Planting and growing

Cold method of pickling cucumbers: recipes

Cold pickled cucumbers are an indispensable product on the table, especially in winter. They turn out spicy, crispy and very tasty, they go well with potato and cereal dishes, fried ...

How to deal with fleas on cabbage

If holes with jagged edges appear on cabbage leaves, this is a clear sign of an attack by a cruciferous flea. The insect is often found in the beds of this vegetable crop, since it feeds on the sap of the plant. To save ...

Why does black bloom appear on gooseberries, how quickly to wash it off and whether this plant will cure

Black bloom on gooseberry bushes signals the appearance of a disease. Spots or dots appear on the leaves and fruits, which grow over time. If you don't take action, the berries rot and fall off, and ...

Why lemon leaves dry at the edges and how to fix the problem

Lemon is a subtropical inhabitant that, when grown at home, needs to maintain a comfortable climate. The plant loves moisture, sun, heat, does not tolerate cold, drafts, lack of nutrition and moisture. Dry leaves ...

How to properly prune blackberries in the summer: instructions and diagrams

Pruning blackberries is not a pleasant experience. But without performing this procedure, the gardener runs the risk of being left without healthy shrubs and crops. Pruning is carried out in the summer after the end of fruiting. Schemes and recommendations are proposed ...

When to harvest honeysuckle, how best to sort and process it

Honeysuckle is a very tasty and healthy berry, rich in vitamins and microelements. At first glance, it may seem that harvesting is a long and difficult process, but this is not so, if you know ...

A beginner's guide to watering a peach correctly in summer

Watering is the most important agrotechnical procedure in plant care. Gardeners are especially attentive to her, who grow capricious peach trees on their site. Without regular and proper soil moistening ...

A pest dangerous for the crop - gooseberry sawfly and methods of effective control of it

The sawfly is the most harmful insect that can reduce the yield by 95% not only for gooseberries, but also for currants. The danger is represented by pale-footed and yellow gooseberry sawflies. When detecting the first signs of their vital activity, it is important ...

A step-by-step guide to pruning felt cherries in summer for beginners

Gardeners love felt cherries for a good harvest, ease of maintenance and a beautiful compact crown. To increase fruiting, the plant is cut not only in autumn and spring, but also in summer. If you know the technique ...

Is it possible to ripen pears at home and how to do it

Gardeners call the pear a "tricky" fruit. Today it is still firm and hanging on the tree, and tomorrow the soft one lies on the ground. It's not easy to catch the moment of perfect ripeness of pears, so many people collect or buy ...

