
Medicinal properties and contraindications of raspberry leaves for women

Raspberry leaves are rarely used for treatment. Most of all, fresh berries, raspberry jam are used - not only as a dessert, but also for the prevention of diseases. From the article you will learn about ...

We transplant raspberries to a new place in the spring

Caring for raspberries in the spring includes replanting to a new place. Such work is not carried out annually, but every few years they are necessary. After all, changing the place allows you to rejuvenate the bush, increase its yield ...

How to pinch remontant raspberries in the summer and is this procedure necessary

There is a debate about the advisability of performing summer pinching of remontant raspberries. Some gardeners recommend not to neglect the procedure, which, in their opinion, increases the yield. Others do not see the point in pinching the tops of the shoots, because ...

Instructions for watering raspberries in summer: frequency, abundance and methods

To get a bountiful harvest of raspberries, the gardener has to work hard. Raspberries are a capricious culture. It grows well and bears fruit only with proper care. One of the most important steps is watering ...

How to properly prune raspberries in summer in July and why you need it

Raspberries are a low-maintenance shrub, but regular pruning is recommended to maintain health and good looks. In summer, there is an active growth of young shoots and a set of green mass. Even ...

Instructions for breeding raspberries in summer by cuttings for beginner gardeners

Reproduction of raspberries by cuttings in summer is a breeding method that does not require financial and time costs and guarantees the preservation of the characteristics of the variety. To do this, use green cuttings obtained by thinning plantings in June. More about ...

How and when to prune raspberries in the summer after fruiting: instructions for beginner gardeners

Correct pruning of raspberries after harvest is the key to health and high productivity in future seasons. The plant adapts better to the dormant period, in the spring it immediately grows, and in the summer it gives a lot ...

Raspberry leaves turn red in June: why is this happening and what to do about it

Changing the color of raspberry leaves is a problem that sooner or later faced every gardener. In June, green leaves are covered with reddish, brown or reddish-purple spots, small dots or bubbles. There are some ...

Raspberry Care Guide After Harvesting July

Competent care of the raspberry tree in summer is the key to getting a harvest of sweet and large berries next year. Erroneous actions of the gardener during this period lead to poor fruiting and crushing of berries in ...

Instructions for processing raspberries in the summer from diseases and pests

Raspberry processing is a must. Many people mistakenly believe that this is required only to protect against diseases and pests. This is not so: processing is needed to improve the taste of berries, increase yields, preparation ...

