
Technology for growing tobacco in the open field, greenhouse and at home

Tobacco is a warm and moisture-loving plant. The preferred regions for its cultivation are southern, with a hot climate. In the middle lane, this plant is cultivated in greenhouses. Growing tobacco from seeds is not ...

We learn from experienced summer residents how to pinch tomatoes correctly: an analysis of the nuances and a step-by-step description of the process

Timely and competent removal of stepchildren from tomatoes will help to get strong plants and a rich harvest. When pruning shoots, take into account the tallness of the variety, the peculiarities of the development of the stems and the planting conditions. We offer step-by-step technology with ...

What is a potato and what family it belongs to, a full description with a photo

There is no person in the world who has not tasted potatoes. For some it is the main food product, for others it is a source of extra calories. Potatoes are familiar to our diet, but how many ...

What is the seeding rate of potatoes per 1 hectare in tons and how to calculate it correctly

When growing potatoes, in addition to selecting high-quality tubers and preparing the site, it is important to correctly calculate the seeding rate. To do this, take into account the mass of vegetables and determine the planting density. We will tell you what factors affect the consumption ...

Potato cultivation machines - features of agricultural machinery

In small household plots, manual labor is used to grow potatoes. Cultivating land for planting, caring for crops and harvesting crops are labor-intensive activities. Cultivation of potatoes in large areas is impossible without ...

New ways of planting potatoes and care features

Potatoes are an unpretentious crop that grows on all types of soil. In order to get the maximum yield of a vegetable from a small area under different agroclimatic conditions, various options for its cultivation were created. In the article we will tell you ...

Potato preparation technology for planting

Potatoes need pre-planting preparation no less than vegetable seeds. Many gardeners are not aware of this procedure, but it guarantees a high quality tuber crop at the end of the season. In the article ...

What distance to do between rows when planting potatoes

The key to success in obtaining a high yield lies in knowing the characteristics of agricultural technology. The correct spacing between beds and rows when planting potatoes ensures a bountiful harvest. In this article we will tell you which ...

Planting and growing potatoes according to the Mittlider method for high yields

If you have a small plot of land whose main purpose is to provide the whole family with vegetables all year round, this article is for you. From it you will learn about a simple and effective ...

Pros and cons of planting potatoes in combs

The comb method that came to us from Holland is a convenient and interesting option for planting potatoes. It greatly simplifies the care of plants, therefore it is actively used by large farmers and amateur gardeners. The method has ...

