aroma and fresh, sour taste, and are used as a snack for alcoholic beverages. They make from fruits ...

What is the name of a hybrid of lemon and tangerine

Citrus fruits are the world leaders in terms of annual harvest. There are about 600 varieties of them. Approximately 20% of the total harvest is consumed in the form of fresh fruits, and the rest is used to make juices, canned food, extracts ...

What is lime - what is it and how it grows

Grown for thousands of years in the Indo-Malay region, lime is prized for its delicious fruits and ornamental leaves. Lime juice is most commonly used in cooking. Astringent and sweet at the same time, it serves as a signature ingredient ...

How to Treat Homemade Lemon Diseases

It would seem, what diseases do indoor lemon have? The plant is grown in favorable conditions, and not in the open field, where it is many times more likely to pick up an invasion. But no, grow lemon in ...

Why lemon leaves curl and how to solve the problem

The indoor lemon tree is demanding to care for. To make it feel comfortable, develop harmoniously, bloom and bear fruit, it is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology and constantly monitor its condition. Any mistakes in care ...

